Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2396: sneak into

Know at home.

Qin Shuangyu caused Guang Yuanzhu to smash into the trace of the dark law, and the Guangyuan bead shone brightly and shrouded that trace of darkness.

That dark rule twitched like a dragon, trying to burst out of the envelope of the light yuan beads, but was absorbed into the beads by the light yuan beads.

That ray of darkness is too weak for the light beads!

When Qin Shuang was thinking, the light yuan beads flowed out from Qin Shuang's eyebrows, floating in front of Qin Shuang.

When Qin looked at Guangyuan Bead in both directions, he saw that inside the Guangyuan Bead, a trace of black line meandered, but it was gradually shrinking. About half an hour later, that trace of darkness was completely purified by the beads of light.

Qin Shuang took out a jade box, put Guangyuan beads in it, and put it into the storage ring. This is the silent investigation of their own knowledge of the sea. After carefully examining for about a quarter of an hour, he was completely relieved. Knowing the sea, there is no trace of darkness. And the feeling of lethargy disappeared.

I closed my eyes and began to recover the mysterious power I had previously consumed.

Within months of the town's demon tower, Qin opened her eyes. At this moment, her breath was flowing and she slaughtered all the way. In the months of retreat, her cultivation has been raised to the peak of the seventh floor of the Emperor.

As soon as he thought, he appeared in the room, holding the town demon tower between his hands, and Qin Shuang began to break through.

Until the breakthrough of Emperor Xian, Qin Shuang will not have any bottlenecks. Therefore, Qin Shuang's breakthrough came to an end, but it took less than an hour to breathe, and he broke through to the eighth floor of Xianhuang.

The strong immortal strength in the town demon tower and the immortality between heaven and earth converge towards Qin Shuang's room. Someone glanced but didn't care. During the beast tide today, every monk is trying hard to cultivate and strive to reach the top. It is normal for a monk to break through.

After a few hours, Qin Shuang ended the breakthrough. It was just that she did not leave immediately, but frowned.

There was an impulse in her mind now, and she wanted to see the chaotic area.

Now most of the chaotic beasts have left the area covered by the law of chaos to attack the human race. The area covered by the law of chaos is the time of emptiness. And that chaos holy level, presumably will not violate the agreement, so even if you find yourself, you will not shoot at yourself.

"Should you go and see?"

"That's the home base of Chaos Beasts! Chaos Beasts cannot come out of the nest, and some human respect, land respect and heaven respect should be left, right?"

"It's too dangerous!"

"Also, who knows if that Chaos will secretly attack itself?"

"But if you don't go this time, when the tide of beasts ends, there will be no more chance! This is a rare opportunity. Moreover, Xu Zongzhu and Chaos only agreed not to start against each other's race, but there was no agreement. They do n’t do anything between these holy master monks. Xu Zongzhu may also be using this beast tide to go deep into the chaos area. This is bound to attract the full attention of chaos. My little ant sneaked in and should not Get his attention?

go with!

Go and see! "

Qin Shuang made up his mind and immediately left Tiancheng quietly. Standing outside of Tiancheng, Qin Shuang was suddenly confused. The chaos area is so large, where do you go?

I took out the Yujian map and took a look. The so-called north-south, middle-south, and north-south of the Shangyuan continent today are not east-west, north-south, middle-south more than 100,000 years ago. Today, 60% of the Shangyuan continent is occupied by the law of chaos, and only the middle 40% is suitable for human living. The human race divides these 40% areas into east, west, south, and north.

"Find a direction, and go around!"

Qin Shuang flies straight in one direction. In fact, she also knows that if she wants to make a circle around the Shangyuan continent, if she uses fire thunder wings, it may take decades. If you do n’t use fire, Lei Yi, let alone know what year and month.

"Look at luck!"

Qin Shuang couldn't be in the Chaos Zone all the time, and she set a time for herself. Looking for one year in the chaotic area, one year later, regardless of whether there are results, you will leave the chaotic area.

"Click ..."

Fire thunder wings unfolded, Qin Shuang turned into a bolt of lightning, and left.

After more than a month, Qin Shuang entered the chaotic area. Qin Shuang did not go deep, but stopped, spreading the power of soul. Her mysticism will be limited in the chaotic area, but the power of the soul will not be limited, which has been verified in the spirit world.

After her soul power spread out, she quietly sensed that she was sensing the richness and thinness of chaos, and the flow of chaos. It is this method that she uses to determine where the center of the chaotic envelope is?

The place where the Holy Level can be born must be the direction in which the chaos gas flows, and it is also the place where the chaos gas is the strongest.

These characteristics are very subtle, if those holy master monks of Xu Ziyan can use mystic knowledge here, they will also find out. However, Xuan Shi is restricted here, that is, the law will be attacked here. This is why the holy master monks of Xu Ziyan could not find the center of the chaotic area, they were only able to search slowly.

But Qin Shuang is different. She not only cultivates the soul of life, but also the soul of heaven and earth. Although, as today, the soul and the earth soul are fighting with the immortal master. However, the cultivating the souls of heaven and earth has undergone qualitative changes. At this time, the perception of the surrounding environment has taken a leap.

About half an hour later, Qin Shuang regained his soul power. Her gaze turned to the right, and through the flow of chaos and the thin to rich changes, she calculated where the center of that chaos should be.

Qin Shuang quietly exited the chaotic area, spreading his thunder wings, and flew towards the north. It was more than a month later, Qin Shuang came to the north, stowed the fire thunder wings, and quietly dived into the chaotic area. After going into the hundred miles, Qin Shuang spread the power of the soul and felt quietly.

After half a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang looked to the left. She judged that the center of chaos was not far from where she was now. At this point, she carefully did not use the thunder wing again, but also converged as much as possible, flying away in the direction of judgment.

Qin Shuang releases the sense of soul power every day before deciding the direction of flight. After more than twenty days, she had penetrated into the chaotic area.

Qin Shuang not only fully condensed the breath, but also in the town demon tower, with only a little bit of material, refined a few convergent amulets, released on the body, and refined a magical charm to release on the body . In this way, there is no sense of breath in Qin Shuang's body, even if it is swept with mystic knowledge, he will not feel the breath of Qin Shuang. After the magic charm was released, Qin Shuang had become a chaotic beast from the appearance, a very small chaotic beast. As long as you don't pay attention, even if you appear in front of the Chaos Beast, you will not see the flaws. The only flaw is that there is no chaos in this chaotic beast transformed into a magical symbol.


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