Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2395: Fast Tower

The two drank a cup of tea, Qin Shuang refilled each other's tea, and then looked at the opposite Cangdao:

"What do seniors have to tell me?"

Bei Cang glanced at Qin in a strange place: "You should take bright grass first."

"Not in a hurry!" Qin Shuanghan smiled. "It has reached the tower, and the junior can stand it."

There was a trace of praise in Bei Cang's eyes. It was indeed the Five Elements Sovereign. At a young age, he had such a state of mind. He nodded and said:

"The beast tide on the barbarous continent has been resolved?"


"How about the casualties?"

"It's not very big. The damage on the barbarians is bigger, but it's about 30%, and less than 20% on the people's side."


Bei Cang became interested, and he even didn't believe it. Nowadays, the casualties in Shangyuan are more than 30%. What kind of casualties are there on the mainland?

"How is the beast tide of the barbaric continent?"

"The leaders of the beast tide are all half-step deities! There are about thirty and a half-step deities on the human side, as well as the barbarian side."

Bei Cang's eyes were more surprised: "As far as I know, there is no half-step human respect in the barbarous continent? The strongest is the Emperor."


"The beast tide you've so repelled?"

"At the beginning, there were five half-step human statues that besieged our Five Elements. At that time, the junior's cultivation was the peak of the fairy king, and the young people broke through the immortal emperor. When they crossed the calamity, they pulled in the five half-step human statues. . "


Bei Cang couldn't help taking a sip of air, and now Qin Shuang was sitting opposite him alive, and he knew that Qin Shuang could successfully cross the robbery and must have a hole card. However, if you have a hole card, you can also imagine that Qin Shuang should have no bottom in her heart and risked falling, and immediately gave thumbs to Qin Shuang:

"A ruthless man!"

"There is no way!" Qin Shuang shook his head. "There is still a vitality, otherwise all monks in Zongmen will have to die."

"and after?"

"A big star fell on the barbarous continent, and there was a sea of ​​fire and thunder, and the half-steps of Chaos Beast chased and killed me. There were a dozen of them. I fled there. Killed. "

Bei Cang nodded, he knew that Qin Shuang must have concealed a lot of things, but it should be not bad.

"Then we came to assist the Yuanyuan continent and knew that I was injured."

"The barbarian continent is in the south of the Shangyuan continent. So, did you kill all the way from the south?"


"How is the situation in the South?"

"Everywhere I go, there is a ruin. When I left, the Chaos Beast Tide had already captured five belts of influence."

"Well ... the same is true on our side! They have been breached by six forces."

"Senior, do you know why this chaotic beast tide suddenly spreads throughout the fairyland?"

"I do know a little." Bei Cang groaned and said to Qin Shuang, "You don't want to spread the word, so as not to cause panic in the fairy world."


"You also know that as long as the Chaos Beast advances to the fairy king period and has rules in its body, it opens up wisdom."


"At that time, there was a powerful chaotic beast!" Speaking here, Bei Cang smiled bitterly: "No one knows who he is, what the realm was at first, but it must be very powerful. He hid, and the catastrophe ended for more than 100,000 years No one found his existence. But it was exactly this 100,000 years that allowed him to break through to the holy level. "

"Holy class?" Qin Shuang could not help but startled.

"Yes!" Bei Cang looked dignified: "You also know that most of the entire immortal world is still covered by the law of chaos, and our monks have entered the area covered by the law of chaos. Everything is restricted and mysticism must not spread.

A few years ago, that chaos ... was the Holy Chaos Beast, he named himself Chaos. He fought against several holy master monks. Although he could not fight the holy master monks, he escaped into the shrouded area of ​​chaos, and we can no longer find him. In desperation, we reached an agreement with Chaos. He did not shoot at us personally, and we were unable to shoot at Chaos Beast during our Holy Overhaul. Then he launched the beast tide to congratulate him! "

Qin Shuang opened her mouth and slowly accepted this fact. Bei Cang Shen said: "Now we are worried about how that chaos broke through the holy level? Do other chaotic beasts also have the opportunity to break through the holy level?"

Qin Shuang's back exuded cold sweat.

Now that chaos is because he has only one holy level, he has to constrict in the area covered by chaos, at most, he launches a beast tide attack. But this is a situation where both sides lose. Hundreds of people have suffered casualties in the tide of beasts, but Chaos beasts have more casualties.


If there is another Holy Level, or several Holy Levels in Chaos Beast, then the immortal world is really going to change.

"Mr. Xu, they?"

"Those predecessors should explore the cause of chaos breaking through the holy levels in the area covered by the law of chaos. This beast tide war belongs to our war."

Qin nodded, and his expression became serious.

"Well, now that we have talked, the old man will not stay here anymore. I can go to Cang Lanzong as a guest at my leisure."

"Thank you senior!"

Qin Shuang hurriedly saluted, a great celestial master, one of the nine ancestors, and personally invited Qin Shuang, if Qin Shuang went, it would be Bei Cang to receive her.

This is an absolute honor for Qin Shuang!

Only when the lords of the Nine Great Sects visit each other, the lords of the Nine Great Sects will meet each other. For the rest of Zongmen, it would be nice to meet with an elder.

Sky Tower.

Bei Cang looked at the back of Qin Shuang who had disappeared inside the gate of the tower, with a smile in his eyes:

"This girl has a bright future!"

The figure of Bei Cang disappeared in place without causing any slight spatial fluctuations, not even the monks around him.

Qin Shuang came to the Celestial Emperor level tower, and did not have the energy to comprehend the attribute way. With the strength of the second layer of human respect, she continuously smashed people, but it appeared around her in less than half a quarter of an hour. Eleven yuan beads. Qin Shuang stowed Guang Yuanzhu without hesitation. When he was teleported to the first floor of Xiandi, he immediately conceded and was teleported out of the tower. At this time, the light curtain of the Celestial Emperor's List has not dissipated, blocking the Celestial Emperor's List. The monks outside the Tianta gathered in front of the Xianhuang list, waiting for the light curtain to disperse.

Qin Shuang was teleported from the tower, which caught the attention of some monks. However, Qin Shuang was close to the end of the earth, and left the tower and disappeared in front of the monks. Then I randomly found an inn to live in.

Take out the array and set the array in the room, Qin Shuang entered the town demon tower. He turned out Guangyuan beads and shrouded them with mystery. That Guang Yuanzhu was taken into the sea by Qin Shuang.


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