Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2315: Invincible

"Yeah!" Qin nodded: "But it is only Xiandi, dealing with a fairy emperor, but also able to cope. It is impossible to deal with two. After all, I just reached the realm of refining, and the real cultivation is only the fairy king. Sovereign, you said that the next time we go out, we will be besieged with the half-step people, will there be hope to kill him?"

"There is no hope!" Hunting Skywalker shook his head and said: "You are only the body power to reach the Emperor, but other aspects, such as speed, agility, Taoism, etc., are the realm of the fairy king. You can only do it with half. Steps are hard to touch. Can you touch him?"

"I can't touch it, but my speed should be able to cope with half a day."

"Are you fast?"

"I got a goddess on the big star, speed type."

Hunting Sky is bright, standing up and saying: "Let's try."

The group walked out of the middle of the hill, and the piano and the hunting sky were standing in the air. Hunting Skywalker looks at the Qin Double Road:

"bring it on!"


The back of the piano pair gave birth to a pair of wings, dragging the flames, flashing thunder, and being extremely beautiful.


Rao is prepared in the mind of Hunting Skywalker, and he did not expect that the piano pair would be so fast with the help of the fire and thunder wing. It would be bombarded on the shoulder of the hunting sky by a double fist, and the hunting sky would fly out. . The piano doubled in the air, the two wings gently waved, the flame and the thunder transpire. She looked at the hunting day:

"Sovereign, you care about it!"

In the eyes of Hunting, I was excited, and took a deep breath and nodded:

"This time I am serious, come on!"


A pair of wings flashed over the thunder, and the figure of the double pair came to the front of the hunting sky, and punched the past with a punch. The hunting sky line punches and the piano double collide, the hunting sky does not move, and the body shape of the piano doubles in the air.

"You can't do this!" Hunting Heaven: "Your opponent is the half-step person, not me. So you can't touch me. You must avoid my attack."

Qin nodded twice, if the opponent is not hunting the sky, but the half-step person respects the chaotic beast, he and he hit a punch, I am afraid that his arm has been scrapped.


The piano doubles like lightning, constantly flashing around the hunting sky, looking for an opportunity to attack.


Qin Double finally found the opportunity to bombard the sky on the shoulders of the hunting sky. The two stopped and stood opposite each other and were thinking. Half ring, hunting skywalk:

"The speed and reaction of half-step people should be faster than me. I don't know if you can find the chance to attack him. And even if you find the chance, your fist is not very useful to him. The fairy is against him. The damage is also limited."

"This!" Qin double sacrificed the exquisite sword.

"After the day Xianbao!" Hunting eyes are bright, then the eyes screamed: "You are the day after tomorrow Xianbao ... a little problem. There is a hint of magic."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded twice: "I am contaminated with magic, I will find a way to get rid of it."

Hunting Sky nodded and said: "If you use this handle to cut the chaotic beast, you should be able to hurt him. Let's take a day off, and tomorrow we will go to the siege of the half-step people, looking for opportunities and seeing Can you kill with a blow?"

"it is good!"

The next day.

The Terran monks once again rushed out and fought with the Chaos Beast. In fact, at this time, every monk in the ancestral sect was desperate. There are five sects in the five elements, and they have the same temperament. They have good friends in each other. They also often contact friends of the other four Zongmen to understand the situation of the four Zongmen.

It is known from the contact that the other four sects also have a half-step human chaotic beast and lead them to attack them. And three days ago, they would no longer be able to contact the friends of the fire sect and the water sect.

There is only one result, the fire sect and the water sect are destroyed!

This is something that has already been expected. There are more than 100,000 monks in the ancestral sects. There are only a few thousand monks in the fire sects and the water sects. It is only a matter of time before they are finally destroyed. What made them desperate was that they had received news from Jin Xingzong and Mu Xingzong’s friends, and the two sects had one and a half steps. The two sects are now afraid to go out and interfere with the chaos attack, and the two sects are desperately waiting for the big squad to be broken.

Therefore, although the sect of the sect is now killing the chaotic beast, the morale has already fallen to the extreme.


In the sky, Hunting Heaven and the Eight Elders are besieging the half-step people. Qin double stood on the edge of the big array, looked up at the half-step people in the air, looking for opportunities for their own raids.

"It's now!"


A flash of lightning rose from the ground, and instantly came to the front of the half-step people. There was no way to do it. A delicate sword directly smashed into the neck of the Chaos beast.

A huge bone spur appeared on the shoulder of the chaotic beast and stabbed toward the exquisite sword.


A sword screamed, the bone thorn stabbed on the exquisite sword, the huge force passed along the exquisite sword to the arm of the piano pair, so that the piano arm numb, the exquisite sword can no longer hold, flew out.


The Chaos Beast raised his foot and blew the air, smashing it toward the piano.


A flash of lightning, the shape of the piano double is gone, the big foot of the Chaos beast rubbed the bones of the piano pair, but only the double layer of skin of the piano, but the double body of the piano was numb.


Qin double shouted and fled toward the big battle. Linglong sword turned into a golden light, followed by the piano double.


The half-step man suddenly burst out of the power that had never been seen before. The body of the Hunting Heaven and the Eight Elders flew out, spurting blood on their noses and noses, and fled to Zongmen without heading back.


Qinshuang and Hunting Heaven and others fell into the Zongmen big array, his face was the rest of his life, and a personal monk fled wildly toward Zongmen.


The half-step person respected the chaotic beast and made a long shout, and a fist swung out, and countless human monks were shocked into powder. Hunting Tianxing opened a mouthful of blood, and his face was scared:

"He...has not shown real strength!"

Qin double and others silently, they have already understood in their minds, just like the introduction of Hunting Heaven, the half-step human chaos beast has been just dragging nine people such as Hunting Heaven, let other chaotic beasts slowly strangle the Terran monks. . When the bandit monks were killed and could not interfere with the attacking array, they broke through and slaughtered the Terran. It was only yesterday that Qin double suddenly killed two Xiandi, I am afraid that it has already caused the half-step people to respect the idea. Today, the piano double raided half-step people, let the chaotic beast burst out of hidden strength.


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