Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2361: Nine Palace Sawtooth

"Qin Daoyou!" Yu Shiwei watched the 30,000-strong team getting smaller and smaller in his field of vision, with irony in his eyes. His thoughts were the same as Yu Shiwei's, and he felt that Qin Shuang was really wise, so he became a garrison, and more than 30,000 people became cannon fodder.

"Qin Tao friends, should we speed up?"

"No! Keep the original speed!" Qin Shuang glanced at him and said, "Remember, you must ensure your combat effectiveness whenever you want."


Yu Shiwei looked confused. He did not think that Qin Shuang really did not want the more than 30,000 people to be cannon fodder, but simply wanted to maintain the combat ability at any time. It was only an instant, and his heart expressed admiration. Nothing else, be cautious. Only prudent people can live long, and only those who live long can go far.

Four more days passed, and those in Takahashi had long since lost track, and even the mysterious knowledge was out of reach. Qin Shuang didn't originally want to follow them, maintaining the inherent speed, and when he encountered the chaotic herd, he ordered that long-range attacks were not allowed, but instead run the Jiugong Zigzag array at close range.

At first, the monks were still a little jerky, but after encountering several chaotic herds, they became proficient. Whenever encountering the chaotic herd, the Jiugong zigzag array is like a huge meat grinder, a meat grinder filled with gears, and crushes each chaotic beast.

Five days later.

Qin Shuang, who was learning while practicing on the back of Hua Taixiang, suddenly opened her eyes. Looked forward.

"Booming ..."

A thunderous noise sounded, and the earth began to vibrate. In their view, a black line appeared on the horizon. The black line was undulating like a wave, advancing towards them as a hurricane. It took just a few breaths to zoom in on their field of vision.

"Beast Tide!"

"Large beast tide!"

"Ready to fight!"

The monks on the barbaric continent did not panic, because they had just ended the beast tide in the barbaric continent, which was a few years of war and had been tempered long ago. However, there was still tension on his face. They are familiar with the beast tide. At this time, from the shaking of the earth, they can infer that this is a large beast tide.

More than 5,000 people are in a large beast tide, it is like throwing a stone in the sea.

"Nine Palace Sawtooth Formation!"

Qin Shuang's order was quickly reached through concentric symbols, and more than 5,000 monks took their respective positions to make the jagged ones that belonged to them. Facing the beast tide, they still kept moving at the original speed.

"Booming ..."

The ground was shaking more and more violently, giving them the feeling that the earth seemed to be shaken with waves and undulations. The chaotic beasts running in front have become clear, and they can already see the fangs in their mouths.

"Release the Dao, open a gap and insert it!" Qin Shuang's order was given.


More than 5,000 Taoist methods bombarded the past towards a point in the Chaos Beast Tide. Time, colorful, various colors sprayed, and various shapes of Taoist methods fell in one direction. Countless chaotic beasts were shattered by bombardment, and some chaotic beasts that were a little further away were also lifted out by the air waves of space. A chaotic beast tide like the same wall, a gap appeared, and more than five thousand monks inserted it without hesitation.

The team is advancing, but it is not the straight forward insertion, but it is circling forward, like a huge gear. This huge gear is composed of nine slightly smaller gears. The beast of chaos was brought between the nine gears by the rotation of the gears and strangled.

And those nine gears are also made up of many smaller gears, spinning and strangling.

Blood instantly reddened the earth, and the team moved forward in strangulation.

Each monk is a zigzag in the gear. This is the power of the battlefield, the power of the collective, not the power of a single monk. The team was moving forward firmly, strangling a chaotic beast. For a quarter of an hour, no monk was killed or injured.

"The casualties are always coming!"

Qin Shuang, sitting on the back of Hua Taixiang, sighed slightly. These five thousand monks are different in their realms. This means that the strength of each tooth is not the same, there will always be a tooth that breaks first. However, as long as the vigor of these monks is not consumed, this large array will not collapse. The death of a single monk is just the collapse of a single sawtooth, which can reduce the gear, that is, reduce the battle array.


Qin Shuang looked up at the Chaos Herd!


I don't know how many days it takes to be able to break out of such a beast tide?

A month may not be the longest!

Qin Shuang Arranger Lingzhen was old and began to pack back to Yuan Dan. She now has no charms, no flags, no plates, and no immortals. Each bottle contained fifty Huidan Dan, and then each monk was informed by the concentric sign. At the end of his sleeve, a bottle of the elixir flew to each monk precisely.

It was learned that the spirit of the monks was boosted when fifty bottles of Huiyuandan were contained in the bottle. At this time, they saw the true power of the Jiugong Zigzag Formation, and knew in their hearts that as long as their power was not exhausted, they had hope of living. Desperate that he hadn't enough elixir, he got the elixir from Qin Shuang. This is a life-saving elixir. At this time, not only the monks of the tribe, but also the monks of the barbarians, felt gratitude to Qin Shuang in their hearts.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qin Shuang and others were submerged in the Chaos Beast Tide. Although they kept moving forward, they could not see the edge of the Chaos Beast at all. They have become numb, really like a zigzag with no thought, constantly strangling each chaotic beast and moving forward.

The monks around them fell down, and they would immediately get the command of Qin Shuang in the concentric rune, shrink the formation, form a new gear, and still strangle the Chaos Beast sharply.

Three days.

More than two hundred people have already died. This number is only known to Qin Shuang, and the remaining monks are becoming jagged. Zhong Yu and the young boy are no exception.

Qin Shuang stood on Hua Taixiang's back at this time, and took over the General Administration. Every monk's death was immediately felt by Zifu, and she immediately issued a command to change.

Nine days passed in the midst of this killing. Qin Shuang, standing on the back of Hua Taixiang, moved his eyes slightly. She heard the roar of Dafa, coming from the front. Looking towards the distance, she really saw the distant path in front of him. As the team approached, Qin's eyes narrowed slightly after seven hours.

The fighting monks in front had clearly entered the eyes, and it was Takahashi them.


Thanks a lot for the wind james (200) and seaphay (100) for the reward!



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