Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2292: What do you say?

The binocular eyes looked toward the palace, and the whole palace was unpretentious and full of ancient atmosphere. However, as a great master of the fairy tales, I know that the more seemingly unpretentious on the surface, the more terrible once it breaks out.

"Why don't you let the singer break?" Qin asked softly.

"Oh..." The barbarian monk smiled again: "You go on you!"

This time, even the jade smoked the glare of the barbaric monk, Zhang Yingfeng snorted and glared at the barbarian monk, and then regained his gaze:

"Qin Shimei, both of them have tried and can't crack it. It is estimated that it is possible to have a big master."

"I went to see!"

Qin double does not want to wait here, waiting for the monks flying over the mainland, how long does it take?


She is also very interested in the formation of this big star. I want to know the extent of the circuit in the era of this big star.

"Qin double..." Zhang Yingfeng grabbed the hands of Qin double. She didn't know that Qin is a great master.

Qin double shot her hand and said: "Nothing."

"Is it all right?"

"Trust me."

Looking at the eyes of the piano, Zhang Yingfeng could not help but let go of his hand. Qin double stepped toward the hunting sky. All of a sudden attracted the attention of a group of monks. There are anger and fear on the faces of the Terran monks.

The angry piano is not self-sufficient, and it is not self-sufficient to worry about the piano.

On the contrary, those barbarians are all mocking.

Lawyers such as Hunting Heaven are sitting on the door of the palace, pacing their own state, waiting for the ruler of the barbaric mainland to come, but not paying attention to what happened behind it.

There is no fear in the heart of the piano. After entering a sea of ​​fire, she already knows that her power of mystery is not lost to the emperor, or even passed. It’s just that the law is under pressure and it’s not effective for itself.

What's more, even if you don't use the four major gods, your soul can resist the pressure of the law, and the body does not care about the rule of the Emperor's level.

Soon, Qin double went to the back of some Xian Wang. The kings of the kings sat on the outermost periphery of the monks, and they all sat cross-legged and exercised.

Qin double walked through them, one by one, and walked into the place where the emperors were gathered.

Suddenly, the piano doubled in the footsteps, turned around, and looked at the barbaric monk who had ridiculed himself in the far prescription, silently exporting the way:


The barbaric monk's face was full of red, and the human race saw the mouth shape of the piano double, and the shock in the heart was reduced. Instead, it was a joy in the heart, and looked at the barbaric monk in a playful manner.

Qin double turned and continued to go hunting. Behind her, the barbarians and Terran monks who have been paying attention to the piano doubles have become shocked again, and one thought has come up with a thought:

"Can she still go inside? Nothing is the first in the list."

There are also the emperor and the emperor opened their eyes. They thought it was the new king or the emperor, but they did not expect to open their eyes and see the back of a big Luo Jinxian.

"What's the eye?"

These fairy kings squinted their eyes and finally decided to be a big Luo Jinxian. They were not cursed by one curiosity, and their eyes were fixed on the back of the piano pair. Some people recognize that it is a double piano. For a moment, it is not a whisper. It was amazed by the emperor in front. The celestial emperor, such as Hunting Heaven, could not help but turn his head. That Wu Man River is a gaze, seeing Qin double in the emperor shuttle, hurriedly suppress the mind to kill.

"Her **** is so powerful!"

Hunting Skywalk is a bright gaze, and said: "Piano double, you are here!"

Then the gods said: "You want to see the circuit on the gate?"

The piano pair walked toward the hunting sky and nodded gently.

"That will expose the identity of your great master." Hunting Heaven continues to know the voice.


Exposing the identity of a great master, the piano is not afraid. I didn't want to be exposed before, but I was afraid of trouble. I was afraid that the forces would ask her to refine the altar. However, she did not care about the palace.

Qin double walked to the side of the hunting sky, whispered: "What happened to this palace?"

Hunting Heaven will tell them all kinds of experiments on the palace in these days. Other fairy emperors are also curiously looking at Qinshuang and Hunting Heaven. They really don’t understand, Hunting Heaven and Qinshuang say so. What to do in detail? Qin double asked what to do in detail?

Do you still think that a big Luo Jinxian who has no understanding of the law will play a role?

"Qin double, do you really want to reveal the identity of the great master?" When Hunting Heaven finished, once again, he said to the Qinshen:

"You don't have to be anxious. When the monks on the barbaric mainland arrive, they will be able to break the gate of the palace."

In the heart of the piano, it is different from the thought. This big star brings her many adventures, dragon horns, and phoenix wings. This palace is closed in Kowloon. Maybe there is any adventure when it is cracked.

If you have an adventure, how can you not take it?

As for the identity of the great master, it is revealed.

"I still have to go and see."

"But, in this way, you will reveal your identity as a fairy king. If you do not understand the law, you will not become a master."

"Let it be exposed."

The double idea of ​​the piano has been set, and it is going to the palace gate.

"Slow!" The voice of Wu Manhe suddenly rang, then looked at the hunting sky: "What is she doing?"

"She is going to crack the array on the palace gate." Hunting Heaven explained.

The look of Wu Manhe was a stay, and then he burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Qin double!" The name of the lord of the fire sect called Hao Qin, and he looked worried: "Don't mess, the door is aggressive. At the beginning, the patriarch of the Wuman River was attacked."

Wu Manhe's old face is a red, and he stunned his name. Ming Haoran is a warm-hearted person, and his mind is as hot as his cultivation. As I said, I also went to the front:

"Don't mess around, you are the top five in the list, don't take risks."

He really thinks about the piano, but also really thinks about the five elements, but also for the people of the mainland. In his heart, he believes that the future of the double is the hope of the native people. Never have an accident. His heart is very dissatisfied with the hunting of the heavens, so that Tianjiao does not protect, but let him take risks, it is really not worthy of being the sovereign. Thinking of this, I also looked back and hunted the sky.

Hunting Skywalker couldn’t help but smile. He explained to the name Haoran: “Qin Shuang is a great master of the fairy tales.”

“Hey?” The name Hao Hao’s look stayed, and then suddenly raised his voice: “What do you say?”


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