Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2291: Out of the sea of ​​fire


The body of the barbaric man was blown up by the smashing, and the figure of the double body fell on the ground, looking up, and the smashed flesh and blood was burned to the ashes under the thunderfire.

"Qin double!"

A figure came from a fire, and it was a barbaric sage. When I saw the piano double, I looked at it. Then I saw that the barbaric man who was smashed in his head was burning the body, his eyes were sharp, and his hands were twisted with a trident. Qin double rushed over.


Qinqin raised his hand and grabbed the trident. The barbarian monk saw that the piano pair could capture his trident, and his look could not help. And just between this, a straight, slender thigh of Qin double kicked out under the arm of the barbaric monk.



The barbaric singer gave an scream of earth-shattering, the tone became awkward, the scorpion became very sharp, and the whole body was kicked out by the piano.


The body of the barbarian, who flew into the air, burst into flames and was burned into powder.

Qin double put away three storage rings, think about it, sit on the ground, swallow the medicinal herbs, hold the town demon tower, and begin to practice breakthroughs.

Seventeen days later, the piano double broke through to the eighth floor of the Da Luo Jinxian, and then led the thunder fire into the body, and the participating medicinal impurities were discharged, and this was started again.

"The eighth layer of the Great Luo Jinxian, the body of the emperor seven layers, get the dragon's horn, fire and thunder wings, worthwhile trip."

The joy in the heart of the piano, the footsteps have become much lighter. The power of the seven layers of the Emperor Xiandi makes her speed much faster. Many monks in the sea of ​​fire just saw a vague shadow, and the shape of the piano double has disappeared.

A few days later, Qin double came out of the sea of ​​fire. When I saw my eyes, I saw a lot of Luo Tianxian, and some of the great Luo Jinxian monks stood outside the fire. Seeing that the piano double came out, a pair of eyes were gathered on the body of the piano.

"Mr. Qin!"

Qin double looked at the sound and saw a human woman, but it was a core disciple of the earth sect, called Wu Qing, a great Luo Jinxian peak.

"Sister Wu!" Qin Qin double heart, came to Wu Qing's body.

Wu Qing had a lot of piano pairs, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Forget it, you still call me a sister. How long does it take? You will be on the eighth floor of the Great Luo Jinxian. It is estimated that it will not take long for you to overtake me."

Qin double did not deny, her cultivation was originally higher than Wu Qing, and her age is also larger than Wu Qing. sidewalk:

"Wu Shimei, is there any news from the sovereign?"

"Yes!" Wu Qing nodded. "I used to be next to a fairy king. Later, the lord sent a message to the monks above the king. The lord found a palace and called the monks above the king. Not only The monks above the king of the king, and many monks below the king of the king have also followed."


The eyes of the piano are bright, it seems that this big star is not born or a dead star. After the palace that was left by the universe, what treasures will there be?

"Do you know the direction of the palace?"

“Yeah!” Wu Qing nodded. “I have a position map.”

Wu Qing took out the jade and handed it to the piano pair. The piano was swept away and then returned to Wu Qingdao:

"are you going?"

Wu Qing shook his head and said: "Since the lord only told the king to go, I will not go, my cultivation is too low."

"Alright, leave!"

The piano flew away in the direction of the palace.

At this time, in the vast mainland, there are countless monks above the king of the king flying toward this big star. After three days of continuous bombardment of the palace gate, the savage and the Terran knew that with the strength of these monks, they wanted to break the door with violence and the strength was not enough. After consultations between the two emperors, they jointly issued a convening order to the monks on the barbaric mainland and the monks above the savage king. All the monks above the Xianwang were gathered here to join forces to break the door.

Thus, on the entire barbaric continent, almost all the monks above the king of the king are on the way to the big star, and the elders of the Renren Peak are also here.

Twenty-eight days later.

Qin double saw the palace far away. At this time, in front of the palace, a large number of monks gathered, and 90% of them were the powerful existence of the Xianwang to the Emperor, and the law was full of breath. Only about 10% is below the Emperor King, under the pressure of the law, one by one is as honest as the embarrassment.

The piano slowed down and looked at the crowd, then the light in the eyes and walked toward the hunting sky.

"Qin Shimei!" A voice sounded, the piano double looking for the sound, but saw Zhang Yingfeng, and the jade smoke that is already Xianjun.

"Jade brother, Zhang Shijie!" Qin double went over.

Zhang Yingfeng grabbed the hand of Qin Double: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the Sovereign!" Qin said: "How do you stand here, not to the Sovereign?"

Zhang Yingfeng’s face is a dark road: “There are places where the seniors stayed. What are we going to do there?”


A barbaric monk not far away couldn't help but laugh: "Are you a big Luo Jinxian going over there? Are you going over? If you can walk to your lord, I will call you grandma."

Qin double wrinkled his brow and looked in the direction of the lord. Then he understood why Zhang Yingfeng was black-faced, why the barbaric monk ridiculed himself.

A monk who does not practice the law, usually faces a few monks who practice the law, as long as those monks who practice the law converge on the atmosphere, but they will not be greatly suppressed. However, at this time there are too many monks who practice the law, even if they do not deliberately release the law, but each monk leaks out a trace, and the combination is the ocean of the law, these monks who do not practice the law, if Can afford it?

It will really be like the barbaric monk said, I am afraid that if I don’t get to the front, I will be crushed to the ground by the law. Zhang Yingfeng glared at the barbaric monk:

"It seems like you can walk over!"

The barbarian monk is also a nine-day Xuanxian peak, and he said with a smile: "So I stood here, not like that person, because he is the first in the list, he can do whatever he wants! First, it is just a big Luo Jinxian, huh, huh..."

Zhang Yingfeng’s eyes jumped, and if there weren’t too many monks in the law, she broke out. Qin double hurriedly took her hand:

"What happened?"

Zhang Yingfeng took a deep breath and resisted his anger. His face was slightly slower: "The lords found the palace. However, this palace was shrouded in formation and could not enter. Even if it was violent, it was also I can't open the door. So, I will summon all the monks above the king.

It is not only to convene the rulers on this big star, but also to issue a call for the monks on the entire barbaric continent. Nowadays, I am afraid that the rulers of the entire barbaric continent are coming. Therefore, the lords are waiting, waiting for the monks to gather, then try to bombard the palace gate. We are all waiting here, once we open the door, we can follow it. ”


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