Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2338: Luo Shui Liu's Worries

Taking out the White Tiger Collection is a big deal for anyone who is a gold sect, and it is also a big deal for other ancestors. In particular, several suzerainers who knew the truth of the facts were even more eager in their hearts and wanted to discern the truth of the news. If Qin Shuang can really take out the White Tiger Collection, then the collection of his own collection will definitely be available in the future. Although they do not know when in the future, they will give them firm confidence.

Especially Hai Zhen, when thinking that Qin Shuangming had first understood the Qinglong Sword Code, why did she understand the Baihu Sword Code?

If you say that in the past few years, Qin Shuang will understand both the Qinglong Sword and the White Tiger Sword, she is unbelievable.

At this moment, Qin Shuang stood at the entrance of Baihu Mountain, and the sun fell down on her, reflecting a picture-like beauty.

The monks behind her, especially the male monks, looked a little dull. Seeing Qin Shuang turning around, their faces couldn't be slightly blushed.

Qin Shuang turned around and arched toward Li Tianxing and Bi Chongtian: "The two brothers wait a moment."

Tianhunxing smiled, but Bi Chongtian was the focus, and his eyes were full of expectations. Qin Shuang turned and walked into the cave.

"Well ..." A figure landed next to Bi Chongtian: "Where is Master Qin?"

Tianhun Xing smiled to Haizhen with a smile: "Master of the sea, Master Qin has entered."

"She ... have really understood the White Tiger Sword?"

"Qin Shimei said so."

Bi Chongtian said a little nervously, and then joined the transcendental consciousness with Haizhen, and then Li Tianxing also joined in. The three people transpired and seemed to be arguing, and Haizhen's look changed.

"Break through the first level!"

"So fast?" Haizhen stunned.

They all felt the slight vibration of the ground. This kind of vibration is very familiar. Whenever a stone door is opened, the ground will have such a slight vibration.

However, their shock was just the beginning. It was just less than a quarter of an hour before the second shock came out, which proved that Qin Shuang had opened the second stone door.

In fact, what they don't know is that if Qin Shuang wants to go through the level simply, with a few breaths of time, they can pass a level, and it doesn't take about a quarter of an hour at all. The time she stayed was just a duplicate of the exercises and Taoist methods on each Guan Shibi, leaving a copy for herself and a copy for Jin Xingzong, which wasted time.

"The third pass."

"The fourth pass."


"Level eight!"

The tension and expectation of everyone reached the apex. Bi Chongtian had not been so nervous for a long time. Both fists were clenched tightly, because the joints were blanched with too much force.

A slight vibration came again!


Bi Chongtian had no ecstasy at this moment, but was at a loss.

Has the dusty White Tiger Book been really taken out like this?

Why do you feel incredible?

Why do you feel illusory?

Am I dreaming?

He stared blankly at Li Tianxing, Li Tianxing saw his blank gaze: "Does it feel like dreaming?"

"Huh!" Bi Chongtian nodded blankly.

"Shall I slap you and see if I dream?"

"No need to!"

Bi Chongtian woke up arrogantly. If he was slapped in the face of his disciples in the presence of his disciples, how could he be confused after that?

Just being hunted by Tianxing Xing said this, he also woke up from a daze, staring at the opening with a pair of eyes staring, and his throat knot kept moving.

"Treading ..."

A steady footstep came from inside, and it was reassuring to hear it. Qin Shuang's figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, and everyone's eyes fell on her hands. Then she held a book of unknown material in her left hand and a jade Jane in the other hand.

"Qin ... Sister and sister ..." Bi Chongtian felt that his throat was a little sore, and he said nothing in words.

"It's a shame!"

Qin Shuang handed the White Tiger Collection to Bi Chongtian. Bi Chongtian took the White Tiger Collection with trembling hands, opened the first page, just glanced at him, and then he burst into tears.

"It's really the White Tiger Collection!"

"Bi Sect!" Qin Shuang handed Jade Jane in his hand to Bi Chongtian and said, "This is the exercises and doctrines on each wall. I copied them."

Bi Chongtian took Yujian, tried to resist his excitement, turned to Haizhen, and just wanted to speak, but saw Qin arching in two directions with Haizhen:

"Sect Lord, let's go to Qinglong Mountain and take out Guizong's Qinglong Collection."

Haizhen was stiff, and then the muscles on her face were shaking. "You, you, you ... did you realize the Qinglong Collection?"


"How can you ... realize so quickly? No, no, I'm not doubting you, just ... just too surprised." Haizhen was already a little flustered.

Qin Shuang smiled: "At first, chaotic beasts chased into the sea of ​​fire and thunder, and found that the fire law there was too strong, it was a great place to understand the Fire Phoenix Sword. Realizing the Fire Phoenix Sword Sure enough, I realized it quickly. In the future, the monks of the Fire Sect could consider going there to understand the Fire Phoenix Sword. "

"You you you ... what are you talking about?" Yang Yuzhu, now the lord of the fire line, stared excitedly at Qin Shuangdao.

"Yeah!" Qin Shuang nodded. "I've learned. After a while, I'll go to the fire sect. I'll continue with what I said."

"You continue, you continue!"

The surrounding lords said immediately. The water line suzerainer, Luo Shuiliu, originally wanted to ask if his treasures could be taken out, but he closed his mouth at this time. Not afraid to interrupt the topic of Qin Shuang.

"After comprehending the sword of the Phoenix, I wondered if there was any place suitable for comprehending other swords? Then I thought that Daxing's palace is space, so I went to a palace of different attributes, where the understanding was different "Sword Code is a great help."

Having said that, Qin Shuang looked towards the Suzerain Suzerainian and said: "It was only when I broke out from the star that I heard the Suzerain news, so I didn't understand the Xuanwu Sword again, and hurried back. But fortunately The basalt book I gave you before can also practice to the peak of the Emperor Emperor. After this assistance to Shangyuan mainland, I will go to the star to understand the basalt sword book. "

Originally, Luo Shui Liu was still very disappointed. All other ancestors were given the tome, only the water sect was not. Even if Qin Shuang returned from the Shangyuan continent and was able to retrieve the tomb, it was not behind other schools. But then I heard Qin Shuang's words, and this is what happened. Now, the one who is the highest in his ancestors is his own lord, but he has just broken through to Da Luo Jinxian, and wants to break through to Xianhuang. I do n’t know when, completely. Can't wait.

Just ... Qin Shuang must not be in trouble!


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