Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2283: cut

Wuyang's footsteps were wrong, flashing the leg of the piano pair, the pale face was discolored, staring at the piano pair that had been rushed up.

The shape of the piano double is shrouded in a giant sword, which is a star-shaped sword in the body of one hundred and eight holes in her body. It blocks the body of the piano and makes the body of the piano double. Extremely ambiguous. However, Wuyang can feel that a pair of cymbals are locked in him.

At this point, there is a big bag on the head of Qin double, which is smashed by Wu. The big bag is disappearing quickly, and the resilience of the double body of the piano is recovering her wounds.

Qin double stared at the opposite Wuyang, this is her first flight to the fairyland, so beaten so miserable for the first time, even in the remains of Wan Jianzong, facing the Emperor, have not been beaten so badly. Almost pressed and beaten, no effort to fight back.

Although the big bag on the head was dissipating quickly, there was still a burst of pain. Under the chasm, it was bombarded by the violent thunder, and the whole body was tingling.

Do not open the other four attributes, only the strength of the soil attribute, Qin double is not the opponent of this Wuyang. Plus the strength and strength of the body, it has been pressed. If she did not release the swordsman who was raised in the 108-hole squat, she could not break the other side's suppression.

The eyes of Qin double flashed, and she saw the paleness of Wuyang’s face.

"It seems that she has released her supernatural powers continuously, and his consumption is reaching its limit. But my body limit is still far away.

Continue to use my body strength and strength! ”

In the heart of the piano, the decision was made instantly. The foot was on the ground, the ground burst, and the thunder broke out. Her figure rushed to the opposite side.

Before Qin Qin did not explode all her power, at first she only opened up one-third of her strength. However, at this time she broke out all the power of her five emperors, so her speed is almost faster than lightning, and Wuyang simply can't afford to dodge, but there is a watermark in front of him. A fist of Qin double squatted on the watermark.


The layer of watermark was blown by a double fist, and then the fist was emptied.

Wuyang was in the moment when the watermark blocked it. The figure escaped the punch and turned into a stream of water. It appeared behind the piano pair, holding the big print in the hand and pointing to the back of the piano.

"I think you can stay a few times!"

The big print in her hand slammed the back of the head of the piano.


Now the piano is different from the previous one. The outer sword is shrouded in the sword, the sword that is condensed by the starlight sword.


A sword, the big seal in the hands of Wuyang was bounced out.


There was a crack on the big print on that side.

"This is impossible!" Wuyang suddenly changed color.


A crack on the big print on the other side spread quickly, and there were dense cracks, and the one side shattered.


A straight and slender thigh swept across the waist of the black hair of the bun. The shape of the Wuyang body suddenly collapsed, folded from the waist, and the upper body and the lower body were folded together, and the volley was spurred out like a meteor.


Wuyang’s body slammed into a mountain, then rushed out from the other side of the mountain, slammed into the distance, and suddenly burst into his waist, and the two bodies were still spurting into the distance.

The shape of the piano double fell on the ground, and his feet slammed and slammed into the direction of Wuyang.

"This..." The Terran and the Barbarian are all shocked.

"how come?"

"Wuyang lost?"

"A powerful Wuyang defeated?"


The two sections of Wuyang squatted on the earth and pulled the earth out of a gap.


In the chasm, the Thunder rushed out of the ground and raged.


The shape of the piano double fell on the edge of the divide. The last time the piano double entered the chasm, Wuyang stood on the edge of the divide, and this time, the form reversed.

"Wuyang...will not die?" said a barbarian monk trembled.

The barbarians were silent and silent, and a pair of nervous eyes looked at the gap, looking at the back that stood on the edge of the chasm. There was a chill in my heart.

In the eyes of the human race monks, they are beating joy. They look at the eyes of the double back of the piano and have begun to evoke a trace of worship.

The piano doubled out a hand.


In the palm of the piano, a thunder vortex appeared, and the thunder in the gap was absorbed into the vortex, and the thunder in the gap showed a blank. Through the blank of the party, Qin double saw the two bodies under the gap.

The piano doubled out the other hand and grabbed it under the chasm. The two bodies were taken out of the ground by the piano and thrown on the ground next to the chasm.


Wuyang is still not dead, a blood spurted out of his mouth, his eyes moved, and he saw his lower body next to him. The eyes are still unbelievable.

"Go safely!"

Qinqin raised one foot and stepped on the head of Wuyang.


Wuyang’s head was like a ripe watermelon, and it was trampled.

Qinqin reached out and grabbed the storage ring on Wuyang's finger and put it in his hand. Then I looked at the barbarians who were far away.


Those brutal monks, closed their mouths, stuffed their heads, and turned their heads to escape. I dare not give a little more sound, for fear of being paid attention to by the piano. Just between the shackles, those barbaric monks will escape.

Qin Shuang’s gaze looked at the people’s monks, and they had not waited until the Terran monks had acted. In the eyes of those Terran monks, they saw a smear of swords breaking through the sky and disappearing.

In a valley.

The piano fell down, and the swordsman converges, turning into a star-studded double body, like a starlight treasure. Qin double took out a piece of clothing from the storage ring and put it on, and the starlight was hidden in one hundred and eight holes.


The piano doubles hands and stands up, looking up at the sky, and sighing in the mouth.

The power of the star sword in the hole that is lost today, I don’t know how long it will take to replenish it, and she discovered through this battle with Wuyang that, as Wuyang said, the power of the body is only enhanced. Her anti-defense ability, the body of the Emperor, can only be beaten passively against the Wuyang of the peak of Xuantian in the past nine days.

She felt her weakness and felt the power of those priests in the immortal monks!

If Qinqin does not have the essence of Xiandi, it is only a single-soil property. Even if it is a unicorn treasure, it is the same as Wuyang. It is a nine-day Xuanxian peak, and Qinshuang feels that he may not be able to play Wuyang.


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