Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2339: Five Elements Sovereign


Qin Shuang cannot be allowed to assist the Shangyuan continent.

However, just as her thoughts were spinning fast, Haizhen could not wait to fly away with the piano in both directions. The other monarchs and monks followed. Discussing one by one with a look of excitement. They all know that the age of the Five Elements and the Five Sects is here. With a tome, the strength of the Five Elements and the Five Sects will advance by leaps and bounds.

They looked at Qin Shuang's back, their eyes exuding worship.

Bi Chongtian, who followed him, shook his head slightly, exhaling slightly, and said with some nightmare:

"I thought that even if Qin Shuang could comprehend the sword code, it would take at least tens of thousands of years ..."

"Why am I not?" Li Tianxing said with emotion.

"Mr. Yang, Mt. Luo!" Bi Chongtian looked at the fire line and water line lines. When they saw it, they began to spread their consciousness.

When he came to the wooden sect, in front of the Qinglong Mountain cave entrance, after Qin Shuang stepped into the cave, the five ancestors began to discuss the consciousness and transmission.

Qin Shuang is still very fast. After more than a few hours, he came out of the cave, holding the Qinglong Scripture and a jade Jane that copied the exercises, and handed it to Haizhen who was excited. After that, he went to the Fire Sect again, took out the Fire Phoenix Book, and handed it to Yang Yuzhu along with the copied exercises and Taoist methods.

Yang Yuzhu put away the Baodian and Yujian, and the five lords exchanged their gazes, then stood in a row in front of the piano doubles, bowed to the doubles to the ground:

"Meet the lord!"

Qin Shuang looked for a moment, met the lord? What a mess?

Qin Shuang turned his head and looked behind him. Behind them were caves, everyone. I looked at the five lords and saw that the five lords still kept their saluting posture and could not see their expressions. He looked up and looked around.

Tens of thousands of monks gathered around these moments. These monks are monks from the Five Elements and Five Sects. They also heard the words of their suzerain, and even if they could not hear it, they saw that their suzerain still maintained a bowing posture. .

All the monks did not respond, and there was silence all around. Tens of thousands of people came together without any sound, and the needle was heard.

"Dear lords!" Qin Shuang took a breath, with some speculation in his heart: "Are you mistaken? What's the matter, let's talk."

The five monarchs straightened up, and everyone's eyes were looking at Tian Xing Xing. Although this matter was initiated by Bi Chong Tian, ​​it was still close to hunting.


"Don't call it that!" Qin Shuang waved.

Seeing Qin Shuang's firm eyes, Li Tianxing's heart could not help but panic. He knew Qin Shuang, and it was difficult for anyone to change Qin Shuang's mind. They just promoted Qin Shuang to become the Five Elements Sovereign, but they forgot whether Qin Shuang would agree!

Before they came to mind, if the Five Elements and the Five Sects merge, the Five Elements Sect of the ancient times will be restored. This will be a powerful force. And this powerful force is in the hands of the Five Elements Sovereign. Who else would not want to become the Five Elements Sovereign?


It seems that Qin Shuang is not willing!

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said nervously: "Zong ... Qin Shimei, you also know that our Five Elements and Five Elements were originally a sect. Now you are the Five Elements spiritual root. Our five cases have decided to merge and restore the Five Elements. The most appropriate Five Elements Sovereign. "

Qin Shuang frowned, and immediately rejected the proposal. Where does she have time to be the master?

She has too many things to do!

The Five Elements have not yet become one. Where is the future of Confucianism and Taoism? Where is the future of refining? Can refining and Confucianism be integrated with the Five Elements?

Is it a blessing or a curse for fellow initiates?

The blood demon blood in the body has not been cleared, and the demon master has been sealed in the body.

My future is full of thorns. These things can't be solved. I don't know when it will fall. Where can I have time and energy to be a master?

Immediately shook his head and said, "I have a lot of things to do, and my practice direction has a lot of confusion. I won't stay here. When the assistance to the Continent is over and I come back to take out the Xuanwu Book, I will leave the barbarous continent. Go on a tour of the hundreds of continents. So choose another person. "

The five suzerains looked at each other, and the monks around were silent, no one thought of this result, and no one thought that Qin Shuang would reject the proposal.

Sha Baiji looked at Qin Shuang not far away, and couldn't help sighing:

"Qin Shuang is really a pure monk! Only such a monk can comprehend the sword code so quickly, and only such a monk can go further?

I don't know how high she will go? "

The appearance of Xu Ziyan in his mind could not help but shook his head casually.

"No! Qin Shuang will not reach the height of the suzerain!"

"Sister Qin!" Bi Chong stepped forward, "Can you listen to us explain?"

Qin double nodded and didn't speak, only a hint of impatience flashed in his eyes. This impatience, Bi Chongtian also saw clearly, and sighed in his heart. Everyone only thought about whether the ancestors were willing to merge, whether they were willing to recommend Qin Shuang to become the Five Elements Sovereign, but they did not think they would be unwilling.

"Mr. Qin, you also know that the Five Sects of Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu was originally a sect. When the sect was split, the lords made an oath at that time. If anyone meets the three conditions, the five elements sect will be merged again. , And that person is the Five Elements Suzerain.

The first condition is to get back the Five Elements Tome. The second condition is the fusion of the Five Elements, and the third condition is the recovery of the Five Elements.

Now that you have retrieved the Five Elements Tome and also the Five Elements Armor, we have decided accordingly. "

"Don't you find the Five Elements Sword yet? I don't meet the requirements! Let's just let it go."

Qin Shuang waved his hand and said, "You are going to help the Shangyuan continent. I still have something to do, and I will come to you."


"And slow!"

The five lords opened their mouths, Qin Shuang paused, and the impatience between the eyebrows was more obvious. Li Tianxing hurriedly said:

"Mr. Qin, as long as you are the suzerain, everything is up to you. If you do n’t want to stay in the Zongmen, you do n’t stay in the Zongmen. You have no limit whatsoever. "

"Then what do you figure?" Qin Shuang asked puzzledly.

"Lord, you know the relationship between the human race and the barbarians on the barbaric continent. In fact, we all know that the human races do not want to be slaves to barbarians on the barbaric continent. They only unite." There is no one who can convince the five cases orally, twist the five cases into a rope. You are the best candidate.


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