Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2563: Five-color forbidden ground

The Wuman River sank: "At the time when the Chaos Beast Tide occurred, the human race lost a lot less than us. Later, we sent resources to help the Chaos Beast Tide expelled by us. So their casualties at that time Much lighter than us. It is said that it was because that Qin Shuang used her to rob and killed a lot of half-steps of the Chaos tribe.

Later, we went to aid the Shangyuan continent. We went to six million monks. Only tens of thousands of monks returned, but the human race returned nearly one million.

After that, I do n’t know what happened. The Chaos to the east of Lang Yuehe have migrated to our side, and Qin Shuang is very cunning. On the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, he bought a large number of altars, and launched countless east of Lang Yuehe Altar, so Chaos no longer want to go back to the east of Langyue River, to scourge our barbarians, you also know, our barbarians and Chaos race broke out a hundred years ago, with countless casualties. However, the human race has been recuperating. The human race reproduces fast, and for hundreds of years, it has been able to reproduce for generations. Now they have completely restored their strength a hundred years ago. If we continue this way, this savage continent does not know who it is. "

Wuman Mountain frowned, and his eyes showed a ruthless color: "Brother, the Chaos have multiplied a lot in 100 years. We must weaken the number of Chaos, otherwise even if I can't control them, they will ask us The barbarians are attacking insanely. It is better for me to drive them to cross the Langyue River and kill the Terrans. This will not only destroy the Terrans, but also weaken the Chaos Races, kill two birds with one stone. "

"Okay!" Wumanhe yelled, "Brother is waiting for this day. However, I don't think it is appropriate to attack the Heavenly Sect."

"Why?" Wumanshan asked.

Wu Manhe pondered: "At that time, the monk who could drive the Chaos tribe did not lay down the Heavenly Sect, which was too powerful."

Wumanshan thought about it too, and said, "Then I drove the Chaos to attack other places of the Terran, and in the end, there were only Heavenly Sects. Think of a way."

"Okay!" Wumanhe nodded. "But you have to hide yourself and not be discovered by the human race."

"What about discovery?" Wumanshan smiled proudly: "What do you think of me?"

"The people of the barbaric continent have no way to take you!" Wumanhe said gravely, "But once the people of the barbaric continent inform you of the people of the continent, you can think of the consequences. ? "

Wumanshan felt a stun in his heart and nodded, "Brother, I know. I will hide it. Once someone finds it, I will kill it, and I will not reveal my secret."

"That's it!"

Forget the mountains.

Xu Ziyan's seven holy master monks looked dignified.

Xu Ziyan condensed: "Dear friends, all monks who practice the Law of Chaos are mad and die now. We should determine a direction now."

"Which direction?" Tiangonggong asked.

"One is to continue to derive the law of chaos, and the other is to abandon the law of chaos and return to our original path of cultivation."

As soon as Xu Ziyan's words fell, the monks were silent. Halfway, Zuo Yandao: "I think we should continue to develop. The original cultivation path is a path that will no longer develop."

"However, if we want to continue to deduce the law of chaos, there will be no results in this way." Lin Suifeng said: "Only if we practice the law of chaos in person, can we find the right direction."

"I think you can try it!" Cheng Buming said, "We are holy monks, and our hearts are not so fragile. Those monks who do not work do not mean that we cannot."

Ming Hao nodded: "Okay, with our practice, once we find something wrong, it's too late to stop. What do you think?"

The monks' eyes gathered on Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. Xu Ziyan and Yan Shanhun looked at each other and nodded at the same time:

"Then try it."

Underground stone interior.

Qin Shuang remained silent, like a statue, already covered with dust. The whole person is like an illusion, without any trace of dust and vulgarity, completely integrated into the world.

At the same time, more than a dozen monks were flying over the mountain and saw the colored shrouds below. These dozens of monks, male and female, practice high or low.

Only a dozen people were very embarrassed. They fell on top of the mountain and looked back. They could dimly see the monks who chased them.

"Damn! We were stared to death. What should we do?"

A monk looked relatively calm: "What else can we do? We can only enter these five-color forbidden ground."

A dozen monks could not help but squirm.

"This five-color forbidden area is one of the top ten forbidden areas. After entering, it will be a lifetime!"

The woman glanced back at the chaser and said, "If you do n’t enter the Five-Color Forbidden Ground, you will have no death after ten deaths. If you enter the Five-Color Forbidden Ground, you will have nine death for one life. You choose."

"Come in! Afraid of a bird egg!"

Dozens of people were chasing troops closer and closer, and they couldn't help but hesitate, one by one, slicing into the five-color forbidden area.


If Qin Shuang was awake at this time, she would find that the five-color shrouded place has undergone earth-shaking changes in a century.

For hundreds of years, the law of chaos has been constantly decomposed, making this place even more strange. Not only have many natural Jedi born, but many monsters have also been born.

However, all these piano pairs do not know ...

It can't be said that she didn't know that she was here. In fact, everything she sees here is very clear, and it is because of watching these changes that she has a deeper understanding of the evolution of the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

But she was in the process of comprehension, she didn't realize it.

"Hmm ..."

Dozens of monks fell from the air on the mountain peaks, watching a dozen figures pierced into the five-color forbidden ground, their faces became very ugly.

"Brother, what should I do?"

"Two choices!" The master groaned for a moment and said, "One is that we leave here. The five-color forbidden ground is one of the top ten forbidden grounds. Those people enter there and die for nine lives.

Another option is that we also go in. Maybe we will die in it, but maybe we can kill the monks who practice the law of chaos, and we can get adventures and break through ourselves. "

Dozens of monks looked uncertain, and the first female monk who spoke first looked at the master and said:

"Brother, how do you choose?"

"I choose to go in!" Said the guru's eyes, "I've been stuck at the top of the fairy king for a long time. Instead of being unable to break through, I might as well go in and fight, maybe I can get a breakthrough."


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