Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2360: Break away

Flying in the middle of Takahashi, looking forward to the army. Frowning slightly, beckoning to the side, a fairy king immediately came to follow:


"Go! Tell Qin Shuang to let her speed up!" Takahashi said lightly.



The fairy king stepped forward, and the next moment, he had already fallen on Huataixiang's head, and he would fall on Huataixiang's head. He wanted to stand on the head of Hua Taixiang and look down at Qin Shuang. Don't look at Qin Shuang is a fairy king, he is a fairy king. But he represents Takahashi, a monk from the Shangyuan continent, not a monk from the barbaric continent.


The walking flower Taixiang suddenly raised a paw and flew the fairy king out. There was a smile in Qin's eyes. The other party is only a mid-term fairy king, and the flower is too sweet, but it is the peak of the fairy king, but it still uses space as its destiny. Huataixiang's supernatural power, let alone the immortal king, is the immortal emperor, they may not know how his claw appeared. It's completely space magic. When you say fly, you shoot.

Hua Taixiang was really angry, and no one dared to stand on his head. Is this to death?

If he didn't look at Qin Shuang's face, and felt that the other party had no intention of killing, he would slap the fairy king to death. Even so, the fairy king spit out blood.

The army's Takahashi saw all this, and his face sank. But he did not have the attack, but he tolerated it. The immortal king wanted to die, and wanted to stand on the head of the big dog, not to say that it violated the big dog. The big dog was not the point, but the Qin Shuang. If you are a fairy king, where is the self-confidence, you must stand on the head of a fairy emperor's pet and look down at the fairy emperor?

The immortal king climbed up from the ground, the team did not stop, monks from every continent passed by him, his eyes staring at him were full of irony. He wanted to blast, but met Qin's cold eyes, and suppressed the blast. At this time, he remembered that he was just a fairy king.

The important thing is that Takahashi didn't explode, which proves that he did something wrong. Taking a deep breath, suppressing the humiliation inside, said in a bad tone:

"Qin Shuang, speed up!"

Qin Shuang closed her eyes lazily and ignored him at all. The immortal king Yin Yin said:

"This is the order of the lord, let you speed up!"

"Tell Gao Daoyou!" Hua Taixiang kept walking, and passed by the fairy king, Qin Shuang's voice floated over: "The speed cannot be increased!"

"This is the order of the lord!" The immortal king shouted sharply: "Can you afford the responsibility for delaying the aid of Mucheng?"

"This order is inappropriate!" Qin Shuang's voice sounded again: "Tell Gao Daoyou, if he insists, I will lead my people out of the alliance."

Taking Takahashi's repair as a long distance, Qin Shuang's words can be heard clearly. His face was so gloomy that he wanted to rain. Here are all monks, and the lowest is also the Tianxian period. With such a distance, everyone can hear clearly. Qin Shuang openly disobeyed the order, which was hitting his face, but also threatened to leave the alliance. This was to knock his face on the ground and then step on it with his feet.

If this is not taught, let her know that Xiandi is insultable, how can she command the team herself?

How can you safely bring these people to the siege when you cannot command the team as the arm instructs you?

"Qin Shuang, speed up!" Takahashi drank directly, his voice billowing like thunder.

There was a hint of impatience in Qin Shuang's eyes, which was really delaying her cultivation and understanding. But still kept calm and said:

"Gao Daoyou, in order to maintain a balance, monks need to have a certain amount of fighting power, and they can't consume all their power to hurry."

"There are no beast tides, just some chaotic herds, and they are dead at a long distance. Speed ​​up immediately."

"Good friends ..."

"Call the lord!" Takahashi thundered.

Qin Shuang closed her eyes and opened them again for a moment, her eyes became calm. The clear voice spit out firmly from the mouth:

"The barbarian monk listened to the order and moved to the left. From this moment, we are out of the alliance."

"you dare!"

Takahashi's expression turned pale, and he reached out a hand and grabbed at Qin Shuang. The space quickly gathered a big power hand and grabbed at Qin Shuang. He wanted to grab the Qin Shuang in the air and let all the monks see it.

As soon as Qin Shuang thought, a command was given to Yu Shiwei through concentric symbols. Yu Shiwei punched into the air with a punch, and a huge Yuanli fist hit the palm of that Yuanli. There was a loud bang, and his fists and big hands shattered. However, it is clear that the fist collapses faster, which shows that Yu Shiwei's strength is worse than Takahashi.

However, this does not mean that Takahashi can continue to shoot to Qin Shuang. With the presence of the Emperor Yu Shiwei, Qin Shuang has the right to resist. Does it really order all monks to compete with the more than 5,000 monks in Qin Shuang?

This is simply impossible!

Once you are informed of the Taixu Zong and the Nine Great Sects, wait for death! This is a large-scale battle, not a battle between one or two monks.

Moreover, Qin Double has already proposed to leave the alliance. What other qualifications does Takahashi have to order Qin Double?

He had never thought that Qin Shuang would leave the alliance. Just their 5,000 monks from the savage continent, broke away from the alliance. Do you want to die? That's why he dared to order Qin Shuang so much, but he did not expect Qin Shuang's attitude to be so resolute. At this point, Qin Shuang's team has moved to the left, leaving the Alliance team.

Subsequently, Takahashi suddenly suddenly felt that Qin Shuang should have wanted to leave the league long ago. Qin Shuang should understand his situation, that is, cannon fodder. So, they are all dead anyway. Why should they use Takahashi as cannon fodder?

He now has some regrets. Qin Shuang's departure from the alliance means that they have no cannon fodder, and they must choose another cannon fodder. Now bring back the double piano?

Not to mention whether he can pull his face down, but even if he pulls down, will Qin Shuang come back?

"It's so cunning!" Takahashi stared deadly at Qin Shuang, secretly in his heart: "We walked ahead, they were out of the alliance, but they could follow. Isn't it that we became Qin Shuang's cannon fodder?

Ha ha……"

Takahashi sneered twice, wanting us to be cannon fodder, then see if you can keep up.

"Bo Feidu, take your people to the front and speed up!"

Bu Feidu's face is very unsightly. Instead of hating Takahashi, he glanced heavily at Qin. Led his monk to speed up. More than 30,000 people successively surpassed Qin Shuang's team and flew forward.


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