Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2284: breakthrough

"The cultivation is still affected by the soil properties. It is necessary to improve the soil properties as soon as possible!"

The piano double sensed the surroundings, and the corner of the mouth could not help but reveal a bitter smile. The thunder property on this big star is too rich, almost all other elements are excluded. Want to break through the soil properties here, the general monk is impossible.

However, Qin double is not a general monk, she has a town demon tower.

Perceived my body, through this fierce battle, her soil properties have been concise, and can completely break through the realm.

Qin double wrinkled his brow and felt that it was not safe to enter the town demon tower here. The last time I was on the big star, I was smashed by the thunder of the big star, and there was no way to set up a hidden array here. Who knows that when he enters the town demon tower, will there be other monks passing by and discovering the town demon tower?

However, without the time flow rate in the town demon tower, it only absorbs the rich scent of the town demon tower, and the speed of breakthrough is still too slow.

Unless you eat remedies!


The piano eyes turned and saw the surroundings of the Thunder from time to time, and there was a touch of color on his face.

It’s ok to eat a remedy here! After the breakthrough, you can use the Thunder here to remove the residual medicinal impurities from the body.

There is a smile on the face of Qinqin. She knows how to take it. If she takes her own refining medicinal herbs, and then extracts the rich scent of the town’s demon tower, she will break through the fifth floor of Da Luo Jinxian. It doesn’t take long. time. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, took out the storage ring of Wuyang and explored the gods. The joy on the face is magnified.

The other resources in the storage ring, the piano double can not be seen, but the twenty-three Lei Yuanshi inside, but the piano double heart happy. The storage ring was taken up, and his own Dan Tian was seen inside, and he saw that the military was refining the two dragon horns. The mind was moved, the town demon tower was hidden under the skin of the palm of the hand, and then the medicine was taken out and the cultivation began.


A monk flew over the valley and then flew back, and fell to the foothills, looking towards the piano in the valley.

"Qin double!"

The monk recognized the piano double, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes. In the past few days, the deeds about Qin double have been spread in the big stars, killing the Wuyang of the nine-day Xuan Xianfeng, and letting all the monks realize The difference between the top five and the top of the list also raised the strength of Qin double to the position of Xianjun.

Standing in the peak is a human fairy, he learned from the news that the piano has not only two dragons, but also the storage ring of the Wuyang.

However, he did not dare to rush to do it. Although he did not experience the scene of the piano double battle in Wuyang, there was no reputation under the prestigious name. Let him have to be cautious.


Another figure fell, but it was a barbaric monk. His gaze first looked at the human race, and then looked at the valley. The gaze is a shrink, this barbaric monk has experienced the whole process of the piano double battle. Although he was an early Xianjun, but after the Qinshuang killed Wuyang, when the eyes swept over, they also fled. At this time, seeing the Qin double in the valley is practicing, can not help but make his heart greedy.


More and more monks gathered around, and there were a few figures on both sides of the valley. The Terran occupied one side and the barbarians occupied one side. However, the more monks who fall, the more no monks dare to take the lead.

The heart of the piano double. Ling’s gaze faintly looks at everything outside. This is the ninth day of Qin’s cultivation here, and the breakthrough is only one line.

At this time, the monks who fell on both sides of the cliff were only the immortal. If there is no human race, those who are very barbaric will directly play on the piano. However, the Terran monks on the opposite cliffs made them afraid to do it easily. Once started, it will definitely lead to a chaos. You must know that there are many people in the opposite side.

At this time, the human race monk, even if someone has greed in his heart, is now at the bottom of his heart. In the face of so many people's monks, if you play against the piano, it will definitely cause the anger of all Terran, and you will not be mixed in the future. In this way, it is arousing the idea that the Terran monks protect the piano doubles, one by one looking coldly towards the opposite barbarians.


The double eyebrows of the piano were slightly picked, and the critical point was passed by.


The breath of the piano double jumped up, the fairy spirit in the town demon tower was madly extracted, and the piano double took out a medicinal medicine. The repair of the fifth floor of Da Luo Jinxian was quickly stabilized.

Watching the medicinal herbs in the hands of the piano flashed away, the eyes of the monks on the two cliffs flashed a hint of envy, but the medicinal herbs flashed a trace of Baoguang, they knew that the Dan drug class of the Qin double was very high.

"No wonder dare to break through here, not afraid of the lack of soil, the original has a high-quality medicinal herbs. This ancestor for the piano double, I am afraid that even the bottom of the family will be hollowed out?"


Seeing that the piano double has broken through, those barbaric monks quickly left, have lost the best time to kill the piano double, stay here, waiting for the double revenge?

Qin double slowly opened his eyes, this time breakthrough, her cultivation was upgraded to the fifth floor of the Great Luo Jinxian. She did not continue to break through. On the one hand, there are so many monks on the top, and on the other hand, the breakthroughs that have been repaired need to be precipitated, and the strength of the body is somewhat virtual.

She stood up and looked up to the top and bowed to the monk above. After all, these human monks protect her for her. The Terran monks on the cliffs are also far away. I was hesitant to come down and say hello to the piano, but I saw the piano doubled and punched down to the ground.


The ground was pulled out of a gap, and large chunks of rock fell on the two cliffs. A violent thunder is ejected inside the divide. When the piano double jumped, it jumped off the gap and the figure was swallowed up by the Thunder.

The Terran monks on the cliff looked a glimpse and then reacted. The Qinshuang is to use the thunder quenching body here to expel the residual impurities of the medicinal herbs. This can not help but let those monks also feel at ease, should they also look for a place to discharge the residual medicinal impurities in their bodies?


One monk left, just a must, on the cliff, there would be no more monks.

Under the chasm, Qin double runs the body of the jade body, and begins to discharge the residual impurities of the medicinal herbs in the body. A trace of thunder is absorbed into the body, flowing in the body, a trace of the residual impurities of the silk remedy is discharged, and the body is also lifted in a trace.


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