Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2436: Tombstone

The deity headed by him is not others, but Xu Qinyang. He was also very interested in Qin Shuang's sudden rise. After all, monks who were able to kill enemies over steps seemed to have only seen it from Xu Ziyan. Now that another such monk has appeared, how could he not pay attention?

So, even if he was busy, he took the time to come and see. After hearing the words from the opposite Di Zun, Xu Qinyang thought about it, and now many hundreds of immortals have come to see Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao, which will definitely weaken the defense. If you can allow the Chaos to watch, then everyone is here, and there will be no problem. And he is not afraid that too many Chaos will gather and war will break out. After all, the Toxic Emperor List is on the fifth ring. Where there is no chaotic beast tide, it can be said that it is the territory of the human race. If the monks of the Chaos rule dare to make trouble there, they will definitely pay a heavy price.

In addition, he is not afraid that the Chaos will suddenly take action on the Qin Shuang, too. The monks who are too immortal can go in, but the monks who are beyond the realm of the Xian emperors cannot do it. Once you start, you will be hanged by the space of Tombstone.

In the space of Taixuebei, only the holy master monk can't enter, and Xu Ziyan's magical powers to make Xianbao are other holy master monks who have to serve.

In this way, without any scruples, Xu Ziyan nodded and agreed.

In this way, the monks of the hundred races and the monks of the Chaos tribe have arrived. No matter what kind of monk they are, they want to see how strong Qin Shuang is.

The top of the tower list doesn't explain anything, it's just a friendly match list. Too vain is the real strength of a monk.

Qin Shuangqiang is not strong, it depends on whether she can get too far. If you ca n’t get up, it ’s not worth paying attention to. If you are on the list, even 100,000 people are worthy of attention.

If the ranking is higher ...

The monk of Chaos looked at the Qin Shuang walking below, and each step was strengthened by one point. The surrounding space was squeezed by the Qin Shuang's momentum and shook and twisted, making Qin Shuang's figures strange.

"If Qin Shuang ranks higher, she will be beheaded, before she grows up, beheaded!"

No Chaos monk blocked Qin Shuang again, because Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao had already stepped into the seventh ring at this time and walked towards the sixth ring. This is already the world of the human race, and the Chaos Beast Tide has not yet penetrated here.

Three days later.

Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao came to the fifth ring and stood in front of a huge stone monument soaring into the clouds.

This is the Taixianxian Emperor List.

Above are dense names, totaling 100,000. This represents the entire family of fairyland, and is still a strong emperor.

Qin Shuanghe and Xiangjiao looked at each other with a smile, and at the same time walked towards the stone monument. The figures of the two disappeared in front of the stele and entered the stele.

Monks swarmed in, but the monks of the Chaos did not enter. Outside, Xu Qinyang did not dare to siege them, because then the fifth ring would be ruined. But now entering the Tombstone, it was made by Xu Ziyan. Who knows if they will trap them inside and kill them?

They don't have to go in, as long as they are watching Qin Shuang's name on the emperor's list. Xu Qinyang did not dare to see so many Chaos who did not enter. If they take advantage of these immortals, the Chaos will be destroyed outside, and this loss will not be able to bear.

However, Xu Qinyang really wanted to see the strength of Qin Shuang. After thinking about it, he respected a monk:

"You go in and record the battle of Qin Shuang!"

Immortal Xianzhuang's eyes brightened, he nodded immediately, and hurriedly entered Taixu Bei. The chaotic fairy statue on the side heard and heard, it was also a heart movement, filmed a chaotic statue of the deity into the Taixu monument, to record the battle of Qin Shuang and Xiangjiao.

Too much inside the monument.

Qin Shuanghe Xiangjiao looked around while walking forward.

It is a huge space, and it also has mountains and rivers, like a small world. As soon as he entered the space of Taixuebei, a magnificent voice fell from the air.


"Qin Shuang!"


The two reported their names separately, and walked side by side toward the depths of the Taixu Bei. Both of them entered the Tombstone for the first time, and they couldn't help wondering.

The space of this monument is really like the real world.

The key is stability!

This space is extremely stable. Qin Shuang does not know if this space can withstand the battle between the celestial deities, but she must not break this space.

This made her realize that Xu Ziyan was really strong and beyond her cognition.

"Bang ..."

The momentum of Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao almost climbed to the peak, and each time the two settled, a huge roar under their feet.


The two stopped at the same time, then turned to face each other, less than a meter apart.


The two punched at almost the same time, the fists collided between the two, the two figures flew backwards at the same time, and the distance quickly opened. The distance between the two was extended to a distance of kilometers. Xing just stopped.

The collision of forces this time was evenly divided.


Xiangjiao lifted his feet toward the ground and took him as the center. A magic sea spread outwards. A giant dragon made of seawater protruded from the sea and stood at Xiangjiao's feet. Pride's body is held higher and higher. At the same time, the magic sea rolls, looming in the magic sea, and the magic dragons roll, the flames are pressing.

Xiang Jiao was in a black robe, standing with his hands on his shoulders, and with excellent posture.

His eyes were warm and he looked towards Qin Shuang, with a smile: "Qin Shimei, how dare you come forward?"

Qin's feet remained motionless, and her eyes watched this demon sea vigilantly.

"You are quite equal, are you the first in the list, are you afraid?" Xiang Jiao's expression was warm, but his words were aggressive.

"When I step into the magical sea, I enter into your home court, and make good plans to my brother." Qin Shuang said arrogantly.

"Then you can't always back off?"

Xiang Jiao smiled lightly, and then saw that the magic sea began to expand, spreading towards Qin Shuang. In this way, Qin Shuang has only two choices, one is to step back, and the other is to step into the magic sea.

Like Xiang Jiao said, can't he always retreat like this?

Not impossible, but too bad!

Qin Shuang took a deep breath and set foot on the magic sea. A magic dragon holding Qin Shuang appeared at the feet of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang perceives it, the dragon does not seem to want to attack himself, but just holds her closer to Xiangjiao, and then looks towards Xiangjiao and laughs:

"Invite me to the Devil Sea to my brother, wouldn't you be afraid to ask God to send God easily?"


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