Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2483: Take a key step

The coercion became stronger and stronger. Finally, Qin Shuang stopped, and his eyes fell on a pile of rocks. In the center of a pile of rocks, there was a blood-red gem, blinking With a dim light, that coercion was emitted from the blood ruby, but now the blood red gem was covered with fine cracks.

"Om ..."

The jewel slowly glowed with a hint of red light, and the red light gradually converged, converging into the appearance of a monk. The appearance is simple, the majesty is full of majesty.

Qin Shuang could not help taking a step back, and looked at the monk quickly. The monk's body was completely composed of red light, and it was not completely solid. Qin Shuang could see that gem was in the heart of that monk.

The monk's spirit seemed very bad and looked very weak, but when he glanced at Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang had a feeling of seeing through that monk, and his body was cold.

"Human!" Said the monk, his voice a little jerky, as if he hadn't talked for a long time.

Watching Qin Shuang's vigilance, the monk sighed:

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm going to die, and this time I'm dead completely."

Qin Shuang is a little confused. If he dies, he is dead. Why is he dead completely?

Suddenly she remembered the immortal master and the demon master, wasn't that the immortal master and the demon master just dead? But isn't he still thinking about resurrection?

And they really have a great possibility of resurrection.

Is this ... this monk is also a holy monk? Holy monk who died?


"Give you some benefits before you answer my question."

The monk groaned, and then Qin Shuang felt that his body did not listen to his control, and flew towards that monk. Before he could struggle, Qin Shuang was sucked into the heart of his chest by the monk, which was the blood red Among the gems.

After Qin Shuang entered this gem, her body immediately recovered her freedom. She hurriedly looked around, and saw that this was a blood-colored space, and there were blood droplets with large nails floating in the space. The monk's voice sounded in her ear:

"These blood drops are all the exercises I've practiced in my life. You can take a look. They are the benefits I give you."

Qin Shuang stabilized her mind. She knew that even if she wanted to resist, she was not the monk's opponent. The other party can crush himself at will.

Gaze looked at those drops of blood, exactly the same, with about a thousand drops. Qin Shuang thought about it, and pierced a ray of mystery into a drop of blood in front of him.

"It turns out to be the way of time."

Qin Shuang again, but shook her head with a bitter smile, she has no spiritual roots of time, and the heritage of time in this blood drop is very esoteric, Qin Shuang can not understand at all. However, at this time, Qin Shuang really let go of the hanging heart. It seems that this monk is not malicious to himself and really wants to give it to himself. So, she divided her mystic knowledge into thousands of ways, and plunged into each drop, to see if she could find the inheritance she could understand.

"Five Elements in One!"

A ray of mystery of Qin Shuang found the five elements in one, and the five elements in one and Qin Shuang's Chaoyuan continent is very different from the five elements in the small dragon world.

The combination of the five elements of the dragon in the Chaoyuan continent was born, that is, the instinct of the five-colored **** dragon, and the five-colored **** dragon has been one of the five elements from birth. However, the unity of the five elements given by the monk is not born, but cultivated the day after tomorrow. Not only has he practiced the five elements in one, the whole process, but also his cultivation experience.

Qin Shuang immediately collected the other mysterious insights into the blood drop, and began to realize the five elements in this drop of blood.

"This is the inheritance I once practiced, and the experience of the five elements in one." The monk's voice sounded in Qin Shuang's ears again:

"You are also the root of the five elements. This inheritance is very suitable for you. Come and understand."

Qin Shuang is immersed in comprehension. In this inheritance, it seems that there is a layer of veil. Qin Shuang unveiled a layer of veil and gained a layer of understanding of the five elements.

At this time, Qin Shuang had completely forgotten the time and the place forgotten, and the whole mind was immersed in it.

Know at home.

A ball-shaped realm is suspended, the fire phoenix, the white tiger, the blue dragon, the basalt, and the unicorn, are gathered on the realm and form a circle, holding each other's hands together, A ring was formed.


In the phoenix primordial body, a fiery red began to boil.

Within the White Tiger Yuanshen, a piece of gold began to boil.

In the dragon dragon **** body, a piece of blue began to boil.

In the Xuanwu Yuanshen body, a piece of blue began to boil.

In Kirin's Yuan Shen body, a yellow piece still boiled.

The five primordial gods and five colors gradually began to flow through the hands that they held each other, flowed and penetrated each other.


There is a trace of fusion, then a second, a third ...

Do not know how long it has passed, Qin Shuang Huo woke up. Then she saw that the blood droplets in front of her eyes began to dissipate, and a trace of blood mist disappeared.

Not only that drop of blood, all the drops of blood began to turn into a mist of blood, completely dissipating.

Qin Shuang could not help but feel a heartache, but it was all inheritance, and it just disappeared.

"Senior ..." Qin Shuang called anxiously.

"I'm dying. I can't sustain these inheritances."

The monk's voice came, and then Qin Shuang felt the surrounding scene change. She was removed by the monk and stood opposite the monk. Qin Shuang closed her eyes, and the mysterious, brand-new, mystery about the five elements in one, flowed quickly in my heart.

About ten minutes later, Qin Shuang felt a sudden pain coming from the sea, and she had to wake up from her feelings. His face was pale and his body couldn't help it anymore.

"It's a pity!" Said the monk, "You probably just realized that 60% of the five elements are one and 40%, because your mysterious power is exhausted."

Qin Shuang could not understand the sea from the inside, and saw that the five Yuanshen were still connected to each other, sitting in a circle. The mysterious power in the five Yuanshen has been completely exhausted, without a trace of color, and languishing. In this way, Qin Shuang did not know to what extent he realized?

"Don't worry!" The voice sounded again: "When you cultivate and restore the power of mystery, you will know where you are now. It's time for you to answer some of my questions."

Qin Shuang restrained her headache. At this moment, she felt a tingling in the sea, as if she could pass out at any time. She knew it was because of the exhaustion of the mysterious power, took a deep breath, and went to the monk Saluting:

"Excuse me, senior!"


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