Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2510: a book

Because the human race is the existing flesh, and there is a soul later, once the physical body is destroyed, the human race also becomes a lonely ghost, and the soul slowly dissipates and dies. This is why the soul is not cultivated, and the soul is not strong enough. The fallen monk, using the Yuanshen plus various materials to reunite the body, has lost his soul from now on. It takes a very, very long time to naturally breed the soul.

However, the soul clan is different. They are existing souls and have a physical body. Therefore, even if their bodies are cut into countless pieces, or even ground into powder, as long as their souls are still alive, they can be born again.

This is almost immortal, so the souls have a long life. Envy is so enviable.

And even the soul has Shouyuan, but once the soul of the soul tribe cultivates the law, it will live with the heavens and the earth. This is impossible even for the celestial beings of the human race, but the fairy king of the soul race can do it.

"It's just that I cultivate the soul. The power is equivalent to the realm of the soul tribe, but in fact it is only a realm. First, I will not use the power of the soul to communicate with heaven and earth. law.

Secondly, if my body is completely destroyed, I cannot be resurrected like the soul race. Still like a human race, the soul will dissipate, and it needs to slowly breed the soul later.

Not right! "

Qin Shuang lost his thoughts: "My life soul should be very powerful now. Even if my body is destroyed, my soul will not dissipate between heaven and earth. I can look for the raw material of flesh and blood. The Yuanshen and the soul are all incorporated into the new body, and they can be fully resurrected.

However, I resurrected the body with the help of materials, rather than using the soul to breed the body like the soul race. There is a problem of unity of soul and body.

After the soul race breeds the body, the innate soul and body are united. However, Qin Shuang will be a lot more difficult and will need to be slowly polished in the years to come. "

"The soul clan really has a lot of advantages! It must surpass the human clan in all aspects. However, during the Holocaust, the human clan chose to fight, and the soul clan chose to escape, resulting in two completely different results.

The human race became strong and glorious, with the appearance of a holy monk. The soul race is now invaded by hundreds of races! "

"Whether it is a single monk or a race, if you want to be strong, it is important to have a strong heart, otherwise even if you have more advantages, you will eventually be the one who has been invaded."

"But can I learn to use the power of the soul to release the Tao? If I can learn it, I will solve the problem I am facing now."

Qin Shuang's heart suddenly moved, a little worried about Danyuewu.

Danyuewu is similar to the realm of the soul tribe, but the hundreds enter here, but they are suppressed by the laws of this world. Even if Qin Shuang cultivates the soul, they feel that their strength is suppressed. That pale moon dance must also be suppressed, so she can still play that soul tribe?

"Hope she's fine! I'll keep looking and see if there is any legacy that can help me!"

Qin Shuang came to a row of bookshelves again, and divided the power of the soul into countless strands. Each book in the row of bookshelves penetrated a strand of the power of the soul, and began to read quickly. She was standing There, quickly sift through useful and useless knowledge.


Suddenly there was a sound of something falling to the ground, echoing in the silent second floor, Qin Shuang suddenly looked in that direction, covered by bookshelves, and couldn't see clearly. Looking out through the window, it was already the darkest hour before dawn. The ceiling on the second floor was inlaid with a pearl of night, emitting a dim light.

The entire second floor was gone, and Qin Shuang retracted the power of the soul searching on the books, and carefully walked out of the path between the bookshelves, walking towards the sound, and then she saw a book dropped. On the ground.

She looked around and saw no trace of anyone. She walked carefully to the book that fell to the ground, and didn't bend over to pick it up, but probed into a ray of soul. Travel notes are not of much value.


While she was thinking, another book fell in front of her.

Qin Shuang stepped in front of the book.





Every so often, a book fell from the bookshelf, and Qin Shuang felt in her heart. She felt that there was something there, and she was using this method to lead herself.

But why didn't he come out directly to see himself? Instead, use this method to lead yourself?


Just a moment, she deduced the result. There was a little hesitation in my heart, but in the end, I followed the guidelines of the falling books.

Walked up to a wall with a bookshelf with dozens of books on it. Qin Shuang stood there and waited for a while, but did not see the book before falling off the bookshelf.

"This is where I used it!"

Qin Shuang divided the power of the soul into dozens of strands and penetrated into each book.


There was a total of 89 books in Qin Shuang's heart. Of the eighty-eight books, Qin Shuang's soul power was successfully explored, and he was able to read those books. However, in the third line, the eighth book from left to right, my soul's power can't be explored!

Hesitating for a moment, Qin Shuang reached out to extract the book, and the book was successfully extracted. Qin Shuang's expression was bewildered, and he explored with the power of his soul, but still couldn't explore, it seemed to have a layer of solidity The restraint of Qin Shuang blocked the soul power of Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang opened the book, and Qin Shuang was surprised that this book was no different from other books. She could open it. The content of the book is also a very ordinary travel book, Qin Shuang quickly turned from beginning to end, and found nothing abnormal.

After thinking about it, Qin Shuang put the book back on the bookshelf, and then spread the power of the soul toward the book, covering the book, and constantly increasing the power of the soul. Forcibly poked into the book.

About a quarter of an hour later, the book suddenly moved.


He fell off the bookshelf, and then grew larger in front of Qin Shuang, and a picture of a door appeared on the cover of the book. In the middle of the portal, there was a portrait of a bull's head. A pair of bull's eyes seemed to see through the world, and he was looking at Qin Shuang at this moment. Qin Shuang's heart froze slightly, taking a step back, looking at the bull's head alertly.

She knew that she was now wearing a concealer and a rest, but she clearly felt that the bull's head saw herself.

Qin Shuang looked at the bull's head and said nothing, and that bull's head looked at Qin Shuang and said nothing. Half-sounded, the harp double softly:



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