Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2310: Invincible

In fact, he did not want to fight side by side with the hunting sky, but under the pressure of the half-step people, it would be difficult to connect. If he is the peak of the Emperor, he can still go to the First World War, but he is only an early Emperor.

Now, seeing the piano double evokes the war of the monks, which makes his nervous heart slightly slack, and there is still a glimmer of hope in the earth.


When the piano double volleys, the body shape will rush out of the big array like a meteor and fall toward the ground.


The figure of the double body fell heavily on the back of a chaotic beast, and the chaotic beast was suddenly stepped on the ground by the piano.

The weight of the earth.


The chaotic beast that has been lying on the ground collapsed, and the double-sword of the piano is a collar, and the figure is hovering like a crane.

The earth is like a dragon.


The earth rises and forms a mountain range. The mountains suddenly raised their heads.


The sound of the dragon whispered, and turned into a strip of earth dragon, shaking his head and swaying his tail and clawing his teeth. Draw the chaotic beast and tear the chaotic beast.

The hovering figure was suddenly in the air, the hands were holding the hilt, the figure fell, and the Kirin sword was inserted on the ground.

Earth pulsation!


Centered on the piano, the whole earth vibrated and a circle circled rapidly toward the outside. The bodies of the chaotic beasts smashed and tumbling in the air.

The piano has a double body shape, and the sword is pulled out, and the long sword is straight.

Earth stars gather.


A big star smashed into the chaotic herd, hitting or smashing a chaotic beast, or flying back into the air.


In front of the big star, there was a chaotic beast, and the chaotic beast slammed into the big star, and the big star burst into flames.


The chaotic beast screamed and smashed the earth and slammed it toward the piano. The double body of the piano hovered, and the sword was crossed, and a "one" word was drawn in the air.

The earth is broken!

The big star that smashed, spurting toward the surroundings, pierced the body of a chaotic beast, and the huge body of a chaotic beast crashed down. However, the eyes of one of the monks in the big array were full of anxiety, because they saw the chaotic beast that had broken the big star and was approaching the piano.

The double eyes of the piano lock the chaotic beast, and the sword in the hand traverses the mysterious trajectory in the air.

The stars are shining.

The fragments of the big star that spurred toward the surrounding area suddenly suddenly swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into a big star, shrouded countless chaotic beasts, and slammed toward the chaotic beast.

The chaotic beast, which is approaching the piano double, is in a shape, and the eyes are stunned. He finds himself caught in a starry sky and has lost the figure of the double.


It screamed and slammed into the stars. The big stars burst, and the starry sky is collapsing.

The star river is full of days.

The double-swords of the piano are connected in the hands, one, two, three... The nine stars are like nine star-shaped dragons, which continuously hit the chaotic beast.


The shape of the chaotic beast is constantly retreating, but it is more and more violent.


The piano double took a deep breath, and the long sword in his hand became heavy and slowly passed through the air.

Star Festival!

Then I saw a large star colliding with each other and turning into ash, giving birth to a black hole, and absorbing everything around it into the black hole. The chaotic beast was also sucked into the black hole.


The black hole burst into flames, and the chaotic beast emerged from the blasting black hole, and the blood was flowing across the body, but it was repairing the body quickly. There is no sigh in the heart of the piano. The eighth style of the sword is still worse. And even if it is perfect, it will not kill each other. Because this is just a perfect rhyme, and the chaotic beast is a fairy. How did Tao Yun hurt the law?


Taking advantage of the chaotic beast that had just blasted the black hole, the piano double had already flown to its head and slammed down.


The body of the law collapsed instantly under the power of the Emperor. The bones and flesh are violent.

Qinqin rushed out of the big array, to this series of killings, but also less than the time of the seven interest, this time of seven interest, the visual impact brought to everyone is too big, so big that they have forgotten to follow the piano double Crush out. At this time, I saw the Qin double killing countless chaotic beasts. At the end of the piano, one foot and one foot stepped on a dead emperor. One by one, the blood was boiling, and the fighting spirit was completely changed, and the war was rushing.


Tens of thousands of monks rushed out like big rivers, rushing out of the big battle, and fighting with the chaotic beasts.

A human race monk was bitten in his mouth by a chaotic beast, and even the screams did not come out, and he was chewed by the chaotic beast.


A woman smashed her eyes and rushed to the past with the chaotic beast. But he was killed by the chaotic beast.


All four are fighting battlefields, and countless Terran monks are killed and shredded by the Chaos.

The heart of the piano is sinking, and the mind is moving. The fire and phoenix gods are moved into the sea, and the fire phoenix swords come out around the body. Together with the Qilin sword, they circle around the body of the piano and release a road.

Qilin Sword constantly pulled out the first to eighth styles of the Great Sword Code. The Qinshen continued to comprehend the eighth style and perfect the eighth style through battle. The fire phoenix sword is constantly pulling out the four elephants. It is the chaotic beast of the Emperor's period, and it will be divided into several segments by the four symbols of the piano.

However, the more the violin is, the more desperate it is. There are only a few hundred thousand monks in the earth line, but this endless chaotic beast has more than ten million. It is standing there and the people of the clan will be cut and will be exhausted.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

When the piano doubled up, he saw thousands of monks fleeing from a distance to the side. Hunting Skywalker in the high air screamed:

"The disciples, withdraw the sect!"

Qin double and other people fight and retreat, retreat toward the Zongmen, through the big array, the piano eyes are swept away, the heart is a sink. It was only three hours of time. The original monk of about 160,000 yuan now has about 140,000 left and 20,000.

"You are very strong!"

Next to the sound of Sha Baiji, the piano looked around and saw that he was still breathing heavily. Looking into the eyes of Qin double, I was shocked and my tone became sincere:

"With your talent qualifications, as long as you are too imaginary to be able to fully dig out, after the animal tide, follow me back to Taixu Zong!"

"After the animal tide, let's talk!"

Qin double shook his head and looked up at the big array. He saw that the nine people in the hunting sky were still besieging the half-step person, nine hit one, but the wolf was nine.



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