Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2512: Evacuation news

Qin Shuang could not help but glanced up at the stairs, and sounded the two thighs on the first floor that were constantly pacing and thinking about life.

"Ah ..." The sad voice passed down from the third floor again.

Qin Shuang no longer hesitated, and walked towards the stairs leading to the third floor. On the third floor, there is still a wall with a door frame. Qin Shuang didn't wait for the eyes and mouth to emerge, and then she chopped her sword and took to the third floor.

The third floor was empty, and sad songs came from the balcony. Qin looked at the balcony in both directions, and saw a swing there. At this moment, the swing was shaking gently, and the sad song was uploaded from the swinging swing.

Qin Shuang did not pass immediately, but just looked at the swing quietly.

The song closed with a deep ending and stopped. A low magnetic girl rang:

"Come on, friend!"

Qin Shuang walked towards the swing, walked behind the swing, looked down, and saw a female head in the center of the swing. The man moved his head to the side, and then said:

"Come and sit!"

Qin Shuang went to the swing and sat on the swing beside the human head. The eyes looked at the man's head, and his face was unexpectedly good, but it was also a triangular eye, a ghost-like appearance.

"Did you bring me?" Qin Shuang asked softly.

"Yes!" The head responded softly.

"Are you a soul race?"

There was a hint of complexity in the head's eyes: "Forget it, I want you to do me a favor."

"You are sealed here by the soul clan?" Qin Shuang did not agree, but asked back.

The man froze for a moment, and had a clear understanding of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang is definitely a monk with a very positive idea and will not be dominated by himself. I want to deceive each other, I am afraid there is no possibility.

"You want me to take you out?"


"Tell me about rewards, and you don't need to tell your story."

"Remuneration ..." The bitterness on his head showed: "I can still pay for my life ... eh?"

The man's head suddenly turned to Qin Shuang, his nose sucked violently, and his eyes were surprised.

"You are not a soul race!"

"Of course I am not."

"So ... why is your soul so strong? Now that your soul is so strong, this little trick should help you."

The head of the man's eyebrow projected a soul light and floated towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang reached out and gently caught the group of soul light. The life soul in the soul space opened his mouth and sucked that group of light into his mouth. A message appeared in the life soul. .

After reading the message, Qin Shuang raised a brow, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

This is a method of imitating deception, oscillating the soul of itself, imitating the fluctuation of the soul of the soul tribe. Qin Shuang started experimenting, and with her powerful soul now, this little skill quickly became familiar. There was a slight wave on the surface of Minghun. At the moment when the slight wave formed, she felt that the world seemed to be closer to her.


"Using blood as a guide to communicate the origin of the world, I am with the origin, I am with the world ..."

Qin Shuang recited in a low voice, and immediately felt that the pure soul energy was converging towards himself, and was continuously absorbed by the life soul.

"Sure enough!" The head of the man also appeared satisfied: "I'm usually lonely here, so I study all aspects of the soul. I can imitate the various soul fluctuations."

With that said, there was a touch of urgency in her eyes: "I have been sealed for millions of years, and I can feel that the seal has become weaker and weaker. Now is the best time to leave, and you take me away."

Qin Shuang still meditated on the secret in his heart, looking at the man and saying, "There is no problem to help you, but this is not enough reward."

"Go out and talk!" The man said, "Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out, and you won't be able to get out."


Qin Shuang got up from the swing, stretched out his left hand, grabbed the head's hair, and walked towards the stairs.

Follow the stairs to the second floor. Then he heard the head shout with excitement:

"Put my head on that body's neck."

Qin Shuang struck the head and came to the body. The head was shaking with excitement:

"thanks, thanks!"

Qin Shuang did not place her head on the neck of the body, but put the body into the storage ring.

"Finally ... finally fit ..." The man looked at the storage ring in Qin's hands with a quivering expression, and couldn't believe what he saw, slowly raised his head and looked at Qin Shuang's face:

"You dare to treat beings like me this way? You ..." For a moment, the man didn't know what words to use to describe Qin Shuang's boldness.

Qin Shuang didn't even look at her, grabbing her hair and walking towards the first floor.

"Treading ..."

The two thighs on the first floor are still pacing slowly, thinking about life.


Qin Shuang's face suddenly changed, and she heard the roar of Danyuewu faintly, and there was a trace of confusion in the roar. The voice ignored the fear and everything, and faintly passed into Qin Shuang's ears.

"There is something wrong with Danyuewu!"

Qin Shuang was in a hurry, and his body swept away. He came to the two thighs, waved his hand, put it into another storage ring, and rushed out of Xiaobailou.

She ran through the garden, opened the door of page 128, rushed into the dark passage, ran along the passage, opened a door, and ran quickly.

"Hmm ..."

Qin Shuang came out of the book. Looking back, the enlarged book had begun to become very unstable. It seemed to shrink to its original shape at any time, but Qin Shuang had no time to ponder, and his figure flew outward Sweeping away.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Qin Shuang heard the sound of fighting from outside. At this time Qin Shuang was still wearing a concealment sign and a rest sign. Others could not see her, but could only see the head she was clutching, and flew quickly in the air. .

Coming out of this huge library, they saw hundreds of monks slaughtering soul monks in the city of birds.

Not bad!

It is slaughter!

The soul monks in the city of birds are too weak compared to the invading monks, after all, the invading hundred monks are all law monks.

Qin Shuang looked up, not knowing when the snow began to fall in the sky, a snowflake fell on Qin Shuang's shoulder, and then the sound of the pale moon dance came from the snowflake:

"Dear friends, the soul clan prepares to awaken their retreat soul ancestors, seal the passage of space. You start to evacuate."


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