Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2334: Receive

Qin Shuang did not go out to fight with Chaos Beast, they have fully understood the Fire Phoenix Sword, there is no need to fight with Chaos Beast.

For three days, Qin Shuang did not figure out a solution, but his thoughts went unknowingly. Her thoughts are no longer how to go out and get rid of the thirteen and a half steps, but she is thinking about whether there is any place to help understand the White Tiger Sword, the Blue Dragon Sword and the Xuanwu Sword.

Without the help of Huo Leihai, and without the help of Xiandi Chaos, Qin Shuang has the help of December fruit, and it is impossible to realize the perfect state of the sword of fire and phoenix within a year and a half. . It is estimated that it will take five to ten years. However, with the Huo Leihai, the time has been greatly shortened.

Is there such a place on Daxing?

Qin Shuang thought of the teleportation space in that palace.


The space of the five elements has the same effect on comprehending sword code and fire thunder sea. In this way, I have the fruit of December, a place of strong rules, and a rival who can only practice!

Qin Shuang's thoughts came back again, thinking of the thirteen and a half steps of human respect, and his heart suddenly moved.

"Zhen Lao, if I took those 13 and a half steps into the town demon tower, will they cause damage to the town demon tower? In other words, can the town demon tower suppress them? They will not Will it break the town demon tower from the inside? "

Zhen Lao's tone was easy to say: "This would not work if it was before. But now the town demon tower has fused ten yuan beads, especially after the space yuan beads have been incorporated, the town demon tower has become very stable. Say It is difficult to suppress the thirteen and a half steps, but it is impossible for them to hurt the town demon tower from the inside. "

"That's fine!" Qin Shuang thought. "Can you put them in?"

"It's unlikely! It's possible to bring in a few, and it's possible under a sudden attack. It's too difficult to get them all in. It's not a stone. They saw me take in a half-step chaotic beast, and the rest naturally ran Now. "

Qin Shuang thought for a moment and said, "Zhen Lao, can you turn the town demon tower into a sea of ​​fire and thunder?"


Zhen Lao answered very bluntly, and Qin's eyes looked around. The fire thunder around him formed various forms, including dragons, phoenixes, tigers, snakes, trees, and mountains ...


Qin Shuang's heart moved: "Zhen Lao, makes you look like a mountain, isn't it a problem?"

"This is no problem, everyone is similar in shape. And I use the fire rule to simulate it outside, and between rushes, it should not be distinguished."

Qin's eyes lit up: "Then you become a fire thunder mountain, this tower door becomes a cave, and then I seduce them to run inside. Then you close the tower door."


Qin Shuang stood up, holding the Fire Phoenix Sword in his hand, and went straight to the seven immortal-level chaotic beasts, but in an instant, they fought with the seven chaotic beasts.

In fact, Qin Shuang is now much easier to meet the seven immortal beasts, after all, she has now reached the first level of human respect. Close combat, Qin Shuang has a slight advantage. Qin Shuang did not entangle with the seven chaotic beasts, and quickly broke out from the siege of the seven chaotic beasts and rushed out towards the sea of ​​fire and thunder. Quietly threw the town demon tower in the sea of ​​fire and thunder.

Fire Thunder Overseas.

Thirteen and a half steps of human chaos beasts are really dead-headed. They haven't seen Qin Shuang for more than a year and a half, but still kept outside. In the distance, the three people who hunted in the sky were frowning for so long. They really worried that Qin Shuang died in it.

"Roar roar ..."

The roar of Chaos Beasts came out in turn, and the thirteen and a half-step humans stood up suddenly, their eyes burning. From the roar of Chaos Beasts, they heard that Qin Shuang was rushing out and facing them The direction rushed. They stared at each other with cruel expressions in their eyes.


The figure of Qin Shuang appeared outside Huo Leiwai. Thirteen and a half steps of the statue had already rushed towards Qin Shuang. After seeing Qin Shuang's face showing panic, he turned around and ran towards the sea of ​​fire and thunder.

"You must not let Qin Shuang flee into the depths of the sea of ​​fire and thunder!"

This is what thirteen and a half steps of human chaos beasts thought, chasing madly towards Qin Shuang in the past. The three people in the distance hunting the sky also saw the score and immediately rushed towards the direction of Huo Leihai.

Fire thunder within the sea.

Qin Shuang's speed is extremely fast, two slender thighs pull out the afterimage, but they have not distanced themselves from the thirteen figures behind. Fire torches of various shapes on both sides of the line of sight quickly passed backwards, and the shape could not be clearly seen, and the remaining light in the corner of the eye could only see the blurred lines.

There was a fire thunder mountain in front of him, and there was a cave under the mountain. Qin Shuang seemed to be panicking and went into the cave at one end.

Thirteen and a half-step people didn't think about it, so they rushed into the cave immediately afterwards. They knew that the mountain was composed of fire thunder, and it must be full of fire thunder. However, now it is the fire thunder in the area of ​​the fairy king, and the whole fire thunder mountain explodes, and they will not be hurt. They were afraid of losing their tracks.

The cave shrank, Huolei Mountain disappeared, and Qin Shuang's figure was revealed. With his thunder wings on his back, he clicked, disappeared in place, and flew towards the depths of Huolei Sea. In an instant when the sea of ​​fire and thunder broke out, she saw three people hunting for the sky. You cannot meet the three people in this area, otherwise it is difficult to explain.

Soon, Qin Shuang entered the depths of the sea of ​​fire and thunder. After spending about two quarters of an hour here, he fluttered his wings and flew out. Seeing that three people hunting the sky are being besieged by a group of chaotic beasts, among them are seven immortal chaotic beasts, already very embarrassed.

"Qin Shimei!" Seeing Qin Shuang coming out, the three of them were overjoyed, and looked at Qin Shuang's behind alertly: "What about Chaos Beast?"

"They were killed by thunder!"

After that, Qin Shuang's figure has rushed towards an immortal Chaos beast, holding an exquisite sword in his hand. The beast was split in half.


The remaining chaotic beasts roared in horror and turned around and ran. Li Tianxing waited for a moment.

"When was Qin Shuang so powerful?"

But after seeing Qin Shuang already chasing, they followed closely behind. I saw that Qin Shuang did not release the Taoist method, but relied on the speed of the fire thunder wings, and then relied on the strength of the body and the power of the exquisite sword to catch up with one and then split a sword. No chaotic beast could bear it. That sword, along the way, Qin Shuang beheaded and killed countless chaotic beasts, and Qin Shuang did not stop until he rushed out of the sea of ​​fire and thunder.


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