Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2503: City break

"His Royal Highness, the guards have assembled, let's leave quickly." Behind him, a tall man with blood-colored armor all over his knees.

"Don't worry! I need to take a closer look at what the extraterrestrial demons in the prophecy look like, and I will keep them in mind." The man calmly said: "In the prophecy, there will be extraterrestrial demons coming in troubled times. .My father and a few brothers, for the throne, several uncles also stand for the throne, there is war everywhere, the flames are everywhere, it is indeed a troubled time, but they have forgotten the extraterrestrial demon in the prophecy. Just me I did not expect that the first place invaded by the demon outside the territory turned out to be my fiefdom. "


The rushing monks had begun to approach the dark red city, and the earth began to shake from a distance. I don't know who released a magical power to that city.

Meteor fire rain.

Above the blood-stained city, there suddenly appeared a meteor fire and rain, each shooting star with a fiery flame, smashed severely towards the blood-stained city.

This time, the magical power represented the beginning of the monks' attack on Scarlet City.

"Booming ..."

The fastest races are those giants. Without flying, they show the advantages of giants.

They opened their two long legs and began to surpass other races, like fast-moving hills, running towards the Scarlet City. In those huge eyes, he did not hide his greed and excitement.

The current fairyland has scarce resources because of the law of chaos. However, this small world has not been affected by the law of chaos. For the monks of hundreds, it is covered by the law of chaos, which is a turbid place. A world without the law of chaos is a pure world. It is a For their world.

Such a world must have countless resources suitable for the cultivation of hundreds of monks. For the hundreds of monks, the entire small world is full of endless treasures and resources.

"Your Highness, we should leave!" The captain of the guard behind him, with urgency in his voice.

The young man in the blood-colored robe glanced again at the hundred monks outside the city, then turned around, strode away from the balcony, and asked:

"What about my father and my brothers?"

"The emperor and the prince have personally led their troops to meet." The guard captain followed behind.

When the young man was silent, only the sound of footsteps rang and half-sounded, "They will die, right?"

"Chen ... I don't know."

"It doesn't matter, I will take revenge on them." He started to quicken his pace, and then began to run, tears pouring out of his eyes and running down his cheeks.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Meteor fire and rain hit the city, burning a sea of ​​fire.


The Giants rushed to the city and took up heavy weapons or hammers, sticks, or axes of about a hundred feet in their hands, and smashed them against the wall, and the wall collapsed into a huge gap. Charged into the city. The heavy weapons followed the giant race, smashing all the way, every time they fell down, a building collapsed, setting off the dark red dust.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The collapse of buildings, countless indigenous people fled wildly in the dark red dust, screaming in panic.

"Hulah ..."

The Phoenix family has wings, but they dominate here. They flew into the city, swept their claws, and the natives were torn to pieces.

In the entire city, only the central one is still making final resistance, and the rest is chaotic. Hundreds of monks have begun to flood into the city and began slaughtering the city without any care.

Qin Shuang rushed into the city, then slowed down, and looked around the city. The dark red style made her visually uncomfortable and felt a little depressed. But the shape of the building did not make people feel depressed, but gave people a solemnity. However, at this time, they suffered wanton destruction.

In the flames of fire, there were also people wearing blood-colored armors, rushing towards the hundred monks without fear of death, and there were also hundreds of monks injured or died, but the number was very scarce, but it was those with blood-red armor Died on a large scale.

The strength of those people is still too weak for these rule monks, and they were randomly killed by hundreds of monks.


A corpse fell under Qin Shuang's feet, and Qin looked at the corpse in both directions.

On the whole, it is very similar to humans, with limbs, torso and skull just like humans. It's just that their skin is dark red, and the fingers have the same webs as duck's paw, which connects the five fingers together.

Another obvious feature is that the indigenous eyes here are not oval like humans, but triangles with unconventional moments.

"This ... should be considered humanoid?"

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, and the raging fairy spirit squeezed her body at all times, trying to get into her body. Qin Shuang thought about it.

"It is estimated that the hundreds of monks who have entered here, even if they can release the Taoism, the power should be suppressed by a big order!"

"Boom boom boom ..."

A fierce fighting roar broke out in the central area of ​​the city, and Qin Shuang made a decisive choice and was not ready to go to the central area. I am afraid that it is the battlefield of Xianzun. If you are an emperor, do n’t go for fun.

Except for the fairy goddess of the people of Danyuewu, the other fairy gods of the hundred races will definitely not mind killing the Qin Shuang if they see themselves.

Especially when they know that Qin Shuang is the top of the Tianta and Taixuan list, being able to kill Qin Shuang without growing up not only kills a future threat, but also has the talent readily.

Even if those Xianzun are too lazy to play the lyre double, but so many Xianzun are fighting, I am afraid that the waves will also cause damage to the double.

"where to?"

Qin Shuangyou looked around, Qin Shuang finally decided to move around the outer city of this city first.

The city is very large, and most monks are killing the city center straight. The outer city still has many buildings that have not been attacked.

At this time, Qin Shuang stood in front of a courtyard door with dark red walls and a dark red roof.

Qin Shuang kicked his feet, and the door was opened with Qin Shuang feet. Inside was a courtyard, on the steps opposite the main house, at this time stood a brawny man with red skin, and behind him was a woman and a boy, who should be his wife. At this moment, the big man was holding a long dark red knife in his hand, looking at Qin Shuang with fear and despair in his eyes.



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