Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2556: Gathering of the Lord

From this, she also understood why the monks would control the Chaos to not attack the barbarians, but to cross the Langyue River to attack the Heavenly Sect.

"Booming ..."

The earth was shaking, and the dense chaotic beasts were rushing west of Langyue River. No monk of the Chaos tribe flew into the air, because the bell rang, let them all know the power of Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang had a somber face and stood in the air, thinking for a moment, but finally shook his head helplessly. This is indeed not the time to fight the barbarians. Although the Barbarians have suffered several times, and Qin Shuang also believes that if they are singled out, no barbarians are their opponents. However, the power of the barbarians has a long history, even in their current comprehensive strength. Is not weaker than the human race.

The result of the war with the barbarians is likely to be both defeats, but the chaos is cheap.

Looking at the Pentium Chaos, Qin Shuang's mouth sneered.

Let the Chaos and the Barbarians hang each other first. There should not be a second Demon Monk.

Qin Shuang returned to Heavenly Sect, and sent Monk Zongmen out to collect the corpses of the Chaos outside the Zongmen. At the same time, he sent Monk Zongmen to check the status of the 56 immortal emperors who established the division. Is there no chaos attack? Then she entered the town demon tower to practice alchemy, and the town's old refining equipment, all of which were prepared for the future Qin Shuangdu robbery.

Within a month, all the bones outside the Heavenly Sect had been collected and decomposed into materials suitable for human cultivation in the altar valley of Zongmen's special strength. The monks who went out to investigate also returned one after another, because the place where the 56 emperors established the ancestral gates was from the area of ​​Chaos Law before, so they were far away from the Heavenly Sect, but they were not attacked by the Chaos.

Qin Shuang does not need to retreat, but most of the monks in Tianxingzong are retreating at this time, especially the peak of the Emperor, all of them are retreating, trying to impact the period of human respect. Therefore, Qin Shuang picked up the matter of Tianxing Zongmen.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Heavenly Sect now. The Chaos retreat, everyone has been sharpened, and they are in a stable state and continue to cultivate. Qin Shuang only issued a Zongmen order and asked some low-level disciples to take turns monitoring the opposite bank on the east bank of the Langyue River. He also sent a monk who was a higher monk to take turns secretly sneaking into the west of Langyue River to collect news about the barbarians and the chaos.

The monks monitored by the East Bank returned the news that neither the Barbarian nor the Chaos had any signs of going east. The monks sneaked into the West Bank, and the news came back that after the Chaos had withdrawn from the West Bank, they began to wreak havoc on the barbarians. The Barbarians are also prepared, and all your small tribes will converge to nearby medium-sized tribes, or large tribes. Started a fight with the Chaos.

In this way, the east bank of the Langyue River was completely quiet, and the Heavenly Sect was operating step by step. Qin Shuang returned to Xingyue Peak, leaving Hua Taixiang to stay at Xingyue Peak. If there was anything, she called to herself. And she entered the town demon tower and continued to refine the elixir.


Thirteen Demon Great Celestial Masters are secretly gathered in a small world.

This small world is a small world controlled by Moge.

At this time, on a mountain range in this small world, thirteen Demon Great Celestial Masters stood or sat, each with a humiliation and anxiety on his face.

"Mog, what did you mean by calling us here today in secret?" Tufu Haida Tianzun said.

Moge sighed: "Before Xu Ziyan's seven masters persecuted our demons, I don't know how everyone feels?"

"What's your feeling?" Tu Fuhai Leng snorted. "The tribes of our demons did something wrong and violated the vow of the Hundred Clan Alliance. But they don't know. If we knew it, naturally Those tribes would be extinct. Xu Ziyan wouldn't they just inform us? Is it necessary to threaten us and exterminate our entire demons? "

"What's the way? Who made us demons no holy monks now!"

"If the Lord is still there, who dares?"

"What's the use of saying this? What if we don't bow our heads? Really think that those holy master monks of Xu Ziyan can't destroy our demons?"

"Destroy us demons? As long as they have negative emotions, we demons are endless and will never die out."

"Let's stop complaining. We demons will be born in the negative emotions of the hundreds. But how long will it take? Do we just watch our demons being humiliated? Then in some of those who did not make Xu Yan The holy monk killed us when he was dissatisfied? "

"Magic blue, what do you mean?"

"I don't know what I mean. Anyway, I feel guilty and uneasy. Haven't you been uneasy for a long time?"

The demon Da Tianzun was silent, and for a long time, the eyes of those Da Tianzun looked at Moge.

"Mog, what exactly are you calling us to do? It's time to say."

"I just think that our demons should not go on like this." Moge said seriously: "For the Chaos, the original monk Xu Ziyan and other upgrade masters had the idea to slowly destroy the Chaos. On the one hand, in this way, the Hundreds can cultivate and support themselves. On the other hand, with the presence of external enemies, the Hundreds will not have a conflict. From the perspective of Xu Ziyan, the Chaos can be destroyed at any time. Chaos is extinct.

But how is it now?

A holy master monk appeared in the Chaos tribe, and they suddenly pushed Xu Ziyan to a dead end. Although the Chaos tribe had only one holy monk, Xu Ziyan had seven of them. However, he was forced not to dare to attack the Chaos.

If we also have a holy master monk, did they dare to persecute us this time? "

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we Demons need a holy monk!"

"Crap! Any race wants a holy monk."

"I mean, we may not have no direction! Become the direction of a holy monk!"

Above the mountain was a stillness, all eyes staring at Moog as scorchingly as the sun, Moqing trembled with excitement:

"What direction? Do you know the direction?"

Moog shook his head slightly. "I don't know the certain direction. I just speculate on a possible direction."

"What direction?"

"Law of Chaos!" Moog whispered softly.

All the big celestial deities are silent, but there are no big surprises on their faces. It seems that they have more or less guesses in their hearts. Moog no longer spoke, instead sitting cross-legged and closing her eyes.


Thank you very much for the wind james (200) and the white leaf qaq (100) for the reward!



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