Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2444: Goodbye Xu Ziyan

"Xiandi City, the city's main mansion." Xu Qinyang immediately conveyed six words into it.

Then he looked at Qin Shuang, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes. He was very surprised. What was the last time that Qin Shuang was going to make Xu Ziyan meet Qin Shuang?

Xu Ziyan is a holy master monk, the first person in fairyland.

If it is not a major event related to the fairyland, Xu Ziyan will never meet Qin Shuang. Especially this time Xu Ziyan didn't ask what was the matter, so he decided to come over. It can be imagined that the last time Qin Shuang met with Xu Ziyan, the discussion must be an event that Xu Ziyan attaches great importance to. Therefore, Xu Ziyan absolutely trusted Qin Shuang.

Thinking about it, he saw Xu Ziyan's figure emerge from a crack in the space.

"Meet the Lord Xu." The immortals worshiped Xu Ziyan neatly.

"Brother Qin Yang stayed, the others retreated." Xu Ziyan said lightly, but showed endless majesty.

Zhongxianzun bowed down and saluted quietly. Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves, the door was closed, and a ban was placed. Then sit down and look at Qin Shuang:

"Are you going to chaos again?"

Xu Qinyang's face could not help changing, he knew chaos. Did Qin Shuang have caused chaos?

Qin Shuang smiled awkwardly, "The junior doesn't want to die yet. A fluke is enough."

Xu Ziyan also couldn't help laughing: "What's going on this time?"

"Mr. Xu, the junior is a monk who ascended from the spirit world. In the spirit world, there was a crack, the chaos gas emerged from the crack, and the law of chaos. The law of the spirit world is changing.

Xu Ziyan's expression became serious, and the spirit world was the foundation of the immortal world. If the laws of the spirit world are changed, the foundation of the immortal world will be abolished. However, Xu Ziyan was so impressed that he just looked at Qin Shuang, but didn't ask.

"In the end we blocked the crack, and there were altars that fell from the immortal world. We made altars through research. But during this process, the demons once modified the law of chaos. After modifying the law of chaos, they were able Control Chaos Beast. "

"Nianzu know?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"Know, we used to fight side by side."

Qin Shuang analyzed from this sentence by Xu Ziyan, Xu Nianzu should not have told Xu Ziyan what happened in the spiritual realm. Perhaps Xu Nianzu had forgotten it, or Xu Nianzu had not seen Xu Ziyan for a long time. Perhaps Xu Nianzu thought that things in the spiritual realm would not happen in the fairy realm, because there was some purple smoke in the fairy realm.

"Today I and Xiang Jiao are dueling in the Taixian Emperor's Stele. He used to be my friend in the spirit world. But now he is enchanted by spirits. He once thought of using the spirit world method to encourage the fairy world demons to change the law of chaos. The slaughter is born to get into the magic. But the demons rejected it. So I wanted to kill me into the magic.

I think the Demons can refuse once, not necessarily the second and third times. In other words, although they rejected Xiangjiao on the bright side, they began to rebuild in secret. Therefore, I took the liberty to notify Xu Zongzhu. "

"You're right!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "You don't need to worry about this, and don't tell anyone, I will deal with it."

"Yes!" Qin Shuang relaxed his heart.

"Come, let's leave a contact mark. If there is anything in the future, you can contact me directly."

"Thank you senior!"

Qin Shuang hurriedly took out the messaging jade Jane, leaving each other with a mark. Qin Shuang then asked:

"Master Xu, do you know Yang Linglong?"

Xu Ziyan's eyes suddenly snapped: "Have you seen Linglong?"

Qin Shuang silently took out the exquisite sword. When Xu Ziyan reached out and took a volley shot, he grabbed Linglong Sword in his hands, and recalled the scenes in his mind. The most popular set was refined into a sword in Yang Linglong and Long Aotian.

Xu Ziyan sighed, mysterious knowledge shrouded the exquisite sword. It only took a moment for her to understand Yang Linglong's encounter. Consumption of drowsiness is not a problem, but there is a trace of blood in the body ...

"Blood Demon!" Xu Ziyan suddenly looked at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang said the past again, Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "Linglong sword placed with me first, it will take a while, until Linglong recovers, if she is willing to follow you, I will return you."

"That means if Yang Linglong refuses to follow her, she won't pay back?"

This is the idea in Qin Shuang's heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

"What else do you have?" Xu Ziyan put away Linglong Sword.


Qin Shuang was a bit frustrated, and his own exquisite sword was gone. He also had to prepare a sword for Baihu Yuanshen. Moreover, the exquisite sword is a fairy treasure, and he can only prepare a superb fairy ware for Baihu Yuanshen.

Xu Ziyan nodded, and then his body disappeared naturally.

"Qin Shuang, I'll make a place for you in Xiandi City, and you'll be there waiting for the monks on the pretty mainland." Xu Qinyang said.

"Thank you Senior Xu." Qin Shuang thought for a while and thought, "Senior, when are we going to wait? When is the time to fight back? How many rings do we have to retreat to?"

"It is uncertain to return to a few circles!" Xu Qinyang said: "We are now converging strength. You know that the immortal realm is very large, even if it is only a south, and it is very wide. Many monks have not yet come together. When our monks come together, Chaos Beast They all come together, when the battle is decisive. "

Qin Shuang understood, Xu Qinyang and they thought of a big battle. When the monks and the Chaos Beasts converged to the peak, a decisive battle decided the victory. Otherwise, the East is going to hit the hammer and the West is going to do it. I don't know if this war will drag on for hundreds of years. But a decisive battle can be resolved. By then, no matter who wins, there will be no ability to break out of war again, and peace for at least a thousand years will be exchanged.

The chaotic beast wins, and the Hundreds have to cower, hold on to their existing territory, and slowly build up strength. With hundreds of races winning, Chaos Beasts will quickly escape and enter their area of ​​Chaos Law. Hundreds will quickly conquer the lost ground, and then further attack the area of ​​the law of chaos.

"Wait a minute!" Qin Shuang said secretly in his heart: "Just take this time to promote cultivation."

There is a mountain in the southeast corner of the imperial city, where Qin Shuang is arranged, waiting for the hunting of the sky to walk them. Qin Shuang opened a cave house on the mountain at will, and began to hold the town demon tower to practice.

The battle with Xiangjiao has consolidated the foundation and it is time to break through the second floor of the Emperor Xian.

However, after entering the Emperor Xian, Qin Shuang only knew that the accumulation of Yuan force needed during the Xiandi period was even greater, and the amount of Yuan force required by Qin Shuang was much more than that of a normal monk. Frowning is the breakthrough from the first floor of the Emperor to the second floor of the Emperor. How long will it take?

Even if it has the strong innate immortal treasure of the town demon tower.


Thank you very much for the gusts of james (200), seaphay (100), blue magic stone (100), mortal Xiuxian slightly 2 (100), spin and battle (100) for the reward!



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