Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2311: Daoyun is perfect

Thousands of monks who fled came to the ground outside the squadron. They had no identity jade, but they could not pass through the large array of light curtains and were blocked from the big array. Desperate shouts in the eyes of monks:

"Let us go in, we are the monks of the native city! The city is broken!"

"Who can open the mountain gate!" Qin double shouted.

"I!" A fairy appeared in front of Qin double: "I am the lord."

"The ruler will come with me!"

The piano double snorted, and the figure flew toward the mountain gate. The figure of the monk leaped up and followed the piano. The monks outside the big squad saw the actions of the big squad and the other people, and they all strove to the mountain gate.

"Hey!" Qin double; fell in front of the mountain gate: "Open the mountain gate for a while, the law monk and I will kill together, and the monks of the earth line will be brought in."

"Good!" The crowd snorted.

"Open the mountain door!" Qin double shouted.

The priest opened the mountain gate, and the piano double rushed out. He punched a fist on the head of a chaotic beast of the immortal king. The head of the chaotic beast burst instantly, and the huge body flew backwards at a very fast speed. Going out, the chaotic beast behind him crashed and plowed an empty road.


The ruler behind him followed the piano and killed it, welcoming the monk on the other side of the city. After more than a minute, the people returned to the Zongmen and closed the gate.


Hunting Heaven and other people and retreat, retreated to the edge of the big array, joined forces to blast a blow, the figure retreated into the big array, sitting on the ground with a butt, pale, sweaty clothes, very wolf.


Spit out a blood.


"Elders!" The disciples were shocked.


The half-step man's chaotic beast's foot stepped on the big array, and the big array was shaking again. The monks face a dramatic change.

When the body of the piano doubled, it came to the side of the hunting world, and took out the medicinal herbs and stuffed them into one's mouth. Hunting Skywalker and the Eight Elders look a little, looked at the piano double eyes, closed their eyes, began to exercise and adjust interest.

Sha Baji walked to the front of the Qin double, and the gods said: "Your medicine is extraordinary!"

The piano nodded, but no words, locked his brow, and looked at the chaotic beast that was attacking intensively and continuously outside the big array. Sha Baiji sighed softly. He did not expect to come to the barbaric mainland. He even encountered such a beast. Maybe he would fall here this time.

"Qin double, this big array can't stop for a long time!"

"I know!" Qin nodded, and sighed in his heart, his eyes turned to the thousands of monks who had fled from the city.

"The city is broken?"

"Yes!" A fairy emperor looked sad: "The city owner is dead, millions of monks, only us thousands have escaped here."

Everyone’s heart is incomprehensible. If the ancestral sects are broken, how many of these hundreds of thousands of people can still be left?

"Everyone will resume the adjustment."

The piano doubled in a void, and the figure flew up and flew toward the peak of the moon. Sha Baiji moved a little in the footsteps. In the end, he did not follow the piano pair. Instead, he came to the side of the hunting sky, sat down, took out the medicine and began to adjust the interest.

The peak of the moon.

Half-mountain building!

Qin double sighed, knowing that he could not practice step by step, and when he thought about it, he entered the town demon tower, and fell on the fairy vein, sitting cross-legged and began to practice.

Four years later.

Qin Shuang's cultivation came to the peak of Xianjun. She came out from the town demon tower and went to Qilin Mountain.

In the four years in the town demon tower, the outside world is no more than a day. Hunting Skywalker is still recovering from healing, and Qin Double goes all the way to Qilin Mountain, and can still hear the rumbling sound of the Chaos Beast attacking the big array.

Came to Qilin Mountain, Qin double path straight into the cave. In the four years of the town demon tower, she will not only make a breakthrough to the peak of Xianjun, but also realize the eighth rhythm of the Great Sword Code to complete the rhyme. All the way into the seventh stone door, the eighth form of the Earth Sword Code opened the stone door to the eighth floor.

After nine days!

Qin double came out of Qilin Mountain. At this time, her body has been full of rhyme, and the rhythm of the silk overflows, lingering around the body. Knowing that it will re-precipitate for a period of time, so that the rhyme is restrained, she can break through the soil properties to the king.

When the sky was empty, it flew into the air and flew toward the square in front of the mountain gate. From afar, I saw the hunting sky. Shabaji and the eight elders held their hands and looked at the chaotic beasts outside. The shape of the piano pair fell on the side of the hunting sky. Hunting Skywalker looked over the piano and looked at it. The look was a surprise:

"Are you full of rhyme?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded twice, looking at the half-step person.

"Hey!" Hunting Heaven sighed: "Qin double, if you don't have this animal tide, your talent will be able to bring the Kirin Collection from the Kirin Mountain. The flight of our ancestors is just around the corner. Unfortunately!"

Speaking of this, the spirit has been shaken: "You don't have to worry, once the big battle is broken, you will flee into the Kirin Mountains. Even if it is a chaotic beast, you can't break the Kirin Mountain, but you can't get into the Kirin Mountain. You are inside. If you cultivate well, the future of the ethics will depend on you."

Qin double shook his head and said: "The lord, when it is not desperate. Even if the big squad is broken, you can let the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred moon. It takes a long time to break open."

Hunting Heaven and other people heard the spirit of the news, this time, Hunting Heaven and the Eight Elders only remembered, Qin double is still a fairy sect.

Kirin Mountain is able to protect the monks of Zongmen, but how big is it in Kirin Hill? Moreover, it is only possible to let the monks who practice the Qilin Collection enter. Like Hunting Heaven and the Eight Elders, only Qi Renfeng is practicing Qilin Collection. Originally, they had already saved their sorrows and selected some disciples who practiced the Kirin Collection and sent them to the Kirin Cave. And they are fighting the chaotic beast. However, at this time, I heard the words of Qin Double, and my heart rekindled hope.

No one wants to die!

"Qin double, how long can your string moon peak last?"

"If there is only one and a half steps, these chaotic beasts want to break through my big battle, I am afraid it will take about ten years. But who knows if the chaotic beast is more powerful?"

Hunting Heaven is silent, he understands the idea of ​​Qin Double from his heart. Why Qinqin has not let everyone enter the Jiuyue Peak. Once you enter the peak of the crescent moon, do not interfere with the chaotic beast outside, within a month, the guardian squad will break. At that time, the chaotic beast will be besieged the moon peak, and the power of the string moon peak will also be revealed.


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