Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2564: Chaos Monk

Having said that, he glanced at those dozens of monks: "Dear friends, this time I entered the five-color forbidden ground. The first purpose is to break through. This is for personal, not public. So you don't have to follow me. If you want to go in and fight, follow me in. If you don't want to go in, you can leave. "

At the moment, more than twenty monks quit, and the remaining twenty monks were at the pinnacle of their respective realms. It seemed that they wanted to go in and have a chance.


The big brother sang and took the lead in flying towards the colorless forbidden ground, and the remaining twenty monks also flew into the colorless forbidden ground.

As soon as they entered the five-color forbidden ground, the eyes of these twenty monks were bright because they saw the dozen monks who practiced the law of chaos, standing not far from them. There was a ruin there, and there was a There is a bridge over the river. At this moment the dozen chaotic monks were standing under a bridge by the river.

At this moment a **** monk was walking on the bridge. The monk laughed loudly as he walked, but his muscles fell down piece by piece. When he reached the middle of the bridge, all his muscles and internal organs had been emptied. Only a skeleton skeleton walked on the bridge, then the bones scattered down and fell on the bridge.

More than twenty brothers originally wanted to attack the dozen chaotic monks, but with their mouths wide open, stood there in shock, looking at everything that happened. At this time, the dozen chaos monks also heard the movement behind them, and when they looked back, they were surprised. They did not expect that those who pursued them would enter the Five-Color Forbidden Land. Frightened by what happened on the bridge, his mentality has collapsed, and he immediately yelled:

"Fight with them!"


Immediately sacrifice the fairy sword, blasted towards the opponent.

When the flying sword was flying out, it was divided into two, two, and four. It turned into countless swords, and it was like a mountain.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The opposite master danced out a curtain of swords, shrouded his own side, and blocked the sword lights out of the sword curtain.

The Chaos monk sank, looking back at the bridge, hesitated, and finally did not dare to rush to the bridge. His eyes started to go crazy, and he rushed towards the monks.

The two sides quickly fought together, and each time a monk died, the body would quickly disintegrate, and the sperm of one body was absorbed by the five-color forbidden area, leaving only a pile of bones.

"Om ..."

In the underground stone room between the two hills, Qin's body shook. A lingering breath erupted from her body, and that breath broke through the symbol of Qin Shuang on the wall, and broke out of the ground, like a raging smoke into the sky.

Qin Shuang broke through!

After a century of retreat, Qin Shuang finally broke into the period of human respect.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shuang still converged, holding her seal with both hands, slap into her body, her breakthrough breath was hidden.

At this moment, Qin Shuang was relieved, exulting.

The feeling of being locked up by Tianjie disappeared, and she just broke through. She was not ready to cross the gang, she had to be familiar with her body and settle her realm. This way he is more confident.


I remember when I broke into the world just now, I seemed to see someone fighting. She closed her eyes, but then opened her eyes again. She found it very difficult to enter that state after coming out of the state of being integrated into this world.

"Only with mystery!"

Qin Shuang explored Xuan Shi and his face changed.

It has become so unknown to her!

It was originally a ruin, but at this time it became strange. There are mountains and rivers, there are all kinds of places, the Jedi at first sight, or the blessed land at first sight. There are countless monsters, and even things that are not monsters, but like ghosts.

And she found that her mysticism was effective in some places and suppressed in some places. She vaguely remembered the place where the crowds were fighting, and when they met the place where they suppressed metaphysics, they went around to find another way. Thanks to her metaphysics, it took half a quarter of an hour to finally let her see the battlefield.

Seven skeletons had been lying on the ground at this time, and the fighting between the two sides was fierce.

"Monks who practice the Law of Chaos!"

At a glance, Qin Shuang saw that more than a dozen monks had practiced the law of chaos, and now she is respected and has a deeper understanding of the law.

And the monk who practiced the law of chaos is indeed much stronger. Although the number is less than the opponent, once he is desperate at this time, he is not crushed by the opponent. However, it is still at a disadvantage. If it continues, the monks on the master's side will be damaged by more than half, but the monks of Chaos will be killed.


Qin Shuang frowned slightly. She saw the other side of the bridge at this time, and did not know when a monk appeared. The monk had a very sturdy face and two scars on his face. Seeing is not easy to get along with. And there was a breath of chaos in that man.

The man suddenly moved and saw that man step on the bridge. But it is not straight, but left for a while, right for a while, in short, there are certain rules.

Soon, the monk walked across the bridge. Standing in front of the bridge, the monk stretched out a thumb and pressed in the direction of the big brother.

"Om ..."

A huge thumb appeared in the air, and it was severely pressed against the monks on the side of the three masters, and the bodies of the three monks burst instantly. The big brother's expression changed greatly, his figure broke down, and he yelled:


The monk in front of the bridge did not hunt down the group of brothers. Gazes turned to the remaining nine Chaos monks. The nine Chaos monks were shocked at first. When they felt the chaos breath on the people in front of the bridge, they couldn't help but take a few steps forward and bowed in salute:

"Meet seniors."

"follow me!"

The monk turned and stepped on the bridge: "Follow my steps!"

A group of people passed the small bridge, led by the monk, bypassed the Jedi, and came to a valley. Qin Shuang's profound knowledge followed that group of people. Secretly in my heart:

"I didn't expect so many changes in a century!"

The man brought nine Chaos monks into the valley, and Qin Shuang saw the cliffs in the valley, and there were thousands of cave houses. At this time in the valley, there were still some chaos monks. When they saw ten people coming in, someone laughed:

"Lao Ling, are there new people coming in?"

"Is the leader in Dongfu?" Old Ling said.


Lao Ling turned to the nine people and said, "Come with me!"


Many thanks to seaphay (100), Ke Weiri (100) for the reward!



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