Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2533: Announce

Xiapin Jingmai built a practice area for the disciples, and the monks practice there. Zhongpin Jingmai built a practice area for disciples from the inner gate, where the immortal period to Xianjun practice. Shangpin Jingmai built an elite disciplinary cultivation area, where the immortal king cultivated. Needle Crystalline built a core disciple practice area, where the Emperor Xian practiced. Small immortals built a practice area for true disciples, where the Emperor Xian practiced. A large-scale immortal built a suzerain, where the temple masters and elders practiced.

Under the orders of Qin Shuang, monks at all levels returned to their own areas, and Qin Shuang helped the team.

"Buzz ..."

Reversing the Zhou Tian array began to release a new formation.

In fact, when Qin Shuang set up Zhou Tianzhen upside down, he had plans for the entire Heavenly Sect. At this time, a circle array method is opened between each disciple area. From then on, high-level disciples can enter and exit the low-level disciples area at will, but low-level disciples cannot enter the high-level disciples area at will.

In other words, Xiandi can enter and leave the Xianhuang practice area at will, but Xianhuang wants to enter the Xiandi repair area but needs certain procedures and cannot enter at will.

Under the moon peak.

A total of 312 immortal emperors were brought together. Imagine that a few decades ago, there were only a dozen immortal emperors in the Five Elements Sect.

Qin's eyes swept over 312 immortals, of which 136 had reached the peak of immortals. In particular, the ninety-nine immortals who went out to acquire the chaotic veins have now reached the peak of the immortals.

"The peak of the Emperor follows me first!"

Qin Shuang stepped towards the library, and the 136 immortal peaks followed in volley and followed behind Qin Shuang. A group of people came to the library, entered the library, went straight up to the highest floor, took everyone to a bookshelf, and pointed at the dozen jade Jane:

"The dozen or so jade bamboo slips are the monks' experience of breaking through human respect. You can make a copy and go back and figure it out. I hope you can break through human respect as soon as possible."

The eyes of more than a hundred immortal peaks are like little suns.

"After you break through the human respect period, you need to record a detailed jade brief of your breakthrough experience and put it here."

"Yes!" More than a hundred immortals peaked together.

"Well, you guys start here."

Qin double waved his hands, left the library, returned to the peak of the moon, opened the array, and took the remaining 176 immortals into the moon.

In front of a small mountain, Qin Shuang looked at the 176 immortal emperors in front of her, condensing:

"Now east of Langyue River, the Chaos have been expelled and turned into a place suitable for the cultivation of human races. But these years, human races have also suffered heavy casualties, making the barbaric continent a vast and rare place.

But all this is only temporary. There is no Chaos clan to the east of Langyue River, and people have entered a relatively peaceful era. In such a peaceful era, everyone can imagine how fast the population will grow?

Therefore, our heavenly sects must grab the cultivation holy land in advance.

Zongmen has a plan. Any disciple who breaks through to Xiandi can apply to leave Zongmen ... It is not considered to leave Zongmen. It should be said that in the future, the Celestial Sect is the total sect of Celestial Sect. Disciples of the Emperor Emperor can go out and create divisions of the Heavenly Sect.

There are two kinds of support from Zongmen. One is to find a place for the disciples to have an immortal vein and build a sect gate. "

Just to say one condition, those immortal emperors just blinked their eyes.

Owning an immortal vein, although the immortal gate cannot be directly absorbed after the establishment of the sectarian gate, the cultivating environment based on the immortal gate cannot be wrong. The ancestral gates they established could not be large, and one immortal vein was enough.

"Second, Zongmen provides a large number of elixir of all classes at one time."

Qin Shuang is now able to take out a large amount of elixir. But this is enough for those who want to build a sect. Immediately, some disciples were excited.

Going out to create the ancestral gate, although it is only a division, but he is the owner of President Yi. Naturally, resources are leaning towards oneself, and may not be worse than staying in the total case.

"There is one more point, not the resources that Zongmen gives you, but the back road that Zongmen arranged for you." Qin Shuang said seriously:

"When your practice breaks through to the peak of the Emperor Emperor, you can resign from the position of patriarch and return to the patriarch, and the lord will provide you with the experience and resources to break through the respect of the human respect, so that you can rest assured and break through the respect . "

In the eyes of the Emperor Xian, there is a joy, giving resources in the early stage and the rear road in the later stage. What Zong Men can do is already done.

"This is for you from Zongmen. Of course you also need to give Zongmen." Qin Shuangning said: "First of all, you can recruit some disciples in Zongmen and follow you to create a division. You need to recruit disciples and train them. You ca n’t. When you break through the peak of the Emperor Emperor and return to Zongmen, how many people will you go to when you come back?

The Emperors of Xianxian all laughed!

"Second, after you created Zongmen, you need to develop Zongmen and look for resources near Zongmen. It is to look for mines, medicine valleys, or to set up square markets.

Thirty percent of these resources should be given to Zongzong, and this is what you give back to Zongmen.

After each monk has reached the peak of the Emperor Emperor, if he wants to break through human respect, the resources obtained are at different levels. Detailed rules will be issued in the future. Theoretically speaking, if you stay in Zongmen and not go out to create Zongmen, you will get the least resources. And the emperor who went out to create Zongmen had more resources than stayed in Zongmen. Of course, we need to separate the layers. It depends on how much resources you give back to the patriarch during your tenure as the patriarch and divide the tier.

Zongmen will give a detailed assessment. Every ten years, each division is evaluated. What else do you guys have? "

"Sovereign!" Said an immortal emperor: "What you said just now is theoretical, but what is it actually?"

"In fact, it must be different. For example, if you stay in Zongmen, you do n’t go out to create a division. If in the future, you will go out to travel or close in Zongmen, and make no contribution to Zongmen, wait for you to reach At the peak of the Emperor, the resources obtained must be the lowest.

But now, when Zongmen is in danger, you have contributed. Or when you travel abroad, what traces of precious stones do you find, etc.? Understand? "


"Give you ten days to go back and think about it. Those who want to go out and establish the Zongmen ten days later, come to Yueyue Peak."


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