Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2324: Shock of the five elements

"Five yuan gods are two!" Qin double deeply locked his brow: "Do you know what will make the five yuan gods one?"

"Where do I know?" Wuxing said with no anger: "I have never seen a monk who has cultivated five gods. I really don't know how you cultivated."

"I don't know!" Qin doubled his head and said: "No, I am also practicing the collection of the Five Elements. Since ancient times, those people have cultivated a god, how can I cultivate five gods?"

The Five Elements are also silent, half-sounding, and the Five Elements ask: "Are you a congenital five-line spiritual root?"

"it is ... now!"

"What is it now? What do you mean?"

"It was not before..." Speaking of this, Qin Shuang’s heart suddenly jumped: "I was not a Wu Ling root at the beginning. The earliest time was only the root of the fire, so I cultivated a god. Later I derived a water root. ...and, I am not a complete collection of cultivation..."

"Tell me the process of your cultivation."

"it is good!"

The piano double talked in detail, from his own only one Linggen, got the phoenix treasure, began to practice. Later, he went to Luofuzong, where the cultivation system has completely deviated from the mainstream direction of the spiritual world and the fairy world, only repairing the Yuanshen, not repairing Dantian and so on.

After the piano double finished, the five elements sighed a sigh: "This should be that you originally had only one spiritual root, so you cultivated a god. Then you constantly derived a spiritual root, plus you cultivated Luofu. The system of the sect. The system of Luo Fuzong was merged with the system of the Five Elements, and the five gods were cultivated.

I have never seen this situation before. I don't know how to combine your five gods together. However, I feel that if you can't combine the five gods together, your cultivation will be stagnant, but you don't know which state is stagnating. ”

Qin nodded twice, very much agree with the saying of the five elements, in fact, she has already felt that the more difficult it is, the harder it is to cultivate. This should be the reason for the five gods.

"Right, if you get the five elements of the Five Elements, there may be a glimmer of hope. The Five Elements Ring is to help the five elements of the Lingen monks and five elements. Maybe when you combine the five elements, the five gods will be one. ""

"Five lines!" Qin blinked: "There should be no problem."

"However, you should not be anxious." The Five Elements said: "Before you reach the bottleneck, you can still practice in the way you do now. It is just a leisure time, and the method of deriving the five-yuan **** unity. Wait until the bottleneck is reached. It is not too late to concentrate on comprehending the five elements.

This was originally a big hit, not a burden. ”

The double look of the piano is a bitter, and this five elements is simply a tone that does not believe that she can be a five-in-one. I am very pessimistic about myself. Let yourself do what, wait until the bottleneck. How can this be done with a critically ill person, let her eat it?

"Ah..." The five elements suddenly gave a sharp scream.

Qin double wrinkled his brow: "What are you doing with a shock?"

“Where is this?” asked the five elements in shock.

"Oh..." The old man suddenly appeared in front of Qin Double: "Xiao Kai, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"You, you, your town demon tower?" The five elements stunned.

"Yes!" said the town demon tower.

Wu Xun immediately immediately respected Qin Qin: "Master, you must be able to combine five elements."

Qin Shuang’s heart immediately felt that the five elements were a little bit two, too unconstrained. Then he took up the five elements, and the five elements slammed "ah" and turned into a stream of light, and entered the sea of ​​knowledge, respectively, on the five gods.

The old man smiled and said: "Master, Xiao Kai is a little off, you don't blame him."

When the piano nodded, he sank his heart into his own heart. I saw that the world has disappeared, knowing that it was absorbed by the spirit into the eyebrows. The left hand holds the guqin, and the guqin now has a solid state and a double sense of the piano. Once the guqin reaches a very solid state, it will become a true innate treasure. The right hand holds the Confucian book. Qin double sensed the Confucian book, still in a state of silence, and sealed the Lord of the Dead. Looking at the spirit, like the four gods of Jinmu Shuihuo, the power of Xuan has reached 76%.

The piano double exited the Taoist heart and entered the soul space. The soul of the soul and the soul of the soul have been one of the three souls. The soul is like the essence, and the power of Xuan has reached 76%. Sitting cross-legged on the soul lotus, the sword of the soul is placed on the knees.

Exited the soul space and entered Dantian.

I saw that Wu Xiang was standing in Dantian. The five hands were holding the Golden Thunder Hammer, Thunder Tree, Black and White Dragon, Fire Thunder and Earth Thunder.

Fine sensing, the piano double heart is overjoyed. She vaguely perceives the Golden Thunder hammer, and the black and white dragon is different from the past. The original Jin Lei hammer and the black and white dragon gave the piano a feeling of death, but now there is a living feeling.

"Master!" Perceives the heart of the piano, and the Thunder tree sways: "The Golden Thunderbolt and the Black and White Dragon have begun to be born."

“Really?” The ecstasy of the emotions hit my heart.

"Well! This is the effect of Zilei and Tianfu Fuyuan. However, it is only a state of birth, and it takes a long time to want to be a real birther. Or when you break through the Emperor, absorb some Thunder, and then After experiencing a day of good fortune, you should be able to give birth to a spirit."

"Fire and thunder wings, is that the case?" Qin double asked again to the fire and thunder wings.

"Yeah!" The fire and thunder wings hovered in the palm of Wu's hand: "But you have to hold back the next day's robbery."

Qin double is not a glimpse, the next time you rob the robbery should be Tian Zun robbery? Can you pass in the past?

I licked the **** and smashed this unknown thing: "What about the soil?"

"The soil plate has also been upgraded, reaching the half-step after the Tianxianbao!" Fire and thunder.

This has already made Qinqin very satisfied. Now Wuxiang has twelve hands. On the sixth palm, there was a Thunder vortex. At this time, the Thunder vortex was full of thunder and the power was soaring. The remaining six hands are empty. Originally, it should be the five palms of the hand holding the gold seal, wood seal, water seal, fire and seal and soil print. It was only when the robbery was over, it was consumed by the piano.

The piano double began to seal, which is already a good way for the piano pair. The first is the gold seal, and then the wood seal, the water seal, the fire seal, and finally the mine print.

When the final seal was made, the piano double fell into comprehension. The thunder of the five thunders flowed in the heart, and her body gradually thundered.

One month.

Two months.

Three months.

In the last hand of Wu Xiang, there was a trace of thunder and a thunder, and a trace of five elements of thunder was drawn from the Thunder vortex.


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