Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2557: Decide


The wind blows.

The blown branches shook, just like the mood of these demons.

Thirteen Demon Datianzun sat one after another with their knees closed, and closed their eyes.

This sitting is three days and three nights.

In the past three days, the breath of each Datianzun was unstable. It was relatively stable for a while, and then rose up sharply. We can see how hard they struggled in their hearts!

Finally, Moqing said, "Mog, do you want our entire demons to start to modify the law of chaos?"

"Of course not!" Mogg opened his eyes and said, "That's the way to take death. So the large-scale modification of the law of chaos, would Xu Ziyan's holy monks not notice it?"

And all we need is a holy monk, not the entire demons to modify the law of chaos.

More importantly, this road may be a road of no return! "

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, out of these thirteen, we have selected a few to modify the law of chaos. Once these few have made a decision, our 13 parties will help them to cultivate their resources. These people are hidden in a secret place. Can communicate at any time.

I mean this way, we can't all modify the law of chaos, because our purpose is not to drive the chaotic beast, our purpose is to cultivate into a holy monk.

I do n’t need to say how difficult it is to become a holy monk. And what will happen to the road of chaos?

we do not know!

Those monks who had previously modified the law of chaos were lowered for a shorter time. And we are the peak of Tianzun. What will happen once we modify the law of chaos?

Therefore, I think that out of the 13 people, we can choose three. The three celestial beings gathered together for renovations and exchanges. The remaining ten defend the law for them. If any one becomes a holy monk, of course. If something goes wrong during the cultivation, it becomes a puppet that only knows about killing and completely loses his sense of mind. We ten should take a shot in time to kill it. "

Seeing the silence of the Celestial Master, Moog said, "I can change the law of chaos. Of course, if anyone wants to compete for this place, I can sell it."

The remaining twelve deities are lost in thought.

There is no doubt that revising the law of chaos involves huge risks. There is a great possibility that you will lose your mind and be killed. But there are also great opportunities. Gather all the resources of the demons and practice for the three celestial deities. Maybe they can really break through that level and become a holy master monk.

In the end, Mog, Moqing, and Lang Si were selected with three great deities to modify the law of chaos.

Three years passed in a hurry.

The whole fairyland is in a relatively radical state. Hundreds of monks have increased their strangulation against the Chaos, put a large number of altars, and reduce the area covered by the law of chaos.

In three years, the area covered by the law of chaos has been reduced by 10%, from 60% to 50%.

The law of chaos covers the area.

The bottom of the valley surrounded by craters.

With the immortal in the air, Chaos sat cross-legged. First frowned slightly, then slowly opened his eyes.

In these three years, he has made little progress.


Exhaling gently, a chaos spit out of his mouth, stood up, stepped forward, and disappeared into the ground.

The next moment, he was already standing in the void, and chaos spread out. Then he frowned tightly.

He saw the actions of hundreds of people, and instantly understood the plans of Xu Ziyan's seven holy master monks.

This is to shrink the area covered by the law of chaos at the fastest speed. When the area covered by the law of chaos is completely occupied by the altar, at that time, he loses the geographical position and can no longer escape the pursuit of the seven saints. The results speak for themselves.

Chaos stood in the air, thinking for a moment, and raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a sneer, his shape disappeared in the air.


Chaos stood on the peak of a peak on a crater, and as soon as he raised his hand, there were countless jade Janks floating in front of him, densely packed. His mysticism is divided into countless strands, and he transfers a derived method of repairing the law of chaos into the jade bamboo slips.

Withdrawing the sense of chaos, looking at Yujian in front of him, Chaos laughed:

"Hundreds, I don't believe that all of you monks can tolerate the temptation to become stronger. As long as you modify the law of chaos, you will become strong immediately, and then ... and then ... You will lose your mind, hahaha ... "


With a big wave of chaos, he gathered up the dense jade in front of him, and disappeared as soon as he stepped into the void.

It's a pretty continent.

Heavenly Sect.

Qin Shuang no longer refining elixir, but refining together with Zhen Lao to refine the banner. There was a sense of urgency in her heart at this time, because the five elements in one had been carried out for ninety-nine years. At most three years, she should be able to complete the five elements in one and then break through to human respect.


When she felt Hua Taixiang's call, she moved out of the town's demon tower when she thought.

"Too fragrant!"

Hua Taixiang stretched out her claws and pointed towards the outside of Xianyue Peak. Qin Shuang's soul spread out, and she saw Yang Yuzhu standing outside. With a wave of his sleeves, Qin Shuang cracked a gap. Yang Yuzhu walked down the steps and soon came to Qin Shuang's body.

"Elder Yang, already immortal! Is this just out of customs?" Qin Shuangxi said.

"Master, something happened!" Yang Yuzhu nervously said.

"What happened?" Qin Shuang also became serious.

"I went out of customs three days ago and saw that the suzerain and the others were retreating. I took over the suzerain matters. The disciple who was walking outside just now brought back a jade jade. Please see the suzerain."

Yang Yuzhu handed over a jade bamboo slip and Qin Shuang took it over. As soon as the power of the soul had penetrated, he immediately withdrew his face and became dignified:

"Where's that disciple?"

"I let him wait in Dongfu."

"Let him come right away."


Mid-mountain small building.

Qin Shuang and Yang Yuzhu both sat there solemnly, looking at a nine-day Xuanxian standing in front of them.

"Bai Yi, elaborate on this matter."

"Yes, Sovereign!" Bai Yi thought for a moment. "One month ago, I was in Zhuliufang City and participated in an underground auction. At that time, 80% of the exercises in this jade slip were sealed, leaving 20%. . Let those who participate in the auction watch the 20% at will.

After the disciples finished watching, they decided to take a picture. Because this matter is too serious.

After the disciples took pictures, their identity was revealed again, and the owner of this auction had to come out to see me. Said that this jade Jane had just received from a monk. And as far as he knows, there is more than one piece of jade on the barbarous continent. He knows that there are six of them and they have already been auctioned out in other cities. "


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