Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2501: Open

Seeing that the black vortex was still expanding, but there were still no signs to open, Qin Shuang closed her eyes again, this time she was ready to comprehend Xinghai.

This time she focused on Xinghai, only to understand the Xinghai of the earth property, and raised the power of the Xinghai to a level, making it a hole card of the earth property.

I have to say that the 20 Celestial Masters have given Qin Shuang a lot of help, and she also dedicated Xinghai to the Taoist Taoism. After more than 20 days of deduction, she theoretically deduced Xinghai to An extreme that can currently be reached. Although released after the release, the appearance is the same, but there is a qualitative improvement in power.

"It's a pity not to experiment!"

Qin Shuang shook her head, opened her eyes, and glanced around, seeing those immortals or sitting with their eyes closed, or several people gathered to communicate.

Qin Shuang lowered his eyes slightly, thinking about his current situation.

In the aspect of Xianyuan strength, Qin Shuang, in the beginning, because the inheritance of the warrior's mainland went to extremes, she actually cultivated five yuan gods, and the exercises were very strong, making her very strong.

Later, he practiced refining, and the refining of the warrior continent also went to the extreme, creating the practice method of martial arts, so Qin Shuang cultivated martial arts again. The martial arts of the martial arts continent, because of extreme development, cultivates the soul differently. Now Qin Shuang cultivates the soul of life and the soul of heaven and earth. She began to practice Confucianism and Taoism at an early age, and opened up Hao Ran's heart. Eventually she cultivated Dao and her spirit in Hao Ran's heart. What is even more speechless is that because of encountering the Lord of the Lord, fellow initiates of immortal and magic were formed.

The five great gods of Xianyuanli martial arts have the soul of life and the two souls of heaven and earth, the martial arts of refining, the spirit of Confucianism and Taoism, and fellow initiates of fairy and demon.

Qin Shuang sighed slightly.

"Is it possible to take a pure line? If I take a specific line, will it make it easier for me to break through to humanity?"

Qin Shuang was lost in thought.

Obtaining such a cultivation direction, and each of the cultivation directions is very strong, making Qin Shuang's combat power extraordinary, but this is also a very troublesome thing.

The specific embodiment is that it is very difficult for Qin Shuang to break through the period of human respect. Fortunately, there is another direction, that is, the five elements in one. Once the five elements are combined, Qin Shuang will certainly be able to break through the period of human respect.

However, Qin Shuang's goal is not human respect, she has a higher goal.

So, what about the dignity?

The five elements have been combined into one.

For a long time, Qin Shuang was thinking about her own cultivation direction. As she came into contact with more inheritance and more monks, she discovered a lot of directions, but Qin Shuang did not have a master to guide her, and she relied on each step for her I am afraid that if one is not careful, it will cause serious consequences, which can be described as trembling, such as walking on thin ice.

After all, no one is as messy as she is ...

"If I follow a single line, I have two questions. One is to choose that line. Is it Yuanli, is it refining, martial arts, or Confucianism?

The second question is how to abolish other aspects once a specific route is chosen? "


Qin Shuang shook her head. There was always a feeling in her heart. Once she had chosen a specific cultivation direction, she might break through to the human respect faster, and in the future would break through the land respect and even the heaven respect. However, there was a strong feeling telling her that in that case, she would miss the Holy Master.

At most, it will stop.

"So where is my direction?"


Qin Shuang began to slowly analyze: "The five elements in one is the beginning of a kind of integration, and the five elements in one is completely feasible from the current point of view. As long as I have the five elements in one, it will definitely break through the period of human respect.

What about me later?

Nature is still fusion! "

Qin Shuang glanced at the five major gods in the sea. At this time, the hands of the five major gods were completely fused, and their arms were connected into a circle.

"The fusion of the five great gods into one makes me break through to human respect. What if I merge one of the spirit, soul and martial arts again?

Will it break through to the landlord? "

"Then, if you merge one of them, will you break through to Heaven?"

"Finally merging one of them, will you break through to the holy level?"

"Or is it all integrated? Can we break through the big order?"

"In my case, there should be no ancient people before. There is no experience to learn from. Now it seems that there is no problem with the integration of the five elements. The only difference is time and understanding, and the direction is completely wrong.

So, I should infer now, which one should I merge next? "

"For the time being, Wu Xiang set aside and had no idea how to merge.

Soul, spirit, do I fuse the spirit with the soul now, or do I first fuse the spirit with the soul? "

Qin sat cross-legged there, and the deduction passed more than a month later, with some experience. Suddenly feeling a change in the surrounding space, I opened my eyes and looked at the black vortex rotating at a high place. At this time, the diameter of the black vortex had exceeded ten thousand meters. And at the middle diameter kilometer, it was already dark red.

Qin Shuang stood up. At this time, Xianzun and other Xianzun also stood up and looked into the air. The monks on the various gimbals stood up at this time. Both eyes released anticipation and excitement.

"People are ready, the small world is about to open!"

One by one, the sounds rang from the heads, and fell toward the monks on the ground below.

"Click ..."

In the black vortex, there was a dark red lightning throbbing, and the dark red area with a central diameter of 1,000 meters gradually produced a dark red channel.

Qin Shuang stood at the corner of the head and watched quietly. Later, they saw the monks starting from the sky, flying towards the vortex of the sky.

The closest to the human race camp is the Feng tribe. At this time, each phoenix flew to the sky with gorgeous colors.

A large phoenix flew towards that vortex, like a colored river, and became colorful in the whole field of vision.


A phoenix flew past Qin Shuang's eyes and merged into the colorful river.

Qin Shuang looked at the monks from below his feet, one by one, and flew past her. Those monks were all Emperors, and the Emperor and the Emperor were both monks of the rules. At this time, it played the role of the vanguard.

However, she was standing on the cloud platform at this time, standing with some fairy statues.

"Boom boom boom ..."

There were extremely heavy footsteps in the air, and Qin Shuangxun looked up. Above the ground, giants as tall as a hundred feet were striding towards the center of the vortex.

That's a giant!


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