Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2368: Rage Bells

At this time, the young man's eyes for Qin Shuang were different. Before, Qin Shuang had to respect Qin Shuang only because Qin Shuang could suppress his toxin. Even if I later saw Qin Shuang being able to kill Xiandi, I just felt that Qin Shuang was slightly more powerful than himself, but today, when I saw Qin Shuang's understanding of the bell so powerful, his respect for Qin Shuang immediately increased A step. Suddenly remembered how long it had been, Qin Shuang had never asked his name at all, and he had never introduced himself to Qin Shuang.

Is this Qin Shuang too indifferent to himself, or is he too indifferent to Qin Shuang?

"That ..." The young man stepped forward: "My name is Lei Ding."

Qin Shuang looked at him weirdly, and that one meant, what's your name and what do you care about me?

This one hurt Lei Ding, and he watched Qin Shuang's back disappear into the door.

In Qin Shuang's eyes, is he the one who doesn't need to know the name is XX?

Qin Shuang entered the room and closed the door. Five swords were sacrificed, and a sword array was set up. The figure disappeared into the sword array and entered the town demon tower.

He shook his head. At this time, Qin Shuang's body had no material to work on, and there were no ready-made falcons and flags. All of them were used up by himself. And there is no chance to buy.

As soon as my heart moved, I came to the bottom of the golden pillar and looked at the material there. These materials are extremely precious and not in large quantities. Qin Shuang has been reluctant to use.

However, now Qin Shuang is still preparing to make a lineup for himself with the materials here, otherwise he can't put out the exquisite sword, fire phoenix sword, basalt sword, blue dragon sword and unicorn sword every time, right?

And the effect of these five-handed swords array is very strong. But the effect of hiding is average.

Qin Shuang picked two pieces of fist-sized material and came to the refining room to start refining an array. In this array, she will join the attack, defense, concealment, and isolation of the four formations.

A day later, Qin held a slap-shaped platter in her hands, with a little regret on her face. She still made a superb fairy ware, and did not make an acquired fairy treasure.

As soon as he thought, he came out of the town demon tower, put away the five-handed sword, and then activated the array, Qin Shuang's figure was hidden. After looking at it with satisfaction, Qin Shuang returned to the town demon tower again and began to recover the mysterious power.

After recovering the power of Xuan, Qin Shuang found that his Xuanwu Xuan's power had even increased. After thinking for a moment with my eyes closed, a smile appeared on my face.

It seems that this violent bell sound formed by the vibration of the power of mystery not only has a strong attack power, but also has a benefit to the practice of the power of mystery. Although it only grew a little, it was much faster than the normal practice of Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang out of the town demon tower, put away the array, pushed the door and went out. Standing in the courtyard, holding out his hand, the basalt mirror was held in his hand, and began to dance very slowly. While dancing, I realized the Xuanwu Sword Code.

She dances with a sword very slowly, and she has no method, just like a mortal.


Slowly, there are laws flowing around her.

"Squeak ..."

The door opened, Zhong Yu and Lei Ding stepped out, and then they stiffened, stood at the door, and looked at Qin Shuang.

Ordinary monks can't see the status of Qin Shuang at this time, but both of them are law monks. In their field of vision, there is a vast ocean.

The speed of Qin Shuangwu Sword is getting slower and slower, but the sword is buzzing and shaking more and more densely!

"Good control!"

Both people took a sip of cold air from the ground, and Qin Shuang tightly bound the law inside the sword body, as if pouring out a trace, I am afraid that this house was in ruins.


With a mighty sword sounding, both Zhong Yu and Lei Ding's figures could not be shaken slightly. All the laws are bound within the sword body, but the sound of the sword makes the two hearts shake.

Qin Shuang slowly closed, exhaling a long breath, his eyes showing joy. She finally practiced the Xuanwu Sword Code to the third style.

Silently nodding towards Zhong Yu and Lei Ding, he turned into his room, sat cross-legged, began to cultivate, and accumulated strength.

When he realized the sword code, it seemed calm and calm, but in fact it was a big drain on the Qin Shuang.

Ten days passed in a flash.

Qin Shuang stood on the top of the city. In the gloomy sky, dark clouds rolled, thunder rumbling, and flashing lightning flashed from time to time.

At this time, the Chaos Beast is attacking the city on all sides. In the other three directions of the wall, the monks are taking turns to fight the Chaos Beast. There is only a monk outside Qin Shuang's wall, and Chaos Beast is violently bombarding the moat. The city was full of monks, and waited for an order to rush out. In the crowd, Li Tianxing looked at the back of Qin Shuang and said to Hai Zhen beside him:

"Elder Hai, how do I think that person's back image is the master?"

"I feel like it too!" Haizhen nodded.

Bi Chongtian said: "I think it is the suzerain!"

"Sovereign is here!" The monks of the Five Elements Sect were excited.

"Wait a few moments to turn around and you will be able to see clearly. If it is a suzerain, we will visit after the battle is over."

"By the way, when we went out to fight a few days ago, we saw a big bell killing the enemy. I don't know who the monk who released that big bell was? The battle was fierce and I didn't pay attention." Yang Yuzhu said: "Did you pay attention? ? "

"No!" Everyone shook his head.

Luo Shuiliu looked curiously at Qin Shuang's back: "If that is the suzerain, how can you stand with Mu Chengzhu? Do they both know each other?"

"I don't know!" Li Tianxing shook his head: "But I heard that the suzerain was not a monk from the savage continent, but came from the outside. It is estimated that he came from the Shangyuan continent. Maybe you know the Lord of Mu?"

Standing on the head of the city, Qin Shuang opened her mouth slightly, and a large clock was formed ten miles away.


A bell rang, a chaotic beast with a radius of ten miles, a blood rupture, a blood rupture, a puff that fell to the ground, and a rickety edge.

"is her!"

As soon as Li Tianxing waited, all the monks were refreshed. In the past few days, they have all heard the thing that can release the bell-shaped Taoist method, and have been looking forward to seeing it with their own eyes, but it has just passed ten days, as if it were a fabricated nonsense, and did not expect it to appear today.

"Dao Fa attack!" Mu Yong ordered.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The monks who had been prepared on the city's head, released the Dao Fa to those chaotic beasts that swayed or pumped out, but only drowned those chaotic beasts in an instant. However, Qin Shuang didn't care about the chaotic beasts that had been attacked by the violent bells at this time. Instead, when he stepped in the void, his body moved horizontally, and he came to another place in the city head more than ten miles away, his lips slightly opened, A violent bell sounded outside the city.


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