Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2367: Into the city

The bell rang continuously, the chaotic beasts kept falling, and looking down from the air, we could see that a straight blood path was spreading forward rapidly among the dense chaotic beasts.

The monk in the air is overjoyed, and fights and retreats with the imperial chaotic beast, moving closer to Mucheng.

"Awesome sound!" Above the city wall, Ren Zun Mu Yong could not help but open his mouth slightly, his face appeared shocked.

"Dangdangdang ..."

The monk team quickly moved closer to Mucheng.

Nine hundred miles.

Eight hundred miles.


Five hundred miles.

The monks were already able to see the fierce battlefield in the direction of Mucheng. Within three hundred miles of Mucheng, there were battles everywhere. That is the battlefield where hundreds of people and chaotic beasts strangled, like a giant meat grinder.

In other words, they are only two hundred miles away from the battlefield. As long as they rush for another two hundred miles, they will be able to merge with the monks of the Mucheng, and then enter the Mucheng with the help of the monks. The hope in every monk's heart was completely burnt.

"Dangdangdang ..."

Qin Shuang released the big bell again and again, thinking at the same time, "You have to give a name to such a magnificent bell sound."

She looked up to see the heads of chaotic beasts bursting and blood columns clashing. Such violent scenes kept appearing.

"Just a bell bell!"

"This violent bell sound is only a preliminary deduction. Now it can only ring for ten miles. With my continued deduction, the power will increase. It will be the bell ringing for hundreds of miles, the ringing for thousands of miles ..."

"But the consumption of this violent bell sound is really great! My 70% of mysterious power is ten miles of Zhongming, I'm afraid I can only strike about a hundred times."


There was a roar in the sky. At this time, an immortal emperor found the releaser of the big clock, Qin Shuang sitting on the back of Hua Taixiang.


It punched Yu Shiwei in the air, tumbling in the air, splattered with blood, and then swooped down towards the piano.

Qin Shuang looked up at the middle of the immortal Emperor who was swooping towards her, her lips opened.

A big clock suddenly appeared in the air, covering the immortal emperor inside.


A bell rang.


The bell exploded, and Xiandi's figure rushed out of it, but the figure crooked in the air, almost falling out of the air as if drunk.

Qin Shuang, sitting cross-legged on the back of Hua Taixiang, suddenly stood up. In the process of standing up, he already had an extra bow and arrow in his hand.

Pull the bow and loose the string!





That arrow shot into the heart of the Chaos Beast, the rune on the arrow exploded, the head of Xiandi shattered instantly, and the huge body fell towards the ground.

The man in the distance respected the Chaos Beast, turned his huge head and looked at Qin Shuang.

Mu Yong's face on the city wall changed, and he sold it in one step.

The Qin Shuang, with a strength of 70%, is suddenly, creepy, and opens his mouth in one direction according to his instinct.

That chaotic beast had disappeared.


A ringing bell!


The bell exploded, and the chaos beast rushed out of it. Although the violent bell sound did not cause any damage to the human chaos beast, it also shocked it from space during the process of teleportation. The chaotic beast of that respect, at the moment when he rushed out of the bell, no longer went to the pipe organ, but punched out in one direction.


The whole space is fragmented and nothing is clear.


The two figures rushed towards the higher air, but it was that man who respected Chaos and Mu Yong.

"Dangdangdang ..."

Qin Shuang kept releasing violent bells, and the monk's army went straight ahead. If it wasn't for Mu Yong blocking the power of the Chaos Beast, even if it was a little bit of Yu Wei down, I don't know how many monks would die!

The distance of two hundred miles quickly rushed past. Qin Shuang no longer releases the bells of fury, they have entered the battlefield of monks and chaotic beasts, and then release the bells of fury, they will accidentally hurt themselves.

The monks of Mucheng consciously began to help Qin Shuang and their aided monks, and Qin Shuang went straight to Mucheng. Arrived at the siege wall, the defensive shield on the wall cracked a gap, Qin Shuang and others flew up and entered the siege. As soon as they entered the siege, all the monks sat on the ground immediately and began to adjust their breath. They consume too much!

Qin Shuangxuan Wu Yuanshen's mystic power was almost completely consumed, and he sat there, quietly restoring his power.

About a quarter of an hour later, a figure fell in front of the monks of Qin Shuang. At this time, there are not only more than 5,000 monks who belong to Qin Shuang, but there are three other teams approaching them. The number is about 10,000. In addition to the monks on Qin Shuang, there are about 16,000 monks. .

Mu Yong simply ignored the leaders of the three monk teams, but walked directly toward Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang felt that someone was coming, opened his eyes and recognized Mu Yong, and stood up, bowing his hands in courtesy:

"It's a savage continent. The Five Elements Sect's master Qin Shuang has met his predecessors."

Mu Yong nodded, not paying attention to the Five Elements Sovereign, but asked, "How many times can you release that sound?"

"A hundred times!"

Qin Shuang said, in fact, she has five Yuanshen, each Yuanshen releases one hundred times, and she can release five hundred times. It's just not necessary to talk to each other. That said, it's too amazing. You are a seven-story emperor. How did you do that?

"How long will it take to recover after a hundred releases?"

Qin Shuang thought about it. Under normal circumstances, it may take hundreds of days, but he has a town demon tower, which can reduce the time. It ’s just that I ca n’t tell the other party, and I can recover soon. That ’s not normal.

"Ten days!"

Mu Yong's eyes brightened, "From today on, you don't have to go out of town to fight, every ten days, go to the city and release that sound."

"Okay!" Qin Shuang simply nodded.

"The rest of the monks will have someone to arrange! You don't need to worry about it."

"it is good!"

"You follow me!"

Mu Yong turned around and left, Qin doubled up and followed behind. Zhong Yu and the young boy immediately got up and followed, and the three women also followed the young boy. Mu Yong glanced and said nothing. Has been leading a few people into the city's main government, and came to a solitary road:

"Just rest here. Every ten days, go over the city walls, and I'll wait for you there."

"it is good!"

Mu Yong nodded and turned to leave. Mucheng had many things to deal with. Although the bell sound attached great importance to the piano double, it did not pay too much attention.

"Let's rest each other!" Qin Shuang said, and walked towards the main room.


Many thanks to the gusts of james (200), djp1123 (100), seaphay (100), and the bookworm children (100) for their rewards! , *



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