Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2346: Banshanyingzhai

However, Qin Shuang, as the lord of the Five Elements Sect, should not talk nonsense. He began to examine his body more carefully, and finally found some poisonous blood in his blood. Those poisonous blood seemed to be dead and had no activity, so he did not feel the slightest discomfort in his body. Give yourself the feeling that you have detoxified.

His body was sweating, and his face was pale. He wanted to drive the drug before, but there was no way to know that once the drug was fixed, he had to wait for death. Her tongue is dry, looking towards the piano:

"Master Qin ..."

"Now the poison is only suppressed by my detoxification medicament. You need to take an elixir every other month, otherwise the poison will wake up."

"Can ... solution?"

"I don't know, so ask how you got poisoned."

"I ..." The young boy wriggled his throat dryly: "I slaughtered with a chaotic beast, and then I got poisoned."

"Chaos Beast?" Qin Shuang looked suddenly: "Is Chaos Beast poisonous?"

The young man was crying, "I have never heard of it."

"What about the Chaos Beast?"

"Here, when I felt poisoned, I put away the Chaos Beast and wanted to study it."

The young man said, while taking out a chaotic beast from the storage ring, he fell to the ground and occupied the boss.

"It took a breath at me!" Said the young man.

Qin Shuang took out an empty storage ring, put away the chaotic beast, took the storage ring, penetrated the mysterious knowledge, and began to study the chaotic beast.

The team became silent and ran through the passage. As the son ran beside Qin Shuang, he looked at Qin Shuang from time to time, seeing Qin Shuang frowning, his heart became more and more tense.

During the period, I encountered several chaotic beasts, and fought several times. No one disturbed Qin Shuang, and the people next to him cleaned up the chaotic beasts. Qin Shuang has been sitting on the back of Hua Taixiang, thinking hard.

Unconsciously, a day passed, Qin Shuang, sitting on the back of Hua Taixiang, opened his eyes.

"Master Qin, how is it?" The young man asked immediately nervously.

Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "I can't solve this poison temporarily."

The look of the young man immediately eclipsed.

"Don't be nervous, I can't solve it now, it doesn't mean that it won't be solved in the future. And with my Jiedu Dan, you will be fine in a short time.

Wait, then!

If we can arrive too alive, we ask the Lord Xu to give you a look. "

"Do you know Lord Xu?" The young man opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were incredible.

"There is a side, but I am very familiar with the young master who is too Xu Zong. Please ask Xu Zong for a glance, there is no chance."

In the eyes of the young boy, there was no joy, but despair.

He believed that Qin Shuang would not lie, and that he had a relationship with Xu Zongzhu. But ... the so-called one-sided relationship, I am afraid that Xu Zongzhu doesn't remember Qin Shuang now?

Also, even if Qin Shuang and Taixu Zongzong were friends, Xu Zongzhang would help?

Even if Xu Zongzhu is willing to help, it will take a few years to get to Xuxong from here. Can I still live that long?

Even if he didn't get killed by Chaos Beast on this way, did Qin Shuang have so many Jiedu Dan?

Qin Shuang stopped talking to him at this time, but began to communicate with Zhong Yu, from his practice, to his starting point, process, and current feelings.

Qin Shuang is experienced in dealing with the demon, and has taught Zhong Yu many ways. Zhong Yu was overjoyed, but Qin Shuang knew that the method was the method and the effect was the effect. In the end, it's the person. What is the person's mind?

Zhong Yu's degree of killing his heart into magic is far less than that of Qin Shuang, so in Qin Shuang's view, Zhong Yu's problem can be solved, unlike his own problem, there is no solution to it until now.

More than a month later, Qin Shuang's team expanded to more than 100 people. In the era of the Holocaust, there were people who had a lot of evil thoughts, but also those who were generous to go to justice. These people went to aid the Shangyuan continent, but in the passage, they continued to die. These people were rescued from the mouth of Chaos Beast when Qin Shuang met them. Although Qin Shuang could not detoxify the young boys, there was no problem in treating these injured monks.

Between the gray sea of ​​trees and the mountains, a gray simple camp wall stands on a hillside.

The big grey tree was cut into a stump and hit the ground as a city wall. Runes were carved on the stakes. From the foot of the mountain to the hillside of the wooden city wall, there was a crack and there were many bodies of chaotic beasts.

At this time, the sky was slowly dim, and the afterglow of the evening was gradually consumed by darkness.

Qin Shuang's team went from far to near. Qin Shuang looked up at the half-mountain camp, and knew that there must be a wounded monk in the camp, and it would not be one or two. Otherwise, a camp would not be established here. time.

"Treading ..."

A figure rushed from the mid-mountain camp and stopped in front of Qin Shuang's team. At a glance, Qin Shuang was the leader of this team, because everyone walked on two legs, and Qin Shuang was sitting on the back of a big dog.

"Excuse me, is there a Dan teacher in Daoyou's team?" The monk arched hand in salute.

"Someone hurt?" Qin Shuang asked Hua Taixiang as he stepped forward.

"Huh!" The monk nodded.

"Go and see!" Qin Shuang said.

The monk was also polite and turned around to lead the way. Qin Shuang followed Hua Taixiang and followed, all the way up, the passageway was gradually left behind, and he looked from the mountainside towards the wide passageway, like a bowel.

In the distant sky, the darkness was devouring the last sunset, and the sound of wings flapping in the sky, several flying chaos beasts hovering in the air, staring at Qin Shuang and others, but they did not rush down.

Qin Shuang took a deep breath, paused for a moment, and then slowly spit it out, as if he was about to pour out the depression in his heart.

Too bad!

The environment in Fairyland is really terrible today!

"Master Qin!" The young man walking next to Qin Shuang suddenly spoke upset.

Qin Shuang looked at him in amazement. Since more than a month ago, he told him that he had not completely detoxified him, and the young man was silent. Every time I encountered Chaos Beast, I tried desperately to fight, and then there was silence. A few days ago, after giving him another Jiedu Dan, he also ate silently, without saying a word, I don't know how to speak at this time?

"This ... Is elixir expensive?"


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