Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2554: Five Elements Sword

"Xiao Kai, is it the Five Elements Sword?"


Xiaokai felt like she was asleep, and didn't respond. Qin Shuang pondered for a moment, speculating that the Five Elements Sword and the Five Elements Sword should have avoided their own passage. It should be that the Five Elements Sword did not let the Five Elements Sword speak to themselves. It's just that there shouldn't be much communication, and I'm afraid I will find out.

Thinking of this, Qin Shuang's mouth showed a smile, looking at the statue:

"Sword, how long have you been hiding here?"

The sound that kept Qin Shuang kneeling and swearing suddenly stopped. After about three breaths, it rang again:

"Human, kneel and swear ..."

"Yes, Xiaojian!" Qin Shuang interrupted the voice: "You have been hiding here for too long, maybe because you have been recovering, so you haven't gone out to see it. So, you do n’t know, Terran now Not a hegemon, but the first among the hundreds of peoples who have the strength of the human race. It is not long time for the emperor and his elders to fight for a habitat for the human race. "


The voice was shocked, then went silent.

"Xiao Jian, you have already been assessed, and I should meet your requirements. As for swearing, no matter what kind of vow I make, I will not do it.

Now you have two choices, one is to follow me, the other is to stay here and wait for your next chance, maybe you will meet a human race better than me. If you choose the second one, I will leave. I won't tell you about it.

In fact, your role to me is more symbolic than practical. Because I am the Lord of the Five Elements Sect. As the Lord of the Five Elements Sect, the Five Elements Armor and the Five Elements Sword are standard. And according to the rules, you should follow me. But I will not force you. Give your own choice.

I don't lack the best celestial treasure! "

Speaking of which, Qin doubled his sleeves.


Aotian exquisite sword came out of the body and stuck on the ground.

The hall was silent, and Qin Shuang speculated that the five-element sword was communicating with the five-element armor. Qin Shuang suffers from the stagnation of the current Yuanshen. Even if his own soul can control the Yuanshen, he can only use the power of the Yuanshen. In other aspects, he can only stare.

After a few breaths, Xiaokai suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahaha ... Xiao Jian, I didn't expect you to be so ignorant now. I thought you would keep me silent. What you are going to do is earth-shattering. ...

It's shaking!

It's a solitary horror, hahaha ... "

A killing voice came from the direction of the statue: "Xiao Kai, answer my question. Don't let me chop you!"

"Cut! It's as if I'm afraid of you, as if you can cut me.

okay! okay! Don't disguise the emperor and his old man.

Tell you, Terran is indeed the strongest now.

You quickly and honestly follow Qin Shuang, I tell you, Qin Shuang is really a good host. Don't look at her now that she is not respected, but she is also young and only over 500 years old. In our time, have you ever seen the peak of the 500-year-old Xiandi?

And Qin Shuang is still the root of the five elements. You also know how hard it is to find such a root. Don't think that it won't work without you. Let me tell you another secret. Qin Shuang is still a master of the fairy wares. Qin Shuang can also create a five-element sword by himself as long as he has the materials.

Xiaojian, you have to be a bitch, and quickly recognize the Lord! "

Qin Shuang said with tears of laughter: "Xiao Kai, shut up!"


Qin Shuang looked at the statue of the emperor and said, "You do n’t understand the current situation in the immortal realm. Now there are hundreds of ethnic alliances. Because the immortal realm had a catastrophe more than 100,000 years ago, many and many chaotic clans came in from outside the world. It also occupies 60% of the immortal realm, so it is not wrong to say that you want to protect the human race.

come on!

Protect the Terrans with me! "

The statue of the emperor was silent, Qin Shuang no longer spoke, and quietly waited for ten breaths, saying gently:


Qin Shuang turned and walked towards the hall.


Qin Shuang paused and turned to look at the statue of the Emperor. When I saw the statue of the emperor rippling, it disappeared. What appeared on the two sides of the piano was a colorful fairy sword stuck in the ground.

"Sure enough, it is the best celestial treasure!" Qin Shuang's heart moved.

"Please ... Master leave this place first!" The voice came from the Five Elements Sword.

"what for?"

Qin Shuang was puzzled. Since he was called me, why did he keep me away? If you want me to stay away, why call me and call me master?

"Qin Shuang ..."

"Bold!" He heard Wu Xingjian yell, "Since you follow your master, why call your master's name?"

Qin Shuang listened to it, and Wu Xing Kai said, "Master, Xiaoxi wants to take back the magic power."

"Retract magical power?"

Qin Shuang frowned slightly. Although she was puzzled, she still didn't ask the question. Instead, she turned around and walked out of the gate, looked up, and saw that the cloud covering the city disappeared, exposing the sky outside. As soon as my heart moved, I stepped into the void, and my body straightened.

Standing in the air above the big city, he bowed his head and looked down. After seeing the big city below, there was a bustling crowd at this time, and the flow of people was constantly flowing.

"Master, go further!" The voice of the Five Elements sword came up.

The figure of Qin Shuang has risen again.

"Om ..."

When Qin Shuang looked down, he saw that the space below began to shake, and the big city began to ripple and twist, like a phantom, and began to shrink, shrinking toward the hall where the five-element sword was located, as if a scroll rolled away.

Qin Shuang stunned: "It turns out that this big city is a magical power released by the Five Elements Sword. Sure enough, the Five Elements can release such a magical power."

"Xiao Kai, you are also the Five Elements, why aren't they so magical?"

"I ... haven't fully recovered yet!" Wu Xingjia's tone with endless grievances: "And ... Master, you used me several times before the Five Elements were one, and wounded me."

Qin double nodded, and the Five Elements Armor now looks like an immortal treasure.

"So, can you also recover to the best quality Tiantianbao?"

"Of course, I'm not weaker than Xiaojian. Xiaojian's main attack, my main defense, our two grades are the same."

"Hmm ..."

At this time, a sound of Jianming came from below, and Qin looked around, and saw that the entire city had shrunk to just that hall. The hall shrank toward the middle, and was retracted into the Five Elements Sword, revealing the light of the Five Elements Sword.

"Hmm ..."

There was another sword-singing, the five-element sword turned into a streamer, lasing towards the sky, came to the front of Qin Shuang, revealing the sword body.

"Master, please burn it."


Thanks a lot for the wind james (200) and seaphay (100) for the reward!



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