Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2316: Retreat

"It seems that the Chaos Beast is ready to storm!" The piano is like a water on both sides, and there is anxiety in the eyebrows.

Sure enough, the Chaos Beast began to attack toward the big battle, and the half-step people respected the chaotic beasts no longer hide their strength. Each attack that hit the big array made the big array violently shake.

"So strong attack, the big battle can not last for half a month." The elders face despair.

The eyes of the piano swept across the surroundings, and they saw a desperate face. The air was filled with desperate breath, and the momentum weakened to the extreme. More than 160,000 monks, now only 60,000 are left.

"Remove the Crescent Moon Peak."

"Can the string moon peak be able to stop it?" Hunting Sky looked at the piano doubles with anxiety.

"If it's just a half-step person, there is no problem. But there are so many chaotic beasts. And Jin Xingzong and Mu Xingzong don't know how long they can stop. If these two sects die, there will be five Half-step human respect, plus the attack of five chaotic beasts gathers the soil, can not block how long it will not know, first return to the peak of the moon, I think about it."

"Do you have a way?" Hunting Tianxing looked forward to the piano double.

"There is a little thought! I think about it again."

The piano double stood up and closed the exquisite sword inserted beside him. Hunting Sky was full of darkness and began to summon the monks to withdraw into the Crescent Moon Peak.

If it was before, these monks saw the beautiful scenery of the Crescent Moon Peak, so full of scent, will be shocked and excited, and even cheered. However, the monks who entered the Jiuyue Peak at this time were extremely silent. On a hillside, I would like to find a place to adjust the pain, and even some monks do not even do the healing exercises, just staring at the sky.

Qin double returned to his own Dongfu and opened the Dongfu array. Sitting cross-legged on the futon.

Outside the cave.

Hunting Heaven, the Eight Elders and Sha Baiji looked at the gate of Dongfu, and everyone’s face was very dignified. Qin doubles all the way without words, enters the string moon peak, enters the Dongfu, and opens the array. Let them have no bottom in their hearts. They have no way to do it, and most of them think that there is no way for Qin double.

Qin double is only the body to reach the Emperor, the real repair is, after all, only the fairy king. There is no way for their real emperor, what is the way for Qin double?

"I will contact Jin Xingzong and Mu Xing Zong."

Hunting Heaven sighed, and now he has not been able to contact the Waters and Fires, and his mood is very heavy.

After half a quarter of an hour, in the middle of the hill, ten people sat around. Hunting Tianxing put down the communication jade, the tone is getting heavier.

"Golden sects and Mu Xingzong probably won't hold on for five days."

The middle of the hill is a quiet place.

"Old town!" The piano in the cave house is awe-inspiring: "I broke the soil property to the fairy king. Should there be no robbery?"

"There should be no!"

The brows of Qin double wrinkled: "So only when the emperor is broken, will there be a robbery!"

"should be!"

"My fairy robbing should be a purple thunder, that is, the land is robbed."

"It should be!" The voice of the old town is also worried.

"Can I hold the purple thunder?"

"Can't stop, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you use the town demon tower to resist the robbery!"

"Can't you use the exquisite sword?"

"The exquisite sword is only restored to the inferior Xianbao, but it can block a few days of robbery, but it is impossible to completely block the robbery."

"I still have fire and thunder wings!"

"not enough!"

Both Qin and the old towns were silent and half-sounding. The old man suddenly said: "You will give the Jin Lei hammer, the wooden thunder stick, the black and white dragon and the fire thunder wing to the refining and refining of the gold and wood fire. Will improve their grades."

The piano eyes are bright, and when the mind is moving, they enter the town demon tower. The four thunderbolts of the Jinmu Shuihuo were taken out, and the four thunderbolts circled around the body of the piano. Qin double mobilized Dan Tian Wu Xiang. Four hurricanes were pulled out from the hands of Wu Xiang, and the four thunder disks of Jinmu Shuihuo were entangled.

One day later, the four thunderbolts had been completely overwhelmed by the Thunder, and no four thunderbolts were seen. Only four thunderballs floated around the strings.


A thunder, four thunderballs were taken into Dantian. The golden thunder disk fell on the golden thunder hammer and slowly hovered. The wooden thunder disk fell on the wooden thunder stick and slowly hovered. The mine thunder disk fell in the middle of the black and white dragon. The fire thunder disk fell in the middle of the fire thunder wing.

Qin double began to weave the property of the property chain.

One year.

Two years.

Three years.


In a hurry for ten years, the soil properties of Qinshuang were brought to the peak of Xianwang.


Slowly spit out a breath, and spit out a shadow of a mountain. The double-lens internal view of Dan Tian, ​​Jin Mu Shui Huo four discs has disappeared, fully integrated into the Jin Lei hammer, wooden thunder sticks, black and white dragons and fire thunder wings.

The fire thunder wing has been upgraded to the top of the product. The wooden thunder stick became the real product after the birth of the treasure. The strength of the Golden Thunder Hammer and the Black and White Dragon has reached the end of the product, but there is still no birthplace, so it is only a half-step after the fairy. The soil plate is still only the best.

The double fine sensing of the piano, after the fusion of the Golden Thunderbolt, the Golden Thunder hammer has an additional function, increasing the attack power by 50%. This makes the piano double happy, can't help but see the wooden thunder stick. After swallowing the wooden thunder disk, Qin double found that the shape of the wooden bar changed, no longer a stick, but a tree. Then she discovered that the wooden thunder stick not only had the original attack power, but also had a function.


As long as the piano is not killed at once, the wooden bar will repair the body of the piano. Qin double looked at the little tree held by Wu Xiang, and he said:

"I will call you Thunderbolt Tree in the future."

"Thank you for your name!" Thunderbolt's spirit returned.

Qin double went to see the black and white dragon, in addition to the original yin and yang two gas attack power, after swallowing the water ray plate, there is also a function, usually the black and white dragon will store the power, once in the battle, the piano double Force consumption, this black and white dragon will quickly supplement the power of the piano double consumption. Black and white dragons can store the amount of power, which is equivalent to the number of elements that the piano itself has. This makes the piano double in the opposite of the enemy, it is like the possession of two pianos.

In addition to the original speed, the fire thunder wing has a function after swallowing and refining the fire thunder.


Will weaken the enemy's 50% attack power.

As for the earthenware plate, which is still the best of the fairy, it is still the influence of the original defense and gravity. The earthen plate can be used as a shield to defend itself, and it can also release the gravity field, adding five times the gravity to the enemy.

The piano double counted.

The town demon tower, the best after the fairy treasure.

Fire and thunder wings, after the top of the product.

Thunder Baoshu, the next product after the fairy treasure.

Exquisite sword, the next product after the fairy treasure.

Refining the soul lamp, after the broken product, Tianxianbao, according to the old saying that the soul of the refining lamp is spiritual, but it is sleeping.

Taiyue Yueyue, Jin Lei hammer, black and white dragon are half-step after the fairy treasure. The grade has reached the end of the product after the fairy, but there is no birth.

"Not counting the town demon tower, should you be able to stop the purple thunder?"


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