Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2553: statue

Qin Shuang stepped out of the gate and dispersed the water attributes. Looking back at the door, the still water was still inside.

Turning his head, the heart could not help but jump.

Opposite is a courtyard. There are two huge fire trees in the courtyard. The fire tree is like two huge rising flames. Two fire phoenixes stand on the fire tree. At this time, he was staring at Qin Shuang to see the posture. As long as Qin Shuang walked down the steps, the two phoenixes would immediately attack Qin Shuang.

"This level should be attributed to fire!"

Qin Shuang did not try this time, but stood on the steps and began to attribute fire. After Qin Shuang completed the fire attribute, the two fire phoenixes on the fire tree fell down, closed their eyes, and stopped paying attention to Qin Shuang.

"Sure enough!"

Qin Shuang stepped down the steps, stood carefully in the courtyard, and looked at the two phoenixes. The two phoenixes did not move, and they still looked like fakes.

Qin Shuang walked towards the hall opposite, until he stepped on the steps, he was relieved. Reached and pushed the palace door open.

Inside the palace was empty, Qin Shuang passed through the palace and opened the back door. When I walked out of the back door, my eyes flashed, and I saw a courtyard opposite, with a rockery in the center of the courtyard.

"A rockery?" Qin Shuang stood on the steps, thinking about it, "this level should be attributed to soil, but there is only a small rockery ..."


Qin Shuang's gaze fell under the rockery, where there was a small statue with a **** in his hand, and a basket next to it, as if he was shaving the earth.

"What has happened to this?"

Qin Shuang tilted his head and thought for a while, but didn't want to understand. As soon as he bit his teeth, he walked down the steps.


She saw a continuous mountain of towering clouds appearing in front of her.

"I ... shrinked again ..."

Qin Shuang walked towards the foot of a mountain according to her memory. She remembered that there was a statue of a person there, and it should be the key to leaving here.

She tried it, but she couldn't fly now, so she had to walk step by step.

"Bang ..."

Qin Shuang heard the sound of digging for a long time, and walked about half an hour further, and saw an old man, scratching his head, digging the mountain, and then put the soil into the basket in.

"Lao Zhang, how do you call it?" Qin Shuang came behind the old man and asked arching.

Lao Zhang stopped digging the soil, stood straight with a hoe, looking at Qin Shuang: "They all call me Yugong, where does the baby girl come from?"

"I came from Dongtu, Yugong, what are you doing?"

"Well ..." Yu Gong sighed. "This mountain is blocking the way out, so I want to remove it?"

"Remove?" Qin Shuang looked at Yu Gong incredulously: "You just move from basket to basket? This ... can't you remove it for a lifetime?"

"I am dead and my son, my son is dead, and my grandchildren, grandchildren and grandchildren are persistent, and one day, they will be able to remove this mountain."

Qin Shuang no longer spoke, and was lost in thought.

"Bang ..."

Yu Gong started to dig again.

Qin double looked at the mountain, and his heart turned.

"This level should be attributed to soil. I must not move this mountain with other attributes. So, what should I do after the attributed soil?"

About a quarter of an hour later, Qin Shuang had an idea in her heart and began to extract the power of pure earth attributes in the Yuanshen. From the inside of Qin Shuang's body, the earthy light radiates. When the light converges into the body, Qin Shuang immediately feels close to the mountain. She walked towards the mountain, how in Yu Gong's surprised eyes, she walked into the mountain's body.

As soon as she entered the mountain, she felt like this mountain, and this mountain was herself.

"Such a mountain, how many feet are good?" Qin Shuang pondered: "Let's look at four feet first."

"Booming ..."

The mountain suddenly shook and began to grow tall. Gradually, the mountain left the ground, and four thick big feet grew at the bottom of the mountain.

"Booming ..."

The four sturdy big feet stepped away and headed in one direction.

"Booming ..."

The big mountain fell to the ground, Qin Shuang came out of the big mountain, and then saw the surrounding scenery change instantly. The big mountain turned into a small rockery, and it was now falling by the wall of the courtyard. Qin Shuang recovered her body. Looking towards the center of the courtyard, he saw that Yu Gong turned into a statue holding a **** and laughing.

A smile appeared on the corners of Qin's mouth, and he walked towards the hall. Ascended the steps, stood in front of the gate, and reached out to push the gate.

"Crunch ..."

The door was pushed open, and Qin Shuang stood at the door and looked inward. They saw a statue in the hall, majestic and full of majesty. Although it is just a statue, it exudes awe-inspiring righteousness.

Qin Shuang stepped into the door and looked up at the statue.

"Human!" Suddenly a voice came from the direction of the statue.

Qin raised her eyebrows with surprise. Gaze was fixed on the statue.

"I am the emperor. I kneel down and worship me as a teacher, and swear to fight for the survival of the human race. Even if the body is dead, it is better to protect the human race, resist the demon race, and leave blood for the human race."

"Xiao Kai, is he the Emperor?" Qin Shuang asked in his heart.


"Xiao Kai?"


Xiaokai didn't respond, which made Qin Shuang's heart vigilant. Quickly analyzed in my mind.

"What are you waiting for? Kneel down and swear, I will give you great power!"

Qin Shuang looked at the statue, and his thoughts revolved.

"It can't be the Emperor! So, who will it be?

Five Elements Sword!

By the way, it must be the Five Elements Sword!

The Five Elements Sword originally dropped here, after millions of years of recovery, but never left. Therefore, it still exists in the ancient times, in the period when the ancient peoples were enslaved and struggled. At that time, the human race was only for survival, just to have a place to live.

The emperor should die in the battle with the demon clan.

The emperor's last will is to fight for a place for the human race, so the Five Elements Sword should swear like this. "

Qin Shuang remembered his own experience before. At this time, some reactions have been made. The five levels encountered before should be the assessment of the five elements sword to see if his attributes of five elements have reached its satisfactory level. Assess one's five elements as one. As a sword of five elements, you should be able to perceive that you do not have one.

It seems that I can attribute the five elements, or still meet the requirements of the five elements sword.


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