Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2345: poison

Qin's eyelids were pulled down, and he patted Huataixiang's big head gently. Huataixiang walked forward and said:

"Little girl, my sister saved you. What you have to do is to be grateful, not to ask my sister. I really don't know what it means."

Zhong Yu and the twenty monks gave a mocking look at the nun.

Is there **** in my head?

Do you think our foundation is not clean, then you are clean?

Do you think Qin Shuang is there to save you righteously?

Why do you think Qin Shuang let us go?

However, the catastrophe now appears, Qin Shuang needs more strength to resist the catastrophe.


Thinking of this, these people, including Zhong Yu, couldn't help sighing. They knew that in Qin Shuang's heart, they were a group of people who were going to redeem their sins. They died in the mouth of the chaotic beast. Fortunately, Qin Shuang would not care. What Qin Shuang cares about is how many Chaos Beasts he and others can kill.

When the woman saw Qin leaving her head without looking back, her eyes became angry. But he didn't dare speak out.

"Master Qin, please stay."

Qin double-patted Huataixiang, who turned her body and turned to look at the man protected by the three women. At this time, the man's face was still blue and black, he opened his eyes and looked at Qin Shuang, and a mouth, black blood overflowed from his mouth.

"My son!" The woman called anxiously.

"Master Qin!" Said the boy while bleeding, "Can you help me detoxify?"

Qin's eyes glanced at the twenty or so robbers: "Who's poisoning?"

Twenty monks shook their heads together and saw that Qin Shuang's lazy look became cold. One of the monks hurriedly said:

"It's not our poison. When he saw them, he was poisoned, so ... so we started."

Qin Shuang nodded, she didn't care who was poisoning, the poison of the world, Jiu Cheng Qin Shuang could solve it, was the master of the elixir called for nothing?

With a flick of his finger, a ray of sword gas cut through the back of the boy's hand. With a finger pick, a drop of blood flew towards Qin Shuang, floating in front of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang's mystery shrouded that blood, and after a short time of exploration, he frowned slightly. Just for a moment, he stretched his brows and became lazy:

"Follow me until you are killed by the Chaos Beast, or the beast tide ends."

"Presumptuous!" The woman yelled before.

"Let her shut up!" Qin Shuang said to Zhong Yu.


The woman's eyebrows showed a little redness, and then quickly spread into a bloodline.


Blood sprayed out, and the woman was cut in half by Zhong Yu.

Qin Shuang turned his head and looked at Zhong Yu: "I just let her shut up."

"Yeah, she shut up!" Zhong Yu said blankly.

Qin Shuang rolled his eyes, but could not explain more, otherwise Zhong Yu, who is used to killing, will kill the other party no matter what order you give him:

"In the future, I didn't ask you to kill, so don't kill. For example, this time, I just shut her up, you just shut her up."

"Don't kill her, why did she shut up?" Zhong Yu stared blankly at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang could not help but hesitated, and waved his hand: "You figure it out yourself."

Zhong Yu frowned, standing there pondering hard.

"Do you think clearly?" Qin Shuang said to the boy again.

"Okay!" The boy answered quickly, and the two women looked at Zhong Yu with a dreadful expression and closed their mouths.

"Open your mouth!"

The boy opened his mouth, Qin doubled his fingers, and an elixir shot into the boy's mouth. After a few moments, the black and blue on the boy's face disappeared, he rose to his feet, bowed to the piano and saluted:

"Thank you, Lord Qin!"

"No thanks, it's just a deal," Qin Shuang said lightly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will regret it?" The boy looked at Qin Shuang gracefully.

"Are you sure you want to regret it?" Qin Shuang's look remained unchanged, not even the lazy posture, but the words were full of murderous intentions.

The elegant smile on the boy's face disappeared, his eyes narrowed slightly, his face as frost:

"I don't need others to point at me. Do you think you can order me? Or, do you think I can't kill you?"

After that, the young man took a step forward, and a strong coercion emanated from his body, swinging overwhelmingly to all sides.

The face of the twenty or so robbers had changed, and it was only this man who had been poisoned. If there was no poison, they would have been killed by the man. Under the coercion of the young man, the twenty robbers were all cold and stiff.

Zhong Yu's face was also discolored, but she took a step and stopped in front of Qin Shuang.


There was a dragon howl from the young man's body, and then he saw a dragon shadow coming out of the body and diving towards the piano.

Zhong Yu sacrifice the fairy sword, the fairy sword circles, condenses into a sword shield.


The dragon's shadow hit the sword and shield, crashed the sword and shield, knocked out Zhong Yu's body and flew out, biting on Qin Shuang's shoulder.

Seeing that he hadn't moved, it seemed to him that Qin Shuang didn't respond at all, and a proud smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Master Qin ..."

Qin Shuang raised his hand, and shot the dragon's shadow on his shoulder backhand.


The dragon shadow was smashed by Qin Shuang, and the look of the boy was stiff. Qin Shuang looked down at his shoulders, then looked up at the boy. The lazy voice sounded:

"Good clothes, you've broken them. What do you think you should do?"

The son looked calmly: "Pang Yujin obeyed the commander of the suzerain. What the suzerain said, do it next."

Qin Shuang patted Huataixiang again, and Huataixiang turned his head toward the front. Qin Shuang's voice sounded lazily:

"Zhong Yu, if you take these twenty monks, you will be called the Zhong Yu Squad. That boy, if you take your three men, you will be called the Squad."

A bitter smile appeared on the boy's face, and Qin Shuanglian had no interest in knowing his name. The two women, at this time, had already supported the heroine who had almost been torn before and looked at his boy. The young man walked to the right side of Qin Shuang, and the three women hurried to keep up, and walked forward without any trouble.

"Your poison has not been relieved, but it has been suppressed." Qin Shuang looked at the blood in the palm of his hand: "How did you get poisoned?"

"Did not solve the poison?" The young boy's face changed.

"Hmm!" Qin Shuang's eyes did not leave the blood, and his eyes showed interest: "I saw this poison for the first time."

The young man didn't speak, and immediately began to examine his body silently, and his brows frowned slightly. He felt that his body was not uncomfortable and should have been detoxified?


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