Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2508: Asuka City

In the deep forest, the thick ancient trees were towering, and Qin Shuang ran through the forest for nearly a day, before they rushed out of the forest. Then she paused in surprise.

In view is a vast plain, and in the center of the plain, a huge bird sculpture stands.

The statue was a two-headed bird with two wings spread out and made a flying gesture. The whole big bird sculpture is very streamlined, very realistic and full of flying beauty.

On the back of that big bird, a city was supported.

Qin Shuang's current position is very far from the statue of the big bird, but he can see the statue very clearly.

That's because the statue is huge and has a height of more than ten thousand meters. I really don't know how such a statue was built.

She looked at the 10,000-meter-high bird statue, and only a monk could build such a magnificent building. If this is placed in the world, it is a miracle!

"This is the city of birds!"

As soon as Qin doubled, he returned to the forest. He first took out a constriction charm, released it on himself, and then released a hidden charm on himself.

Qin Shuang's breath disappeared completely, and her figure disappeared at the same time.

"I hope the soul monks in this city of birds are not strong!"

Qin Shuang walked out of the forest again. This time, instead of flying, she walked step by step towards the city of birds. I walked to the bottom of the bird city, and then circled around the bird city, but I didn't find the entrance, ladders, steps or the like. He looked up and looked upwards. At this moment, no soul monk came down from the city on the back of the bird, and no one was around.

Qin Shuang slowly flew into the air, trying to converge a trace of breath leaked out by himself, and control the spatial fluctuations.

She landed on the bird's wings and looked at the city on the bird's back.

The city is not small, it should be regarded as a medium-sized city. She saw soul monks walking in the city. However, there were no guardian monks at the gates, allowing the monks to come and go as they please. But at this time no soul monk came out of the city.

Everything seemed so peaceful and peaceful!

It seems that hundreds of monks haven't found it yet!

"I need to hurry! Find the inheritance I want before the monks come here."

Qin walked towards the gate in both directions, and soon came to the gate, walked into the gate, and looked at the tallest building in the shape of a book.

"It should be there!"

Qin Shuang did not rush, but walked towards the building unhurriedly.

The whole city was very peaceful and peaceful, and kept passing by the pedestrians, Qin Shuang could hear their laughter and laughter. There is no tension in war at all.

Qin Shuang avoided each pedestrian and walked towards the book-shaped building. As she got closer and closer to that book-shaped building, soul monks began to increase.

She could see the gate of the book-shaped building, and people kept coming in and out. She found that in this city, the busiest is not the streets with shops, but the surroundings of this book-shaped building.

Around this book-shaped building is a huge circular square, and that book-shaped building is located in the center of the circular square.

Because there are more and more soul monks, Qin Shuang will be more careful, from time to time to avoid the soul monks bumping towards himself, walking between the gap between the soul monks.

She came to the gate of the book-shaped building, and there was silence inside and outside the gate. Without any noise, Qin Shuang walked into the door and saw the men and women inside walking silently.

The entrance is a hall with 36 stairs around the hall leading to 36 directions. Qin's eyes swept across the thirty-six stairs, and there were soul monks up and down. There is a rest area on the second floor, where soul monks are drinking a drink, holding books, and communicating in a low voice.

Qin Shuang chose a stairs closest to her, and at this time, she had time to look carefully at the soul monks around her.

The soul monks in the surrounding area are not high. At least so far, she has not seen a rule monk. The strongest is just the level of the immortal monarch. Such a weak monk could not find her trace at all.

The defense of this public heritage is also very sparse, or that is to say, the entire Soul monk loves this public heritage and does not need to be guarded.

Qin Shuang went down the stairs and ascended to the second floor. The entire second floor is visited by rows of bookshelves. On the bookshelves, there is a book made without knowing what material it is made of. Qin Shuang starts from the bookshelf closest to him on the left, and penetrates the power of the soul. Go to the books on the shelf and find what you want.

Not long after, between the bookshelf and the bookshelf, a soul monk sat on the ground, leaned on the back of the bookshelf, stretched his legs on the aisle, and was holding a book in his hands seriously.

At this time, Qin Shuang was standing beside him, first glanced at the book in the hands of the soul monk, and felt that it was not the inheritance he wanted. Then he raised his leg and gently lifted the thigh of the soul monk. Stepped over and continued to look at the books on the shelf.

When encountering someone, Qin Shuang carefully explored a ray of soul power, and quickly the content of the book. When encountering no one, Qin Shuang immediately divided out countless strands of soul power, each strand of soul power was a book, quickly.

Qin doubled quickly, and was useless to himself, immediately gave up, and quickly went from beginning to end with interest. But she had already hundreds of books and a dozen bookshelves, but still could not find the inheritance she wanted.

It gradually darkened, and many soul monks started to get up and put the books in their hands back to the bookshelves. The figures gradually became scarce, and the huge library became quieter.

Among Qin Shuang's hundreds of books, there are very few things inherited, most of them are about some heroes in the soul world, as well as poetry.

However, there are also some introductions to the origin of the soul world.

According to the records in the book, the Soul Tribe was also a race that lived in the immortal realm. Of course, at that time, it was not called any immortal realm. It was a complete, very large Shangyuan continent, vast and without margins.

Later, the human race rose and fought with the hundreds of people, in order to find a place to live in the Shangyuan continent. In addition, the two camps led by the dragon and phoenix, the two highest races on the mainland, and the strongest race, opened the battle, which is the historical dragon and phoenix.


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