Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2502: enter

Each giant is covered in bronze, with muscles like dragons, and they begin to walk into the air, as if there are invisible steps in the air, step by step towards the dark red channel in the center of the black vortex.

Even if their footsteps step in the air of nothingness, they still make a heavy noise, and under their feet, there are ripples.

In the other direction, it was the wolf tribe. They showed their original shapes. They were wolves full of fierce power. The smallest wolf was over a hundred meters long.

All kinds of monks gathered together into rivers, just like Wanli returned to the ancestors, and flew towards the dark red in the middle of the air without any hesitation or stay.

Qin Shuang looked at it quietly, a kind of grand impact force came to his face.

Human race, giant race, phoenix race, wolf race, dragon race, etc., all races, all turned into waves of rivers, flowing into the black vortex, flowing into the dark red channel, stretching Endless.

Only one monk on the gimbal was still standing still.

"Qin Shuang, are you ready?" Dan Yuewu looked back into the air, turned her head, and looked at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang stepped up to Danyuewu and shouted, "I have seen the seniors, and the younger ones are ready."

At this time, those immortals on the cloud platform also came to the side of Danyuewu. Everyone looked calm. In their lifetime, they do not know how many relics they have explored, how many small worlds they have experienced, and how many dangers they have experienced. Few things can make their moods fluctuate.

In less than an hour, there were no monks on the ground, and only the gimbal floating in the air remained.

"Let's go too!"

Then they saw the tops of the cloud heads, one by one, the statues of Xianzun flying up, Dan Yuewu waving his sleeves, folded up the head, and flew towards the dark red channel.

Soon, Qin Shuang entered the dark red channel.

Rushing into the dark red channel, the surrounding area is dark red, but between the beards, the piano double appears outside the dark red channel.

Wherever you look, it's dark red.

This is indeed a small world, but it is a weird small world.

This small world is not small, and the margins are not visible at first glance, but strangely, the entire small world appears a dark red.

Looking down, Qin Shuang already stood on the ground, and the ground showed a dark red.

Looking up, the color in the air is lighter, it is a kind of light red. However, a dark red sun hung in the air.

Looking into the distance!

Dark red mountains, dark red water, dark red vegetation ...

Qin Shuang took a breath.

The immortal energy is very strong, and it has caught up with the area of ​​the disciples outside the sky.

You must know that the concentration of the Celestial Aura in the area of ​​the disciples of the Xingxingzong is already five times that of the continent. However, in this small world, only ordinary places have such a concentration of fairy energy.


The immortal energy in this small world is violent and inhaled, not only cannot be absorbed, but also consumes its immortal power to suppress.


A gust of wind blew through, setting off a layer of dark red dust, blowing Qin Shuang's hair backwards, and the dress also made a hunting sound.

Qin Shuang thought for a moment, but there was a hint of joy in his heart.

There is no doubt that after entering this small world, the alliance between the various races has completely disappeared. This is a tacit understanding rule among the hundreds. In a large aspect, the alliance of the hundreds of ethnic groups does not allow fighting. Once a fighting occurs, the ethnic groups discuss it together.

However, once you enter a certain relic or a small world, for the purpose of opportunity and treasure, at this time in the relic or small world, the Hundred Clan Alliance is automatically dismissed, and everyone can fight and kill at will.

But now in this small world, Qin Shuang undoubtedly belongs to the weak, so many immortals, Qin Shuang is the peak of an immortal emperor, and there is no room for confusion.

However, in this small world, Xianyuan Qi is so violent that it cannot be absorbed. Once absorbed, it is necessary to consume the power of the yuan to suppress, which has caused everyone to dare to mobilize the power of the fairy yuan, and can only rely on the strength of the body.

Today, for various reasons, only the power of the body is left!

"My refining realm has reached the peak of five levels of human respect. Should I be able to protect myself here?"

However, Qin Shuang's heart was stunned again. Among the hundreds of races, there were many races, that is, the body was strong. Their previous fighting methods also liked the collision of the body. When Qin Shuang meets them, they may not have an advantage.


There was another gust of wind, and this time the gust was endless. The dark red dust in the field of vision was lifted up and covered the sky. The gust of wind blew on Qin Shuang's body, causing Qin Shuang to shake.

Qin Shuang put his feet firmly on the ground, and his shaking body immediately stabilized, but the fierceness of the wind made Qin Shuang a little shocked.

The strong and violent immortal energy rolled in the strong wind, hitting Qin Shuang's body.

The dark red sky became turbid. In the sky, the dark red clouds tumbled like plasma.

For a full quarter of an hour, this gust of wind gradually disappeared, the dust fell back, and the vision gradually became clear. Qin Shuang looked to the left and right and forward, and there seemed to be no trace of the indigenous people of this small world. Turning around and looking towards the back, his eyes narrowed.

In that direction, she saw a dark red city.

Around a dark red city, at this time there were already dense crowds of hundreds of monks, just like the ocean, rushing towards the city. Hundreds of monks are also keenly aware of the anomalies in this small world. It's not that they can't do the Dharma at all times, but just release the Dharma, it will consume the power of their own body, and the power of the Dharma will be greatly suppressed because of the rage of immortal energy. Then replenishing the celestial power in the body is still a problem. It can not absorb the violent celestial power here. That is not a supplement, but a greater consumption, because the celestial power in the body needs to be used to suppress the violent celestial power. Therefore, the monks of hundreds of races did not fly, but ran on the ground, rushing towards the dark red city.

Countless monks are gathered into the sea, and each monk is a monk of the law, one by one, such as rising smoke.

In the dark-red city, on the balcony of the first tallest building, stood a young man in a blood-colored robe. The young man wore a blood-colored crown on his head, and a dark-red hand patted him lightly. Railings, looking at the hundred monks outside the city like the rising tide.

"Exorcism! The prophecy finally came ..." The young man muttered to himself.


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