Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2394: Peer

Qin Shuanghuo was shocked and turned to look at Bei Cang!


do not know!

But so strong!

Qin Shuangqiang struck up his spirits, stood up from Hua Taixiang's back, and saluted to Bei Cang:

"Five Elements Sovereign, Qin Shuang has met seniors!"

"Five Elements?" Bei Cang frowned: "I don't remember there is a Five Elements in Fairy ... slow! In the barbarous continent, there seem to be five gates of Jinmu Shuihuo soil ..."

"The five ancestral gates were originally the five elements division, but now the five elements are united, and the junior is the five element ancestors after the five elements are united."

Bei Cang's eyes flashed a little surprise, looked up and down Qin Shuang, and then nodded:

"With your strength, it is more than enough to be a suzerain in the barbarous continent."

When Qin Shuang heard it, his heart moved. The self-revealed practice is the seventh floor of the Emperor Emperor. This practice is undoubtedly qualified to serve as the Five Elements Sovereign, but now this person says that he is more than enough to serve as the Five Elements Sovereign. It seems that he has been killed in this way This person knows. Then he bowed his hand again:

"Also for asking seniors."

"Old man Canglan Suzerain Bei Cang!"

There was a flash of shock in Qin's eyes, and he didn't understand what a celestial master, one of the nine ancestors, suddenly ran to his side to do?

She did not doubt the identity of Bei Cang, although she could not see the practice of Bei Cang, but she could feel that Bei Cang was very strong. In addition to Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul that she has seen before, this person is the strongest she has ever seen. Such a strong person is disdainful of lying. Immediately salute:

"Meet the Northern Sovereign!"

Bei Cang waved his hand and said, "Your body seems to be out of order."

There was a bitter bitterness on Qin Shuang's face, and he did not conceal Bei Cangdao: "The junior had slaughtered with a cow demon, and that cow demon blew before his death. His ray of darkness penetrated the junior's knowledge of the sea. Consuming the sea of ​​juniors' consciousness makes them want to fall asleep. "

Bei Cang heard the words and frowned. This is the most difficult situation to resolve. Even he is a big deity, and he also feels tricky.

"Then what are you?"

Qin Shuang knows that it is best not to lie when encountering a big deity like Bei Cang. And there is nothing to hide. He told Xu Nianzu the secret of the tower, and presumably it won't take long for the secret of the tower to spread to the world. At least people with the identity like Bei Cang will know it. sidewalk:

"The younger generation wondered if they wanted to dispel or purify that ray of darkness, there was only the law of light. And they needed a pure and powerful law of light."

"Hmm!" Bei Cang nodded. "You're right."

"So the junior is going to the tower now."

"Go to the Sky Tower?" Bei Cang looked at Qin Shuang in doubt.

"Huh!" Qin Shuang nodded. "As long as you clear the level that belongs to your own level, the tower will be rewarded."

"Reward, Sky Tower's reward?" Bei Cang's eyes were even more puzzled, and she almost looked at Qin Shuang with the eyes of a liar. Suddenly, his face changed again:

"Are you Qin Shuang?"

"Seniors know me?" Qin Shuang's turn was puzzled this time.

"It really is you!" Bei Cang's face appeared relieved, and then quipped: "How can the old man who doesn't know the first person in the sky tower? When you talk about the level that belongs to your own state, the old man guesses It's you. "

Speaking of this, Bei Cang's eyes showed a hint of interest: "What reward did you get in the tower?"

"Every time you get through one level, there will be eleven attributed beads. Those who pass through the level can choose one at will."

There was a shock in Bei Cang's eyes, but it was only a trace. Yuan Zhu was very precious, but it was not very helpful to a big deity like Bei Cang. After a little thought, the way:

"Do you want to go to the level of the Immortal Emperor and get the light Yuanzhu?"


Bei Cang looked up and down again, then smiled and said, "Just your current picture? Don't fall asleep while climbing the tower!"

"Well ..." Qin Shuang also sighed. "This is what the juniors are worried about."

Bei Cang looked at Qin Shuang and nodded his head: "Your blood is extremely strong, it doesn't belong to your current state of cultivation at all, are you in the state of refining? And the state of refining is very high."


"No wonder you can get through the level." After that, Bei Cang turned his hands, took out a jade box, and handed it to Qin Shuangdao: "Wait at the tower and take this suit, how much can help you."

Qin Shuang took the jade box, opened the lid, and saw a ray of strong light transmitted from the inside. He couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and saw a grass lying in it, but the grass actually released the light.

"Bright grass!"

Qin Shuang's heart is overjoyed. Although this bright grass has a far worse effect than Guang Yuanzhu, it has helped Qin Shuang today. At least it can suppress some of the dark laws of the sea.

Qin Shuang gave the jade box to Zhenlao, so that the town veteran planted bright grass. Her town demon tower does not have bright grass, so naturally she must first breed some bright grass.

"Thank you, Northern Sovereign." Qin Shuang solemnly saluted.

"Look at your condition getting worse and worse, the old man will take you for a ride."

Bei Cang rolled a large sleeve, and the two disappeared into the air.

After more than half a day, the two fell outside the gate of Tiancheng.

The two of them were big-sleeved, shrinking into inches, walking through the gate and heading towards the tower.

"Master Qin, how long will you go to the tower?"

"Soon!" Qin Shuang said.

"Don't realize it by this?"

Qin Shuang smiled bitterly: "Where is the energy for younger students to understand this situation?"

"That's right! The old man is waiting for you outside the tower."

"How dare you? Seniors are busy today ..."

"Not busy!" Bei Cang shook his head and said, "The Chaos Beast did not attack Cang Lanzong. And the old man asked you something."

"Then ... there are seniors!"

Xu Yan, the two have arrived at the square where the tower is located. At this time, the city has no congestion and prosperity in the past, and a large number of monks have resisted the beast tide, but there are also rotations. Some monks are climbing the tower and realizing to improve themselves.

Bei Cang looked up at the Celestial Celestial King's List, the first name: "Sect Master, after a while, your name should appear on the Celestial Celestial List."

Qin Shuang really didn't know how to take this sentence. She glanced across the square and said, "Senior, let's go to that tea house."

"Alright!" Bei Cang nodded. "Go there, you take the bright grass first."

Two people came to the tea house and asked for a pot of tea. Qin Shuang communicated with Zhenlao: "Zhenlao, how long will it take for that bright grass to produce seeds?"

"Two hours outside."

Qin Shuang picked up the teapot, poured tea on Bei Cang and himself, and then raised the tea cup to Bei Cang Road:

"Replacing wine with tea, the younger respect the older. Please!"



Thank you very much for the wind james (200), blue magic stone (100), seaphay (100), not enough to see the very hot (100) reward!



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