Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2437: dance to tune

Xiang Jiao drove the magic dragon at his feet, approached Qin Shuang, and the magic power no longer covered up. He slammed into Qin Shuang, the magic power swelled, and the magic flame was towering. But this magic power, that is, the peak of the ordinary fairy emperor will be crushed down.


The sea surface was boiling, the dragons roared, and the dragons emerged from the sea, spreading their teeth and dancing, shaking their heads and swinging their tails, and slaughtered towards Qin. Even the dragon at the foot turned his head and bite at the piano.

Qin Shuang did not know this magic sea, but was able to guess that this is definitely a legacy left by the demon in the blood. It belongs to the sacred inheritance. Although Xiang Jiaoyuan could not fully drive its power, it appeared at this time. His mighty power was also extremely overbearing. The waves were turbulent and urged by Xiang Jiao. The waves of waves struck the sky, and even the space buzzed.

Whether it is the magic dragon, or the waves, or the entire magic sea, it is not the real magic dragon, the real waves, the real magic sea, but the pattern of the Tao, just like the real.

"Wowa ..."

After Qin Shuang kicked the magic dragon under her foot, a huge vortex was born under her feet. The huge black vortex gave a huge suction, sucking Qin Shuang's body into the vortex, and the vortex Inside, there are circles of magic dragons. Once they fall into the vortex, they will be strangled by the dragons and fallen.

The magical power of this devil who doesn't know the name, the attack methods are sharp and rich, they can be bound, they can be entangled, they can be slammed, they can bite, they can be hanged ...

Qin double pedal black vortex, do not let yourself fall into the vortex, feel the magic sea, can even affect the monk's wisdom, making monks even more irritable. Wanzhang waves rushed towards her and drowned Qin Shuang. The demon sea waves were extremely overbearing, not only corrupting Qin Shuang's **, but also corrupting Qin Shuang's primitive god. If this continues, the whole person will not even have slag.

"Water supernatural power, I will too! I have water spirit, although the magic sea is strong, how can I bear?"

The basalt mark at the heart of Xuanwu Yuanshen released a layer of hazy treasure light, covering the body of the harp, and the harp sacrifice the basalt sword, wielding, the light of the sword is the most common meteor sword. Body, but it is back to true. Then they saw that the head of a demon dragon was shattered, and the figure of Qin Shuang was shrouded in a cluster of starlight, and the starlight was the tip of the basalt sword.

Xiang Jiao urged the magic dragon at his feet to rush to Qin Shuang, and the big sleeves swung to the Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang loosened and held the hand of Xuanwu Sword, Yuanshen Royal Sword, that Xuanwu Sword burst into star light, circled around the body, and killed the surrounding dragons, and she also swung the big sleeve to welcome Xiangjiao's big sleeve.

Above her big sleeves, hot flames appeared like chains, exuding power of destruction.

The two large sleeves collided, and the destruction chain on the large sleeves of Qin doubled toward Xiangjiao's large sleeves. On Xiangjiao's big sleeve, there are magic mobs, such as dragon twines, strangling with the chain of destruction.

The breath on the two men swelled at the same time, and a thunderous roar came from within. This pair of sleeves gave a blow, leaving the laws of each of them not knowing how much they were shattered.

"You are still so strong!" Xiangjiao was emotional.

He had played against Qin Shuang in the spirit world, originally thinking that he had been inherited by the Master, and now he has more than Qin Shuang. Not to mention that he can easily kill Qin Shuang, at least he should have an advantage once he comes up. But did not expect to be evenly divided.

Qin Shuang was also shocking in her heart. She did not expect that Xiangjiao would be so arrogant and terrible.

The two large sleeves were entangled together, the chain of destruction and the dragon strangling each other, and the power of each strangulation exceeded their repairs on both surfaces.

Two people with two large sleeves entangled together, standing on the vortex, countless circling the magic dragon in the foot vortex, the figures shuttled around the backs of the magic dragons, circling as if dancing.

Between Xu Yan, the two men fought with each other with hundreds of strokes, and the two men's big sleeves shattered, their bodies were separated, the vortex under their feet exploded, and a huge water column rose into the sky.


The soaring water column dropped back, exposing the opposing piano pairs and Xiangjiao. Without the water column, Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao saw each other.

Xiang Jiao's eyes revealed endless killing power, and he lifted his feet, and the endless magic sea gathered towards her feet, and eventually disappeared.


The disappearing Devil Sea suddenly roared out behind Xiangjiao and turned into a nine-headed demon dragon, the nine huge black dragon heads, looking down at Qin Shuang.

"These two are so good!" The monk watching from a distance whispered.

"The explosive power of these two people has reached the peak of Xiandi's mid-term."

"That ’s all for Xiangjiao. He was originally in the middle of the Emperor, and the power to reach the peak of the middle of the Emperor was not too strong. But that Qin Shuang really deserves to be the first in the list, with the strength of the first layer of the Emperor It was able to erupt the six-story peak of the Emperor. "

"too strong!"

"I heard his name is Xiangjiao?"

"I heard it is."

"Who heard of him before?"


"I do not have either!"

"He is human?"

"It's a human race, but the flames are towering. It seems to be a demon in the human race."

"I think it's not just as simple as the magic repair, he's going to get into the magic."

"Why is he dueling with Qin Shuang?"

"do not know!"

"This Xiangjiao is very mysterious!"

At the same time, in the other direction, there were some Demon monks. They looked at Xiangjiao, their eyes moved, releasing greed.

"This Terran must have got the top inheritance of our Demons, otherwise it would not be so strong."

"Yes, wait for him to leave the Tombstone, and grab him. Press the line."

"It may not be caught, he is very strong. It is better to solicit."

"Solicitation? I think he is very shy. Tianjiao, who dares to compete with the first player on the list, do you think he will bow his head in front of us?"

"Unsuccessful solicitation, and then hold up and ask. Even if he has been inherited, even if he is strong. But hasn't he grown up yet?"

"And even if he can kill Qin Shuang in the end, I'm afraid he will be seriously injured. He wants to leave safely. Only our demons can protect him. Do you think he will surrender?"

Demon hearts couldn't help but rejoice, but at this moment, a monk monk weakly asked:

"What if ... he was killed by Qin Shuang?"


"Look at the list!"

"Yes, look at the list!"

The monks looked towards the list, and there was a stele in the sky like the Taixue monument in the air. This is the instrument of the Taixue monument. This instrumental spirit will observe all monks fighting in the Taixu Monument at all times. Always judge the fighting strength of this monk.


Thank you so much for the rewards of james (200), seaphay (100), blue magic stone (100), and Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100)!



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