Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2335: Sparring

"Sister Qin ..."

Hunting the sky, Zhen Renfeng and Sha Baiji looked up and down on Qin Shuang, their faces were full of surprise, Qin Shuang was just the fourth floor of the Emperor Emperor, how could they kill the chaotic beast like a chicken?

Then they reacted!

It is the body!

"Sister Qin, have you improved your physical fitness level in the sea of ​​fire and thunder?" Li Tianxing asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" Qin Shuang put away Linglong Jian with a smile and said, "I'm idle in it, so I can use the fire thunder sea to refine my body."

Li Tianxing's face showed excitement, but without further inquiry, this was the secret of every monk. Spread the topic, tell the story of the Shangyuan continent, and then said:

"Sister Qin, let's leave Daxing. Without those 13 and a half steps, it is estimated that the beast tide in the Terran Territory is almost resolved now. After we assist the barbarians and resolve the beast tide, we will go to help Yuan. mainland."

Qin Shuang groaned and said, "I'm going to stay here for a while, and you go back first."

"Yeah!" Li Tianxing nodded, "Now the Terran Territory should not have half a step of human respect, even if there are, there should be very few. We have so many immortals in the Terran, we can completely kill them. Terran Territory The beast tide is no longer dangerous. As for the barbarian territory, the two clans should unite, and it should be able to spend this beast tide. You stay here to cultivate and I will send you a message. "

"it is good!"

"Take care!"

"Take care!"

The three hunters left, Qin double looked inside the town demon tower, and saw that the old town had separated thirteen chaotic beasts. Inside the town demon tower, a rune chain fell in the sky, and that rune The chains were built into thirteen chain cages, trapping thirteen and a half-step people in them.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Thirteen and a half-step human chaos beasts bombarded the chain cage, the chain cage was shaking violently, and the chain began to crack and collapse. However, more rune chains quickly dropped in the sky, fixing the chain cage again.

"It seems that the rune chain can lock the deities at most, and the deities cannot be locked at all. I don't know if the deities will be deceived into it, will the deities break the town demon tower inside?"

Shaking his head, Qin Shuang no longer thought about it, spreading his thunder wings, and flew towards Daxing Palace.

She has now successfully completed the practice of the Earth Sword Code and the Fire Phoenix Sword Code. Except for these two, the Blue Dragon Sword Code has been trained to the third type, which is the most advanced. So she chose to enter the Mule space.

Mine space.

Mule Mountain.

Qin Shuang stayed in the Mulei Mighty section of the human respect period, and directly released a half-step human beast of chaos, while fighting with the chaos beast, while comprehending the blue dragon sword code.

As soon as the Chaos Beast came out, he was chopped by Mu Lei, his body was injured immediately, and he turned to run, but was entangled by Qin Shuang. The Chaos Beast could not get rid of Qin Shuang at all, because Qin Shuang was faster than him. many. However, Qin Shuang also saw the wolf howl of the Chaos Beast, and wrapped around the Chaos Beast and retreated to the half-step human respect area, fighting with him.

The Chaos Beast tried to escape several times, but was blocked by the speed and strength of Qin Shuang. Seeing no hope of escape, the chaotic beast also made a ruthless fight with Qin Shuang. He knew that he couldn't escape without killing Qin Shuang. So, only one of them left alive.

Chaos beast desperately!

Qin Shuang saw that Chaos Beast began to desperately with himself, so he gave up his strength and speed, and began fighting with the Chaos Beast. In this way, Qin Shuang quickly fell to the downside, and several times the fist and foot of the Chaos beast bombarded Qin Shuang's body.

Moreover, at the level of half-step human respect, Chaos Beasts no longer rely only on the strength of the ontology. The chaotic beast and Qin Shuang fought for half an hour, and found Qin Shuang's weakness. Qin Shuang is only strong in body and powerful. In terms of melee combat, he is not a Qin Shuang opponent.

However, once he distanced himself from Qin Shuang and released his Dao attack, Qin Shuang was a passive sandbag. Although Qin Shuang is also using a kendo, he can attack from a long distance. But that mighty power is the realm of the Emperor Emperor. The feeling of the Chaos Beast at most is to reach the seventh floor of the Emperor Emperor.

Therefore, Chaos Beast began to attack Qin Shuang from a long distance. Although the half-step way of human respect does not kill Qin Shuang in one shot, because the body of Qin Shuang is a real human respect. But Dripping stones, as long as he keeps hurting Qin Shuang, he will one day be able to kill Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang was caught in a hard fight, and the other party put a lot of pressure on her. Moreover, Qin Shuang did not use his own speed to fight close-ups, but focused on using the Qinglong Sword. Under this tremendous pressure of sparring, covered by the strong wooden rules on Mount Mulei, with the help of December Fruits, Qin Shuang's understanding of the Qinglong Sword Code reached a terrifying speed.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qin Shuang's injuries are getting worse and worse, and he's already covered in blood. Cruel excitement appeared in the eyes of the chaotic beast opposite.

Just kill Qin Shuang and you will be free!


Qin Shuang suddenly disappeared, and in his vision, a small tower appeared on the ground.

"This ... is that the baby who trapped himself?"

The Chaos Beast was overjoyed, grabbed the tower, and ran towards the mountain. Soon, he found the teleportation array and jumped up.


Nothing happened!

The reason why Qin Shuang entered the town demon tower is because he knew that this chaotic beast could not go out at all. This teleporter only teleports wood monks. Are you a chaotic beast, still thinking of being teleported?


The chaotic beast was angry and began to bombard the teleportation array. But this teleportation array is extremely solid, and the half-step human chaos beast has no way to take this teleportation array.

The Chaos Beast left the teleportation array and wandered around in this space, but went without seeing a person.

How can I see people?

This beast tide has been happening for a year and a half, and they have all resisted the beast tide!

Before he wandered for a while, Qin Shuang suddenly appeared in front of him, jumping around without any injuries. It looked like he had taken a bath and his hair was wet. The two sides fought immediately, but this time the thunder wing on the back of Qin Double was frequently fanned, and the wild force forced the chaotic beast to continuously retreat to the Thunder Mountain, and was finally forced back Office.

Once back here, Qin Shuang immediately stopped relying on speed and strength, and realized the Qinglong Sword Code intently. At this point, no matter how stupid the chaotic beast, I also understood that Qin Shuang used himself as a companion.

But what can I do?


Many thanks to the gusts of james (200), blue magic stones (100), seaphay (100), and Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100) for their rewards!



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