Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2513: Leaving Asuka City

"Awaken the soul ancestor, seal the passage?"

Qin Shuang's face changed, and if the soul ancestor sealed the passage, it would be a real catch. With their own strength, only the fall here. Even if there is no fall, you can only hide in Tibet for a lifetime.

"To leave!"

Qin ran towards the walls of the city of birds in both directions. The fierce monks and soul monks who were fighting fiercely saw a human head passing by them, and each one showed a strange color, and the monks Shocked, he released a Taoist Fa to the man's head, but was hidden by Qin Shuang.

"Hmm ..."

Qin Shuang jumped down from the city of birds, her figure was still in the air, and the human head finally returned to her power at this time, exuding layers of power from her head, distorting the surrounding space.

"A million years, a million years! Xiao Shu finally saw the outside world again, ha ha ha ..."

She opened her mouth and laughed, the sharp teeth in her mouth exposed the cold cold light.

Her entire face was convulsing, and her excitement caused one of her heads to rise and fall like a jump.

"I want revenge, I have to get revenge! Xiao Yin, you sealed me up and didn't expect me to come out? You wait, I will find you revenge!"


Qin Shuang's feet landed on the ground, and Xiao Shu's head clutching his hair could not help but shake up and down, swinging left and right. Then, like a sharp arrow, she ran away towards the forest in the distance.

At the same time, I took out the communication jade Jane from the storage ring.


It seems that in the eyes of those immortals, he is still a little emperor. Knowing that I must have received the Blizzard message from Danyuewu, I would not say hello to other things.

She believes that those probabilities of Xianzun are rushing towards Danyuewu.

Can you go by yourself?

"Cannon fodder when you go!" Qin Shuang could not help but sigh and shook his head.


A scream came at this time, and the whole space was screaming, but I couldn't hear it from that direction. That's because the monk who screamed, was too high, shook the laws of space, and caused a trace of confusion in the laws of this world.

However, Qin Shuang was able to hear that this voice was the soul tribe fighting with Dan Yue Wu. She had heard the voice of the soul monk on the wall.

"I'm going to kill you!" The voice of that soul clan Tianzun remembered again: "kill you, seal the channel. We soul clan will resume a peaceful life again.

Why are you, the extraterrestrial demon, destroying our peaceful lives? "

"Extraterritorial Demon?" Dan Yuewu sarcastically said, "Take your soul tribe's long life and your deity, you should be the first soul monks to hide in the soul realm? At that time, the soul tribe Is also one of the hundreds of people to fight the catastrophe, but now called Zeng Jiang's comrades-in-arms Tianmo?

By the way, you are deserters, a family of cowards, and have no longer recognized your comrades! "

Qin Shuang ran through the forest with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"It feels faster and faster to absorb the mysterious energy here! And the faster it is absorbed, the more a sense of hunger exists in the soul."

Qin Shuang found something different than previously thought.

She first discovered this secret from the family of three big Hans, but the family of three big Hans just read the recipe again and it was over. Today's Qin Shuang doesn't know. Is it the rules of the soul world that, within a certain time frame, for example, can only use this formula once a day, or is the family of three people able to deal with themselves when they think of it once?

If you can only read it once a day, why do you still absorb the mysterious energy here after you have read it many times? And read it again, the speed of absorption will increase a little?

There was silence in the whole forest, and only the wind rustled the leaves, and Qin Shuang flew in the silence.

When I came, I occasionally encountered the monsters in the forest and disappeared, but this silence made Qin Shuang's heart even more disturbed, and the speed of galloping increased a little.

At this time, the head finally calmed down a bit from the excitement of getting out of difficulty, remembering his current situation, his face was immediately angry:

"Damn, you dare ..."


Qin Shuang grabbed her hair, treated her head like a meteor hammer, and threw it fiercely towards a big tree next to her. The big tree was broken by the head.


The man groaned and fainted. Qin Shuang's figure pulled out a residual image in the forest and flew away.

Qin Shuang's body suddenly stunned, faintly came the sound of roaring and fighting from the front. At this point, the rest and concealment symbols on Qin Shuang's body had expired, and they could not hide themselves.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Qin Shuang set off again, and the sound of killing was getting closer.

"Hisse ..."

Qin Shuang's speed of absorbing the mysterious energy of the soul world has increased again. She could not help but glance down at the human head in her hand, and secretly said:

"This female soul tribe is really not simple. She can create different ways to imitate the soul wave. She should not only be able to do these things, otherwise she will not be sealed. Who was she sealed?"

Qin Shuang raised her eyebrow slightly, remembering that the human head once said that she could imitate many different soul fluctuations, which was already terrifying. Just like myself now, has been completely recognized by this soul world, the strength is not suppressed at all.


That book should be the fairy of the female soul clan, so there should be the imprint of the sealer. There must be something wrong with the sealer, otherwise this female soul tribe cannot detect the power of the soul and attract itself. It was impossible for him to rescue the woman from the seal fairy so easily.

Then ...

Who Sealed the Female Soul Race?

Why is there a problem?

"I remember this female spirit tribe has called revenge or something, what is the original word?"

"A million years, a million years! Xiao Shu finally saw the outside world again, ha ha ha ..."

"I want revenge, I have to get revenge! Xiao Yin, you sealed me up and didn't expect me to come out? You wait, I will find you revenge!"

"Yes, these two sentences, I remember. This female soul clan should be called Xiao Shu, and her seal should be called Xiao Yin!"

"Xiao Yin ... How did I feel I've heard or heard this name?"

"I remember it!"

Qin Shuang's footsteps were suddenly abrupt, and his face appeared extremely shocked. She remembered where she saw the name Xiao Yin. She had seen the name in a travel book in the library of Asuka City.


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