Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2325: Admit

This is a mine print that combines the five elements of the Jinmu water and fire.


Still did not form a layer, it burst into blast, so that the piano double snorted, a corner of the mouth oozing a trace of blood.


Qin double spit out a breath, took out a Vientiane fruit suit, thought for a moment, the heart secretly:

"It is estimated that you can practice five lines in one, and you can really make a five-line print!"

"Now my Yuanli repair is already on the first floor of the Emperor's Peak. The realm of refining is the peak of Xiandi. Finally, in this barbaric mainland, I have the ability to protect myself. It is only the mysterious power of this Qilin Yuanshen. How much!"

When you think about it, you will have a fairy fruit in your hand. In the ruins of Wan Jianzong, she got a total of eight senile fruits, which have not been taken, just for this moment.

The souls, spirits, gold wood fire and fire four major gods are left in the town demon tower, Qin double mind to move, they left the town demon tower, returned to their own Dongfu, will take a fairy fruit.

Twenty-one days later, Qin Shuang refining the third fairy fruit, the Qilin Yuanshen solidified.

Sixty-six days later, the seventh sacred fruit of Qin Shuanghuan, the Qilin Yuanshen solidified to reach 76%.

Qin double let the golden wood fire and fire four major gods, soul and spirit return to their place, took the last fairy fruit. Seven days later, the five great gods, the spirit, the soul of the mysterious powers have reached seven to seven.

When Qin double came out of Dongfu, the outside world had passed for nearly two months. Standing in front of Dongfu, looking toward the peak of the moon, there is no previous noise, the string moon peak restored the original silence, the monks who once escaped here have already left.

The mystery spread out and soon covered the entire peak of the moon. In addition to his own ghost face tree demon in the role of playing the string moon peak, in the middle of the hill, there are eight people sitting.

The seven men all sat on the floor with their knees closed and closed their eyes. These eight people know each other.

The lord of Jin Xingzong and the inheritor of the Baihu Collection of the Emperor of the Emperor, the ancestor of the ancestral lord and the Qinglong Collection of the Emperor, the Hunting Heaven and the Renren Peak, and the two that were originally the Waters and the Fires Luo Tianshang's collection of treasures. When Qin Qin thought a little, he understood that they were waiting for their own purposes, and they stepped toward the middle of the hill.

Eight people in the half-mountain building heard the footsteps of the piano pair, and opened their eyes, and the eyes flashed the expectation. They stood up and walked out of the door. Those who can overcome the robbing of the land are the three sects of the Emperor, who have treated the doubles equally. Standing outside the hills and small buildings, with a smile to the piano double.

"I have seen the lords and Taoist friends!" Qin Shuang is now the peak of Xiandi, and he has not placed himself in the position of the younger generation.

"Congratulations to the piano teacher!" Eight people shook hands.

"Still say it inside!"

The people returned to the mid-levels and built a circle around the city. Everyone looked at the hunting sky, and the hunting sky line looked at the piano double opening:

"Qin Shimei, are you the Five Elements?"

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

The face of Hunting Skywalker showed a bitter smile: "You can make me suffer."

The piano doubles the hand: "Sovereign, sorry!"

Hunting Skywalker puts a hand: "It can be understood that in the fairyland, how to be careful can not be overemphasized. Not to mention, in the barbaric mainland is not only the Terran, but also the barbarians."

"Thank you for your understanding!" Qin doubled his hand.

"You once told me that you got the phoenix collection on the mainland of the warriors."

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

"What about the Xuanwu Collection?"

"It was obtained in a space called Taikoo."

"You really got the Xuanwu Collection?" Luo Tianshang, the water sect, said excitedly.

"Yes!" Qin nodded and said: "I can teach to the waters."

The Luo Tianshang immediately stood up and slammed to the piano. "Thank you for Qinqin."

Qin double reached out and said: "But I have two conditions."

"Please speak!"

"I want the Xuanwu Sword Code, and the qualification of Xuanwu Mountain. In the end, I need a section of the Five Elements of the Water Line."

"No problem!" Luo Tianshang immediately took out a jade slip, and the section of the five elements was handed to Qin Double Road:

"I haven't introduced myself yet. I am now the lord of the Water Line, and Luoshui."

Qin double took over the jade slip and the five-row ring of that section, and then took out a jade slip to the Luoshui stream.

"Qin Shimei, I don't know if the hunter has told me my name. My name is Bi Chongtian." The lord of Jin Xingzong pointed to a fairy emperor next to him:

"His name is Yue Peng, the inheritor of Jin Xingzong."

"I have seen Bi Zongzhu, Yue brother."

"Qin Shimei, you have cultivated the White Tiger Collection!" Bi Chongtian used a positive tone, refining the white tiger boots, can not practice the White Tiger Collection?

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

“Where did you get the White Tiger Collection?” Bi Chongtian really hopes that Qin Double is obtained somewhere in the fairy world, so he can go and see for himself.

Qin double shook his head: "I didn't get the White Tiger Collection, but when I was in the mainland of the Warriors, I was fortunate enough to see a fallen white tiger. I used the Fengfeng Collection and the Xuanwu Collection as my ideas to see the White Tiger. Therefore, I don't know whether the White Tiger Collection I practiced is completely correct. Although I am refining the white tiger boots, there may not be no subtle gaps.

However, I am confident that I will enter Baihushan and bring out the real Baihu Collection. ”

Bi Chongtian said nothing, immediately took out a jade slip and the five-ring ring, handed it to Qin Double Road:

"Give you!"

"Thank you!" Qin double took over the jade slip and the five-ring ring of that section, and took it up, then took out a jade slip and handed it to Bi Chong Tiandao:

"This is the white tiger book I have promoted, but it is only to the peak of Emperor Huang, and it does not help the current Jin Xingzong."

Qin double said the truth, after all, today's Jin Xingzong is the inheritance of the White Tiger Collection that reaches the peak of the Emperor. However, Bi Chongtian still took over the jade slip, he will hope that the piano can break into the Baihu Mountain and bring the real Baihu Collection.

Although not very confident about Qin double, but also the most confident one. After all, Qin double can survive the robbing of the land, if the piano double can not do, Bi Chongtian believes that this life will not meet people who can do it.

"Qin Shimei!" Mu Zongzong took the initiative to pass a jade slip and the five elements of the festival to Qin Double Road: "I am the master of the wooden ancestor, Haizhen, this is the inheritor of my wooden ancestor, Ma Qian."

Qin Double did not wait for the Hai Zong main to ask, and said: "The Qinglong Collection is also the time when I was in the mainland of the warrior. I didn't get the Qinglong Collection."


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