Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2500: wait

At this moment, there was a gleam in the eyes of the remaining nineteen Xianzun. They opened the gourd mouth and saw a drop of monkey wine flying out of them. They were imprisoned in a hood.

Danyuewu left a drop of monkey wine, put the other monkey wine back into the gourd, closed the lid, and then opened her mouth, and that drop of monkey wine was sucked into her mouth.

Such as Shengjin liquid, down the ear, full of fragrance.

"Good wine!"

Dan Yuewu could not help but praise, then closed her eyes and began to refine the drop of monkey wine. Seeing this, the other monks left a drop of monkey wine, filled the other monkey wine with gourds, and sucked in that drop of monkey wine. A flush appeared on their faces, and they closed one by one. The eyes began to refine.

Just before interestless time, the three deities first opened their eyes. Danyuewu stretched her hands towards the piano:

"Give me another gourd, I'll bring it to Qin Yang."

Qin Shuang took out another gourd and gave it to Danyuewu, who looked at the two heavenly respects and said:

"Just don't play the idea of ​​Qin Shuang. This kind of wine has not been made for tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. It can't be made at all. Qin Shuang has no chance. There are few gourds. "

The two immortals could not help but look at them, and no longer mention monkey wine. However, they are kind to Qin Shuang.

In their view, an immortal emperor could not get much of this refined monkey wine with the chance. Qin Shuang can take it out without hesitation and give each of them a gourd, which at least proves Qin Shuang's character, personality and mind. This kind of person deserves to be associated with, and gives her breakthrough experience of Xianzun.

When Zhongxun Zun left, she was left with Dan Yuewu, Qin Shuang asked:

"Senior, recently there was a monk named Xu Kaiyun who flew from the spirit realm to the immortal realm and joined Taixu Zong?"

"Xu Kaiyun? Disciples of the Xu family?"


"No!" Dan Yuewu shook her head, "I don't know if someone else joined Taixu Zongzong. But the monks from the Xu Family's ascension, I will definitely know."

Qin Shuang did not ask anyone, because in her mind, Xu Kaiyun was the most promising, or in other words, the monk who was able to ascend first, he did not ascend, and the other monks should not.

Moreover, even if there are other monks flying up, as Dan Yuewu said just now, she will not pay attention, nor will she know.

"Xu Kaiyun, is he your friend?" Dan Yuewu asked.

"Huh!" Qin Shuang nodded. "It's the turn of life and death. And he's the same as the ancestor of the ancestors."

Dan Yuewu's eyes were bright: "The Xu family is full of talents!"

"Senior, how do you know that there is a small world here?" Qin Shuang asked curiously: "I seem to have come to a lot of monks from other continents."

"It's been a long time since this small world was born!" Dan Yue said: "When it first appeared, it was only one metre round. Some monks on this continent found it, and then wanted to enter the exploration, but was strangled by the vortex. The monk was found. Later, when he saw his companion being hanged to become fan powder, he made a map here and took it to the auction house for auction. After that, the photographed monk came here with a group of monks. When I found out that I could n’t enter at all. I wanted to enter, but I had to wait for this small world to open on my own.

However, the vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and there were no signs of opening. He wanted to gather the power of monks to open this small world forcibly, so he copied numerous jade slips and spilled them. The news naturally spread quickly.

In Fairyland, the fastest-moving news is the fairy merchants. These merchants are spread across the hundreds of continents. The news naturally returned to the hundreds of continents at the fastest speed, so we will come. "

"Oh, the predecessors can't forcibly open this small world?"

"This small world is a bit weird." Dan Yuewu looked up at the whirlpool in the sky: "So we the Celestial deities of all races discussed it and thought it was better to wait for it to open naturally."

Qin Shuang nodded, chatted with Dan Yuewu for a while, and drank a few cups of Wudao tea.

"You are just above the gimbal, find a place to realize it, don't waste Gouda tea."

"Thank you senior!"

Qin Shuang got up and gave his salute, found a place on the platform, and sat down with her knees crossed. Take out a jade slip and start reading.

A month later.

Enclosed by a huge black vortex with a radius of two kilometers, countless gimbals float in the air. Under the Yuntai, there are dense monks of all ethnic groups.

Qin sat cross-legged on the head, and put away the last jade. In the past month, Qin Shuang has read through twenty jade bamboo slips several times and fully realized. Although it is of little help to her five elements, it has further consolidated the foundation of her various attributes. From this aspect, it is very helpful to her five elements.

For more than a month, whenever she reads Jade Jane, the five primordial gods will automatically absorb her understanding. At this time, within Qin Shuang's knowledge of the sea, the five primordial gods' hands have disappeared. Being one, they sat closer.

"I've realized here. The twenty jade slips have helped me a lot. And I took them back and showed them to Li Tianxing and others. They should have great hope to break through human respect."

The piano looked around in both directions. The huge black vortex in the sky was slowly rotating, and the dark red in the center became more obvious. Beneath it, there are patches of pan-tilts, dense monks on the ground.

Qin Shuang closed her eyes again.

"The experience of these twenty immortals breaking through the period of human respect has also greatly inspired Daoism."

Qin Shuang's heart is flowing with the mystery of the Five Elements, trying to increase the power of the Five Elements. However, in the end, she failed, and she was not discouraged. She knew that she could only increase the power of the five elements by combining the five elements into one.

"Then try the method of a single attribute."

"Fire for the void!"

Qin Shuang remembered this method and began to develop and improve it. This doctrine is very overbearing and can smash the void into pieces. It is very difficult to promote this kind of domineering, that is, Qin Shuang gained the experience of those Xianzun, and then he felt that he had the hope to promote the refining void again.

After more than ten days, Qin Shuang finally raised the fire refining void to a grade. It's just that it's only theoretically derived. Qin Shuang has not practiced it. The five great gods are comprehending the five elements, which makes Qin Shuang lose his ability to practice.

Without the ability to release Taoist magical powers, it is really not used to it!

Qin Shuang looked up at the huge black vortex in the air: "Predecessor Dan Yuewu said that this small world is a bit weird. Now I only have the ability to refine the body, but I have to be careful."


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