Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2443: request

Looking down at the Linglong sword in his hand, Xuan Shi probed into it. Yang Linglong was already asleep, and she couldn't help sighing:

"It seems to be troublesome to Xu Zongzhu again. It's just ..." Qin Shuang's heart suddenly moved: "Listen to Yang Linglong's words. She knew Xu Zongzhu. Was she once Xu Xuzhu's friend?


I've seen Xu Xuzhu several times. Why didn't Yang Linglong recognize Xu Xuzhu?

Are they not friends, but enemies? "

"Regardless of their relationship, I just want to tell the Xu Clan things about the Demon Clan."


Qin Shuang closed the exquisite sword. The monks who saw Qin Shuang saw Qin Shuang retracted the sword, knowing that Qin Shuang had finished the epiphany, and one by one came towards Qin Shuang.

Although Qin Shuang is only the first floor of Xiandi, how dare you think of her as an emperor?

And it's the No. 1 Emperor's List!

Therefore, these people always showed bright smiles.

"Congratulations to Lord Qin!"

"Congratulations to Qin, the master, on the list of Emperor Taixian."

"Congratulations to Master Qin for learning the new way."


Qin Shuang also responded with a smile one by one. Too much rich experience in social entertainment has made her familiar. Make everyone feel that Qin Shuang takes him seriously and is very friendly. No matter what race, even those monks. In this way, the atmosphere is more harmonious.

A group of people embraced Qin Shuang in the middle and walked towards the outside of the monument.

Too much monument.

After a rippling wave, a group of people walked out. Qin pairs are surrounded in the middle, even if they are several people, they are surrounded by Qin pairs.


Qin Shuang's footsteps were a meal, the overwhelming momentum came from the opposite side, not that the people on the other side deliberately did so, but that the people on the other side were all immortal, and the worst was also human respect, and there were several deities. Who can bear this momentum?

Those immortals around Qin Shuang were stiff and pale?

Qin Shuang took a deep breath and carried the mysterious force in the sea, and the pressure disappeared. The light flashed in Qin's eyes. She knew that this was the opposite Zun Zun who could not release the coercion, but the other side had a lot of Sin Zun, and she was able to offset the coercion on the other side.

Does this mean that your own mystic power has reached the level of heavenly respect?

At least it's a state of respect, right?

Her eyes fell on Xu Qinyang's body.

There is no way, because Xu Qinyang is surrounded by a group of monks, just as Qin Shuang is surrounded by a group of immortals. Whose gaze does not fall on him?

At this time, Xu Qinyang looked at Qin Shuang with a smile, and he knew that the coercion that these Xianzun sent out would make Qin Shuang feel uncomfortable. He also wanted to see how far Qin Shuang had reached.

With a glance at Qin's eyes, there were no more Chaos monks, and they should have left. He took a few steps forward, bowed and saluted to Xu Qinyang:

"Meet seniors!"

Xu Qinyang's eyes narrowed, in front of so many immortals, Qin Shuang was able to move freely.

"This girl is amazing!"

"My name is Xu Qinyang!" Xu Qinyang said gently.

In Qin Shuang's heart, there was a moment. She also said that she had stayed in Taixuzong. Although she had never seen Xu Qinyang, she had heard of Xu Qinyang's name.

It is said that Xu Qinyang is Xu Ziyan's elder brother, and is a celestial deity. Salute again immediately:

"Meet Senior Xu."

"No courtesy!" Xu Qinyang smiled. "Let's talk."

"Yes!" Qin Shuang respectfully responded.

Taixu Xiandi Stele is located in the center of Xiandi City. A big city is built around each Taixu Stele. Xu Qinyang took the piano to and from the main city hall in both directions.

Arrived at the city's main mansion, Xu Qinyang and a group of immortals were seated. In the main hall, except for Qin Shuang, there is no immortal emperor, all of them are immortal. Inside the hall, there was pervasive coercion. Qin Shuang also took the seat at the end under the direction of Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang, as the great deity of the super sect, naturally didn't have much time to chat with Qin Shuang. It's just that I value the Qin Shuang, so I take some time to learn about the Qin Shuang. Therefore, after asking Qin Shuang a few questions, after learning about Qin Shuang's origin, he said to Qin Shuang:

"You're here, no need to go back to Haotianzong. I'll ask someone to inform Haotianzong, and let the monks from the barbarous continent come here to meet you."

"Thank you Senior Xu!" Qin Shuang was overjoyed and got up to salute.

Xu Qinyang was about to get up and leave, Qin Shuang suddenly said: "Senior Xu, can I bother you?"

"Oh? What is it?" Xu Qinyang asked with interest.

"Senior Xu, if you can contact Xu Zongzhu and say that I have something important to ask her, please come over."

The hall was silent for a while, and the air became heavy. Everyone's gaze toward Qin Shuang became unhealthy.

Who is Xu Ziyan?

Holy Master Monk!

There are only seven holy master monks in the entire fairyland ...


Now add one more chaos, there are eight!


No one can beat Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is the first person in the whole fairyland.

Do you want Xu Yan to come over now?

You little immortal let Xu Ziyan come over?

who do you think You Are?

Who do you think Xu Ziyan is?

Do you think Xu Ziyan was delivered?

It is no exaggeration that Xu Ziyan is a person worshipped in the entire immortal world. Regardless of race, Xu Ziyan regards Xu Ziyan as the **** in his heart.

Xu Qin's eyes looking towards Qin Shuang were not good either!

At this moment, Qin Shuang felt great pressure. It is the mysterious power of 78%, which is a bit difficult to use, because those Xianzun began to unknowingly release coercion.

Qin Shuang wriggled his throat: "That ... Senior Xu, the junior met Xu Xu before. The Xu Xu was notified by Xu Nianzu before. Just after the last meeting, he forgot to contact Xu Xu, the brand."

The atmosphere in the hall was stagnant, and even the coercion of the immortals was stagnant. The eyes of Qin Shuang, one by one, revealed that it was incredible.

Did this little fairy emperor ever see Xu Ziyan?

And did n’t he meet in person, but through Xu Nianzu?

Xu Qinyang's eyes flickered, and to be honest, he was not convinced. But seeing Qin Shuang's pure eyes, he couldn't believe it.

Then contact it. Anyway, based on his relationship with Xu Ziyan, it doesn't matter.

He took out the messenger Jade Jane and sent a message to Xu Ziyan.

Soon, Xu Qinyang's rumor Jade Jane shook, and the immortals in the hall looked nervously at Xu Qinyang's rumor Jade Jane. They really did not believe Xu Ziyan would come.

It must be Xu Ziyan's anger.

Xu Qinyang penetrated into the godly sense, and his face appeared in astonishment. There was only one sentence, two words, of the godly knowledge conveyed in the jade of Jianxun.



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