Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2484: Give away

"I'll introduce myself first, I'm Kui Tian!"


Qin Shuang looked stunned. Now she is not a rookie in fairyland. She has a wide and detailed understanding of the legends of fairyland. Prior to the return of the Hundreds of Continents, there were six holy monks in the fairyland, namely Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Immortal Master, Demon Master, Demon Master, and Kui Tian.

"Have you heard of me?"


Qin Shuang's look is more respectful, but his heart is also more alert. It is that these fallen holy master monks have brought a great crisis to Qin Shuang. Either the demon master or the immortal master. She didn't know if this Kui Tian was going to win the house and enter her body, would she collapse and die instantly. She couldn't help but keep the three holy monks in balance.

"Now ... what other monks are alive?"

"There are Xu Zongzhu, Senior Yan, Tiangong Gongzhu, Senior Zuo, Senior Lin, Senior Ming and Cheng Senior."

Kui Tian was silent for a moment, and sighed again: "Have you heard of the resurrection of the fallen holy monk?"

"No!" Qin Shuang's heart was tense, and the immortal master and the demon master were in her body.

Kui Tian sighed again: "I had broken my body and was swallowed up by the Chaos tribe. I barely escaped a ray of consciousness and wrapped in a drop of blood. I finally fell here, and that consciousness was almost consumed Clean, no longer dare to move, I hid here and slowly recovered.

At that time, I thought that with this drop of blood and my consciousness, I could be resurrected. But it was not expected that it was completely shrouded in chaos. Not only did I not get a trace of recovery, but I was consuming every day. I want to leave here, but the weak I can no longer move, and under the shroud of chaos, I become weaker and weaker. I have also thought about winning. "

Having said that, he glanced at the harp, making it cold.

"But for more than 100,000 years, no monk has come here. There are chaotic beasts everywhere. You are the first monk I have ever met.

It's a pity ... "Kui Tian glanced at Qin Shuang:" You don't have to worry. My strength is not enough to win the house. If you come a few days later, I will completely dissipate. Although your cultivation is only the peak of the Emperor, your Yuan Shen is definitely more than that. With my current strength, to seize your house, it will become your nourishment, and increase your realm of Yuanshen. "

Qin Shuang is still on alert, she can't believe Kui Tian's words. He asked tentatively:

"So what did the seniors entrust to the younger ones?"

"I'm going to die. I've lived long enough. After two catastrophes, nothing is taken lightly. Nothing is entrusted to you. I don't have any descendants or friends ... before I die, I can Seeing a race that is not a Chaos tribe has already been favored by heaven. "

Qin Shuang saw that Kui Tian's figure was still very light at this time, and the blood beads at the heart were more cracked and bigger.

"This blood should be his drop of essence blood, right?"

"I once stood at the pinnacle of the whole immortal world, but two catastrophes caused me to fall twice." His eyes turned to Qin Shuang:

"This time I was truly dead. At the last moment, I was very happy to have you talk to me. I gave you a gift before I died. Thank you."

Kui Tian's figure shrank toward the heart and entered the blood drop, and the cracked blood drop flew to the top of Qin Shuang's head. Qin Shuang wanted to move, but there was a huge and pure mysterious force dropped from the blood beads, covering the entire body of Qin Shuang, so that Qin Shuang lost his physical control and could not move.

That pure mysterious power entered Qin Shuang's knowledge sea, and quickly recovered her depleted mystic power.

"If you have the chance, I hope you can go farther and stronger than me! This is also my wish."

Qin Shuang's mysterious power began to recover frantically, infiltrating from her 108 thousand pores and flowing in her body. The five great gods, the soul of the soul, including the spirit in the Tao heart and the two souls in the heavens and the earth, are insanely absorbed.

Not sure how long, Qin Shuang woke up from the wonderful feeling.

Her first is to sense any corner of her body carefully, looking for Kui Tian. However, after scanning all the corners carefully, no trace of Kui Tian was found.

Qin Shuang's heart was a joy, and then a gloom.

This is the first holy monk that Qin Shuang met. She did not hold her maliciously, but gave her a holy monk who gave her gifts. I remembered the message before Kui Tian was dying. Her eyes grew brighter.

"Thank you senior, I will definitely go higher and stronger!"

Qin Shuang frowned slightly when she saw the sea. The power of mystery has not only recovered, but has also been greatly improved. The gift of Kui Tian's death has made her five great gods mysterious power have reached 82.2%. However, the five great gods are still in a circle at this time, connected by hands, and all enter into comprehension.

"This is ... as soon as the power of the mystery recovers, it immediately enters comprehension!"

Qin Shuang is not surprised. The five main gods have been in a state of understanding the five elements in one. Previously, they were in a coma because of the exhaustion of mysterious power. When the power of mystery began to recover, they recovered from the coma and naturally entered Continue to realize.

However, Qin Shuang showed a bit of bitter smile. Originally, she felt that she had cultivated too many things. She had five great gods, a soul of life, a soul of heaven, a soul of earth, a spirit and a martial art.

But now?

Spirit, heaven soul, earth soul and Wu Xiang all suppress the immortal master in Tao heart. Now the five great gods are still in the process of comprehension, leaving only the soul of life.

Now she is in control of her soul.

She cannot interrupt the realization of the Five Great Gods, because once she interrupts, she does not know how long it will take before she can enter this realm of realization. Not only can't she interrupt, she has to maintain that understanding.

How to maintain this understanding?

The mysterious power of the five great gods cannot be exhausted!

Have to take the elixir to supplement the consumption of mysterious power!

But is it enough to supplement the consumption of the elixir?

Suddenly there was a flash of light in my heart.

The mysterious power of Qin Shuang had solidified 78% before, but realized that 60% and 5 elements are one. Now that it is 80% solidified, it should be enough to understand the remaining 40%?

Not right!

The previous 60% comprehension also includes the comprehension that was once in the Chaoyuan continent, so the solidification of 82% may not be enough.

Then only take elixir often, hoping to replenish it in time.


From now on, for a long time, I ca n’t release the Taoism, neither the Spirit nor the Five Great Gods can be used, and I have truly become a pure practitioner.


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