Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2562: century

Qin Shuang closed her eyes and silently felt this layer of diffused energy. She raised her eyebrows, and a little surprise appeared between her eyebrows.

"This energy ... the perfect combination of the five elements!" Qin Shuang opened his eyes and glanced around: "Although I have already combined the five elements, I have a very shallow understanding of the Five Elements Avenue. Find a place to retreat here. , Has a very powerful effect on understanding the Five Elements Avenue and then breaking through human respect. "

Qin looked around, then came between the two hills next to each other, and then reached out and pressed the ground between the two hills.

"Zizi ..."

A gap cracked in the ground, and then a downward passage slowly formed, and a first-level step was automatically formed.

The stairs formed more than a dozen steps, then stopped, and then under the steps, the earth under the ground quickly squeezed towards the Quartet, solidified, forming a Quartet wall, and a room was formed underground.

Qin Shuang retracted her hand and walked down the steps toward the bottom. When her figure disappeared on the ground, the crack began to close, and then grass grew, and no trace was seen.

Qin Shuang stood in the basement, and with both hands pulled a rune of signs, toward the ceiling, the ground, and the walls. Signs of runes fell in all directions, and Shishi became extremely strong. Like a stone wall. Then he smashed into some seals of isolation, and Qin Shuang stood up.

Qin sat on both seats, her legs wide, her eyes closed.

Her mind gradually merged with the heaven and earth here, immersed in cultivation.

Forget the mountains.

Seven holy monks gathered again around the stone tables in the valley. Every monk frowned. The Tiangong Palace sighed:

"Ten thousands of monks, now there are only two thousand left, and the rest are mad. Are we studying in the wrong direction?"

Lin Suifeng whispered: "But the remaining two thousand monks have made a breakthrough."

Cheng Buming shook his head and said, "But we have asked those monks. Although they have achieved a breakthrough, the killing in their hearts is even heavier. If they continue to cultivate and break through again, how many monks can still keep clear ? "

Ming Hao frowned tightly: "We have changed the exercises in Yujian. These are seven new exercises that we have developed over and over again. Since so many monks are still dead, it means that we still have a deduction. error."

"Of course there will be mistakes!" Zuo Yandao: "We just follow our understanding of the chaos law, and then draw a set of exercises from the jade Jane. No errors? "

The Tiangonggong nodded and said, "Yes, although we let the tens of thousands of monks cultivate, and from their reactions, we repeatedly modified them. But that was always someone else practicing, not our own experience. Purple smoke, mountain soul, you two how to think?"

Yanshan soul said: "Rehearsing the exercises for a breakthrough, this is not an overnight event, it may take hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years to slowly infer. This is not an urgent matter."

"Mountain Soul is right!" Xu Ziyan whispered softly, "Let's take it slowly."

A hundred years in a flash!


A large mountain is completely covered by the formation method. This is a huge hidden battle. The entire mountain is hidden from the air, and outside the formation method, a magic array is set up to cover up the truth.

At this moment, in a valley of this mountain.

Mo Ge, Mo Qing and Lang Si, the three great deities, were sitting opposite each other, meditating from time to time, and communicating from time to time. Above the cliff, there are ten big deities sitting cross-legged. From time to time, their eyes fell on the three celestial beings in the valley below, and occasionally they communicated with each other.

"Hundred years, although they have not entered the country clearly, they haven't seen anything wrong with them, and they haven't lost their minds."

"Just a hundred years, what obvious entry can we have? What do we all cultivate? The peak of Heavenly Supreme, the obvious entry, is to break through to the Holy Level."

"But they haven't lost their signs of intelligence, anyway, it's a good thing for us."

"How is it outside?"

"Our demons are okay. After the killing of a hundred years ago, we demons are afraid to modify the chaos law now. Or very few of them are secretly modified. In order to cover up Moge's research on the chaos law, we demons The monk who secretly changed the law of chaos, he was extremely fierce. As long as he found that not only he killed him, but his family was also killed. Therefore, our demons are now very stable. Other races also appreciate our demons and will not Think of Mogg who is studying the law of chaos. "

"That's good! What about outside the devil world?"

"It's messy, it's completely messy, hahaha ..."

"You know, on all continents, including the Continent, hundreds of millions of monks are stuck in a certain realm. They watched the monks they knew. They were not as good as their monks. They broke through the realm and will They are left behind. Can they be willing?

There are those who want revenge, those who want revenge, these need strength.

Can't break through, what can I do without strength?

They used to be suffering, but now they are different. They have one more option to modify the law of chaos. This is the only hope.

It is not that they do not know that the chaos will be lost. But once it doesn't?

Once this idea breeds, it will linger.

Therefore, over a hundred years, a large number of monks slowly modified the law of chaos. Some have lost their sage, some are still able to maintain their saneness, while others are constantly deriving and improving their exercises.

However, there are many monks who practice the Law of Chaos anyway. In the last ten years, various continents have reached an outbreak period. Almost every day, monks who modified the law of chaos went mad and killed everywhere. These monks have the lowest refining period, and the highest is Xiandi. From the current point of view, it seems that Xianzun has not modified the law of chaos. But this is enough. Except for our demon world, which is relatively calm, other continents have become a mess. "

"Okay! The more chaotic they are, the better they ignore our demons."

The ten Demon lords looked at each other and laughed.

It's a pretty continent.

Ancestral Hall of the Ancestral City.

Wuman River, Wumanye and Wumanshan sit in the hall.

Wumanshan wind and dust said, "Big brother, third brother, in the past 100 years, I have conquered eighteen and a half steps of human chaos, using them. I can control the chaos of the entire barbarian continent. How are you recovering? "

Wumanhe sighed: "Restore 30%. We were too injured."

"That Terran you?" Wumanshan asked.


Thank you very much seaphay (100), read carefully and study carefully (100), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100) for the reward!



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