Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2534: Go to Chaoyuan Continent


A group of immortal emperors withdrew from Ziyuefeng, and flew to the area of ​​true disciples while discussing each other.

Ten days passed in a hurry, and finally came to Xianyuefeng's Emperor, a total of fifty-six, the rest of the Emperor decided to stay in Zongmen. They thought very clearly that if they stay in Zongmen, they may not be able to make contributions. As long as they make contributions, they can also get rich resources, so why bother to go out and create Zongmen so hard?

Qin Shuang certainly understands those people's thoughts, not only shaking his head in his heart.

East of Langyuehe, there are no more Chaos. In other words, Skywalker will no longer encounter the kind of siege gates that the Chaos tribe had before. How do you do it?

It takes a long time for the monster to grow up slowly. Will not give this generation the opportunity to make contributions.

On the surface, the chaotic veins have been collected by themselves. Each time a sect is established, Qin Shuang will put in an immortal vein in advance. Where do they go to find the immortal vein?

After the establishment of each sect, the sect is surrounded by the sect's territory. Naturally, it will explore the surrounding veins and then be occupied by the sect. 30% turned in the ancestral gate, and 70% developed the sect. Where did they go to find the veins?

In other words, the emperor who stayed in Zongmen didn't have the opportunity to contribute, but it was difficult. The immortal emperors who stayed out and founded the clan broke through to the peak of the immortal emperor and returned to the ancestral gate. At that time, those immortal emperors who stayed at the time regretted it.

Qin Shuang left Tianxing Sect with 56 immortal emperors, of course, not only 56 immortal emperors left the ancestral gate, but also the immortal emperor, the immortal king, and even the immortal emperor. There are also a large number of monks in Tianxing Zongzhen. Almost all monks in Zhentang are dispatched to cooperate with Qin Shuang.

Before coming to a large array, Qin Shuang stole the banner, and the strong immortal energy was immediately radiated. The immortal knowledge of those immortals penetrated into the depths of the ground, and she saw that the array method trapped an immortal vein. .

"This ... the lord, this is a long time ago!"

Some Xianzhen divisions were left to help the disciples to set up the guardian formation. Qin Shuang took the other immortals to the next immortal vein.

More than three months later, Qin Shuang returned to Zongmen, and has already scattered 56 seeds. This has also reduced the burden on the Zongsong and opened up a new situation.

Time flies, three years pass. There is still no human presence in Tianxingzong, and Qin Shuang is not in a hurry. I know that even if I have the experience of breaking through human respect, that is after all the experience of others. I can only learn from it. If I want to break through human respect, the unit is not a year, but a century. , Even millennia, thousands of years.

However, Qin Shuang is a little helpless. Before there is no Five Elements in One, let alone practice them, it means that the Taoism has reached the bottleneck. Only after the Five Elements in One can be realized. As for the soul, it seems to have reached a bottleneck. The Qin Shuang was a little silent. After thinking about it, she was going to go to the Chaoyuan continent again. In the small world formed by the colorless Shenlong, she did not want to refine that small world. Without the five elements in one, it would be almost impossible to refine that small world. She was thinking, sitting next to that Dragon Ball, would it help to understand the Five Elements in One and accelerate the speed of the Five Elements in One?

There is also a way of progress, which is the realization of the big clock fragment obtained in the blood lake space, so that she can once again understand the violent bell sound. In three years, all six fragments have been realized. The bell of the violent bell has been reduced to two diameters, and it has been able to cause damage to the seventh layer of human respect.

Qin Shuang stood up, lowered her feet, and moved into the town demon tower as soon as she thought. Looking at the stone like a jade placed in the town demon tower.

The stone brought back from the center of the Blood Lake became more crystal clear, but ... it was still a stone.

"In the town's demon tower, Xianqi is enough, but the avenue traces are not as good as outside."

When Qin Shuang thought, he took the stone like jade to appear in front of the small mountain half-mountain, and put the stone next to the waterfall. Gently stroking the stone for a long time, sighed, and disappeared in the shape of the string moon peak.

The next moment, it already appeared outside the Heavenly Sect.

"For so long, Xu Ziyan hasn't given back his Linglong sword and Aotian sword. Is Aotian sword not completely purified, or is Linglong sword and Aotian sword not ready to follow themselves and follow Xu Ziyan?"

Qin double shook her head, her body turned into a flash of lightning, and she went away quickly.

The thunder layer in the sky, Qin Shuang was bathed in the purple thunder. She was using the purple thunder in the sky to train her body to eliminate the impurities in the blood lake space, taking too much impurities left by the elixir. Improve your own cultivation.

Five years.

In fact, within three months, Qin Shuang had eliminated the impurities from the medicine in the body. The rest of the time, Qin Shuang was used to improve the body cultivation. But the effect was very small. In the past five years, she just upgraded her ontology to the sixth level of human respect, and she felt that it was very unlikely that she would want to upgrade her ontology here. So he left the thunder layer.

Chaoyuan continent.

Dragon Ball Small World.

Qin Shuang stood at the entrance of the small world again and saw that there were monks who practiced in different ways.

"Not refined yet!"

But think about it, nothing strange. In the whole fairyland, there are many small worlds that have not been refined. Especially in this small world like Dragon Ball, monks who need five elements in one can be refined. Saint-level monks naturally disdain to refine such a small world, while other monks have insufficient strength.

not to mention……

Five elements in one monk are extremely rare. Moreover, the hundreds of ethnic continents are isolated from each other. This small world may not spread to all corners throughout the Chaoyuan continent, let alone to other continents.

Qin double steps into the small world. Compared with the previous entry, Qin Shuang's strength is much stronger. Not only was the ontology raised to the sixth level of human respect, but also she was able to use the power of the soul to release the Tao.

Qin Shuang entered the small world. Qin Shuang found that there were still a lot of skeletons in the small world. At least she did not see the tide of skulls that she encountered when she first entered.

He looked up in the direction of the dragon ball, and a multicolored light beam straight into the sky. Qin Shuang determined the direction and flew in the direction of the dragon ball.

A few days later, Qin Shuang landed in front of that dragon ball. There were really many people in front of the dragon ball, and he was there trying to refine the dragon ball.

In fact, all the monks here have heard of the conditions for refining the Dragon Ball, but they all came in for the first time. What if they could refining themselves?

Therefore, after entering a small world, a group of monks ran here to try it. There is no gain or loss, just a fun.


Many thanks to seaphay (100), Tongxin 603az (100), and white leaf qaq (100) for their rewards!




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