Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2369: Fight

"Dangdangdang ..."

The bells of violent bells kept ringing, Qin Shuang moved from one end of the city wall to the other. Every time the bell bells thought about it, the monks on the wall would release the way, but in less than a quarter of an hour, this wall was ten miles away. Within range, there is no longer a Chaos Beast.

"Dangdangdang ..."

Qin Shuang started to move back again, the bells of fury spread forward, and the bell rang out twenty miles away.

"Dangdangdang ..."

The bells kept ringing. After the Qin Shuang released one hundred bells, there was no living chaotic beast within 50 miles of the city wall.


The monks were all jumping in joy, with the presence of Qin Shuang, they didn't need to go out to risk the fall, and fight with the Chaos Beast, just follow Qin Shuang to the end.

Mu Yong was also shocked. He thought of the effect of the violent bell, but did not expect the effect would be so powerful. If there were a few more pairs ...

Forget it!

That is impossible!

"Senior, come here today!"

Mu Yong nodded and said, "Go back for a good rest, and come back in ten days."


Qin double turned and walked down the city.

"Sovereign!" Li Tianxing and others greeted him.

Seeing Li Tianxing and others, Qin Shuang also looked happy: "Elders, you are all here!"

"Master, where do you live? After we rotate, we will see you."

"How often do you rotate each time?"

"Fight for three days and then rest for six days."

"Then I'll wait for you here!" Qin Shuangdao said.

"Booming ..."

Qin Shuang turned back, and saw Chaos Beast launching an attack again. As soon as Mu Yong above the city waved his hand, the monks rushed down the wall.

"Sovereign, let's go!" Li Tianxing and others screamed and rushed out of the city.

Qin Shuang came to the head of the city and looked out. The chaotic beast outside the city was rushing in, and the monks rushed away.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The monks have released the Taoist method in advance, and the chaotic beasts fell down, but more chaotic beasts rushed over. It took only three breaths of time, and the two sides collided together.

The Chaos Beast is falling down, and the monk is falling down. The earth that has been stained with blood is filled with blood again.

There was a hint of tension in Qin Shuang's eyes, and she took the bow and arrow from the storage ring, and glanced at the elders of the Five Elements from time to time. She can only pay attention to these elders, and no one can follow them.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters.

Qin Shuang suddenly bowed an arrow and shot an arrow.


Outside the city wall, Luo Shuiliu watched as he was about to be slapped to death by a chaotic beast, but saw a streamer lasing, and fell into the head of the chaotic beast.


The rune on the rune and arrow exploded, and the head of the chaotic beast exploded, and blood spewed out like a fountain, spraying Luoshui flow from head to toe.

When Luo Shuiliu looked back, he saw the city wall, the double bow of the piano and the arrow, which was completed in an instant, and a stream of light fell into the head of a chaotic beast behind Yang Yuzhu not far away.


The chaos beast's head exploded, and it was close to Yang Yuzhu, and the mouth of the chaotic beast that Luo Shuiliu had smashed into pieces was torn apart, and blood was sprayed on Yang Yuzhu.

Luo Shuiliu felt inexplicably relieved, and there was a suzerain behind them, who would help them resolve the crisis. She was so excited that she rushed to the chaos again.

Mu Yong tilted his head slightly and glanced at the piano double. He heard the conversation between Li Tianxing and others and Qin Shuang before, and his eyes glowed.

"Is the Sovereign of the Five Elements Sect? A very young Sovereign! The Seventh-Fairy Emperor has amazing insight in the way. If she can be recruited into the Canglan Sect ..."

Thinking of this, Mu Yong could not help but shook his head. The Lord of One Sect was not so easy to solicit. And Qin Shuang's qualifications and perceptions look good. However, the most important thing about the nine gates is people with good qualifications and understanding. If you want to achieve something and become a man, it is not just a matter of qualification and understanding. Therefore, it is impossible for Cang Lanzong to give Qin Shuang too many benefits, but to give her normal benefits. In this way, Qin Shuang is very difficult to give up his position as a suzerain and join Cang Lanzong.

He has also heard of the Five Elements Sect, after all, it is the first sect of the savage mainland. Being an ordinary monk in the Five Elements Sect is certainly not as good as being an ordinary monk in the Canglan Sect. However, being a suzerain in the Five Elements Sect is much better than being an ordinary monk in the Canglan Sect. In terms of resources, Cang Lanzong cannot compare with an ordinary monk.

"Forget it!"

Mu Yong ended this thought in his heart, and continued to pay attention to that deity in Chaos Beast.

Three days later, the monk of Mucheng changed his defense and Qin Shuang welcomed the monks of the Five Elements Sect. The elders of the Five Elements Sect, such as hunting and hunting, returned to their residence, and they drank for a day, then separated. Tianhunxing returned to their residence to heal their wounds and adjust their breath, preparing for the next change of defense. Qin Shuang entered the town demon tower to restore the mysterious power. After recovering the power of Xuan, Qin Shuang began to understand the Xuanwu Sword.

The time passed day by day, Qin Shuang was not in a hurry. She knew that this was a war that would last at least a hundred years. Every ten days, she would come to the city wall and release the bells of violentness. And it is the release of the five great gods in turn, because she feels that after each release of the violent bells, the power of mystery will increase a little while practicing.

Every time she releases Rage Bell, she realizes that she wants to raise the power of Rage Bell to another level.

Every month, she will enter the Confucian body regularly to watch the state of the immortal master and the demon master. In fact, for her, the beast tide is definitely not as dangerous as the demon master and immortal master in her body. Not to mention the cooperation of Xianzhu and Demon Lord, as long as Demon Lord is now out of the battlefield and standing aside to watch the excitement, Qin Shuang will be immediately killed by Xianzhu and occupy the body.

Fortunately, now the Lord also knows that once Qin Shuang is dead, the second one to die is him. Therefore, he did not dare to leave the battlefield. And this battlefield is not something he can break away from. He needs to consult with the Lord of the Immortals, and everyone stops together before he can break away.

The immortal master was anxious for the demon master to leave the battlefield, and he took the initiative to raise it with the demon master, and even vowed that after killing Qin Shuang, he would not embarrass the demon master, and he must release the demon master.

But dare to believe it?

The Lord ca n’t believe it!

However, if this stalemate continues, will Qin Shuang take advantage?


so what?

The threat of Qin Shuang is much smaller than the threat of Xianzhu. Even if Qin Shuang takes advantage, he can only protect himself under the threat of Xianzhu, and will not cause a complete crisis of himself and Xianzhu.


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