Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2509: Speculate

This period of history also has sporadic records in the current fairyland. At that time, all races on the Shangyuan continent were divided into two, and they became a force in the Dragon and Phoenix camps. The Yuan continent was broken, and countless races were even destroyed. The Soul Clan is no exception and has been hit hard.

Seeing that his race was about to be destroyed, the head of the soul tribe sent countless monks to find a land that could avoid the dragon and the phoenix.

In the end, they really found a world of independence under chance. Therefore, the soul clan moved secretly, moved into this side of the world, and sealed this side of the world, so that this side of the world was isolated from the immortal world and named the soul world.

From the books, Qin Shuang also saw the division of the strength of the soul clan, which is almost no different from the current immortal world. And it is basically certain that the Soul clan does not have a holy monk, and the strongest is Tianzun. It was the soul ancestor who led the people to migrate to this side of the world, and was not a holy monk, just a god.

In this long history, the souls have been seeking to break through to the holy monks, but have not found a direction suitable for them.

By midnight, Qin Shuang had read more than a thousand books. From these books, she found the origin of the soul race.

The soul and the human race are essentially different at birth, or the opposite is true.

The birth of the human race is through the mother's birth. In this regard, the soul race is no different from the human race.

However, the direction of gestation is completely the opposite.

The human race first gave birth to the physical body, and then after the physical body was formed in the mother's womb, the soul was gradually born. In other words, the birth of the human race is the existing flesh, followed by the soul.

But the soul tribe is just the opposite. They are existing souls and have a physical body.

When human races are born, they are already united in spirit and flesh. However, the soul race is different. They are conceived in the soul, and then they are born into the soul. In other words, when two soul monks love each other, their souls will blend with each other in the process of loving each other. Then the soul of the soul tribe woman begins to conceive, and eventually a complete little soul is conceived in her own soul.

After this little soul was born smoothly, it is still a state of soul. But he will absorb the soul energy between heaven and earth, while the soul grows, it breeds the flesh, and finally achieves the unity of spirit and flesh.

However, Qin Shuang still has not figured out, how can he absorb the soul energy of this world?

Does it have to be a creature born in this world to be recognized by the laws of this world?

So that you can get soul energy from this side of the world?

This is not right!

He is not a creature in the dark world, but in the dark world he can absorb the energy there to enhance the strength of the Primal God. Why isn't it here?

Qin Shuang continued to read these books with thoughts. At this time, the entire library was almost out of shadow. Qin Shuang shared the power of countless souls, and the speed of reading increased numerous times.

Through the patchwork of sporadic records in a book, Qin Shuang's message gradually completed.

It turned out that the small world found by the Soul Tribe was not only the Soul Realm, but the Soul Realm was more suitable for the Soul Tribe. It was born with the soul law as its core, and it is a sacred place for the soul tribe. Because of this, the original soul ancestor decided decisively that the entire family migrated and permanently cut off the connection with the Shangyuan continent.

And that soul ancestor is said to have not died, and has been in retreat. From sporadic records, Qin Shuang also learns that these soul monks have discovered that this world is more and more suitable for them to cultivate, and they are more and more integrated with this world. This is the way to increase one's strength through chanting. It was also spread from the eldest son of the soul ancestors in the last ten thousand years.

This made Qin Shuang meditate! Now Qin Shuang is not a novice, but has a very wide knowledge of practice.

"Every side of the world has its origins, but the origins of the world are extremely difficult to find, or in other words, the origins of the world do not want you to find them, you simply cannot find them.

For example, one side of the world is like a town demon tower, and the origin of the world is like the town of Qi Ling, an old town. Qin Shuang refined the town of Qiling, and mastered the town demon tower, and became the master of the space within the town demon tower. In the town demon tower, she is the king, and no creature can go against her will. And when she was fighting outside, she was able to borrow the power of the town demon tower.

So, what if a monk happened to find the origin of the world?

Does he refine the origin of the world?

Then he will become the master of this world and the master of this world. And even if you leave this world to fight, you will borrow the power of this world.

That's the power of the world! "

Qin Shuang put away the power of the soul reading this row of bookshelves. If she thought about it, she had a shocking speculation that the soul ancestor found the origin of this world. The so-called retreat is in the origin. , Refining the origin.

It is also with the progress of the degree of refining the origin that he has gradually gained some control over the world on this side, and that formula should be the effect that he produced after refining the origin.

That being said, it's not surprising that you chanted the formula yourself, but it didn't work.

He is not a soul tribe, and cannot get the approval of the soul ancestor. When the soul chants, they can intercept a part by themselves, that is, because they cultivate their souls.

Cultivate your own soul, especially the two souls of heaven and earth, to make the soul extremely powerful. In a way, the soul is as good as the soul race.

If it is said that the soul tribe cultivates the soul, then Qin Shuang cultivates the soul the day after tomorrow, but whether it is congenital or acquired, the final result is the same goal.

This is also the reason why other monks cannot intercept the mysterious energy of this side of the world, and she can intercept while the soul monk recited the secret.

Qin Shuang, according to the book, corresponds to his own soul realm, and as a result, Qin Shuang was surprised. The realm of his own soul is already equivalent to the early days of the deity of the soul race.

No wonder I was on the city wall, facing the collision of Dan Yue Wu and the soul tribe, but I just felt uncomfortable, but I was not forced to lie on the ground and was able to retreat.

"Does this mean that your realm of Yuanshen has also reached the beginning of Heavenly Supreme?"

"I don't want this first!"

Qin Shuang suppressed this joy, and raised his feelings for the soul clan. Don't look at the order in which the human race and the soul race were born, but the difference is big.


Many thanks to the gusts of james (200), seaphay (100), djp1123 (100), and white leaves qaq (100) for their rewards!



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