Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2567: Cardinal

"This is ..." Qin Shuang searched in his memory, and then his eyes were surprised: "This is the source stone!"

Qin Shuang is now very fortunate to be here so early. She estimates that the formation of the five-color forbidden land will only take decades, because when she came in a hundred years ago, it had not yet formed. Over the decades, it has grown so horrible and born such a treasure.

This did not attract the attention of those immortal powers. If they were noticed, where would they have the opportunity to pick up treasures themselves?

Was searched for a long time!

In fact, it is exactly the same!

The so-called Top Ten Forbidden Grounds were rendered by many monks. But many, it means that the strength is not enough. Xianzun is not interested in this newly born place.

What's more, in the past 100 years, the entire immortal world has been chaotic because of the chaos monks, and all parties are anxious to search and destroy the chaos monks. Where is the time and energy to explore the forbidden areas of all parties?

And this five-color forbidden field is really an extremely dangerous place for monks who respect it. If you think about it, all of the wind valleys can have the effect of quenching the piano double that is already a seven-layer body. The monks below the honor came to this place, but it was not scummed.

However, Qin Shuang firmly believes that in a hundred years or so, I am afraid that a large number of monks will come here to dig various treasures.

Qin Shuang began to practice here. Forty or more days later, when Qin Shuang stood in front of the ball-shaped stone, his face showed disappointment. This source of wind stone only raised her body to the eighth level of human respect, which would have no effect on her.

"Take it home."

Qin Shuang took the source stone into the town's demon tower, and the hurricane in the entire canyon disappeared instantly. Qin Shuang continued to search for various treasures in the five-color forbidden area.

There are all kinds of precious herbs, there are also thunder source stones such as wind source stones, earth source stones and so on. However, they are similar to Fengyuan Stone, and the power is not too strong. However, Qin Shuang is not in a hurry, and nourished in the town's demon tower, they can still grow up.

At the same time, Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun had more than a hundred people, with the existence of those two people. This five-color forbidden area was surprising to Xu Nianzu and their more than 100 people. Along the way, while looking for traces of monk activities, they cheerfully collected all kinds of natural treasures. It is also because they are looking for traces of monk activities, so their direction is exactly the opposite of Qin Shuang, approaching the valley where the chaotic monks lived little by little.

In fact, Xu Nianzu and their team collected more than one-tenth of the natural treasures collected by the team. This is because the celestial treasures in this area are almost collected by Chaos monks. Only in some high-level and high-risk areas that those monks of Chaos could not collect, they were rushed in by the two people to the summit and took Xu Nianzu and others to collect various natural treasures. It's just that these traces collected by the Chaos monks have brought them closer and closer to the valley.

This is cheaper than Qin Shuang. The direction she chose was to run counter to the valley where the monk Chaos lived, so she went in the direction of undeveloped virgin land, just like picking treasure. She felt that returning with these treasures of heaven and earth would allow Tianxing Zong to cultivate a lot of treasures.

Along the way, she has also slaughtered with the monsters born here, but has not encountered any monsters that can threaten her.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Qin Shuang paused and looked back. Then they saw a sky roar down.

"Someone crosses! That's the direction of the valley where the Chaos monks live. Is there a chaos monk?"

Qin Shuang narrowed his eyes slightly and judged, a little flash of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"This is the Immortal Emperor?"


A sky robbery crashed down and bombarded Xu Kaiyun's head. On the way, Xu Kaiyun dug a lot of natural treasures in the Five-Color Forbidden Land. After eating, he even broke through to the Emperor Xian in one fell swoop.

Not bad!

It's Xianhuang, not Xiandi.

The two respected the peak and looked at Xu Kaiyun from the distance, with emotion in their eyes.

"These five spiritual roots are different. Tianjie is so powerful. Is this the emperor?"

"Yeah! That's why they are strong!"

"Tai Xuzong has Nianzu and Kaiyun, and can prosper."

In the distance, Feng Tianchang and Ao Jiao looked at Tianjie, both of them looked dignified.

"Brother Ao, should we start?"

Ao Jiao shook his head and said, "What is it anxious? It just broke through the Emperor's Emperor. It is more powerful, and now it is a small role. What we have to watch out for are the two who are too virtuosi. Quite a few, who knows if they both carry treasures?

Two people respect the pinnacle. If they carry treasures on their bodies, even the two of us will feel trouble. Therefore, let those chaos monks try first. Look at the traces around them, they should be about to bow their heads, let's just watch the liveliness. "

Feng Tian nodded long and a smile appeared on his face: "I did not expect this five-color forbidden land to be a treasure land that has just formed. When the matter is over, the two of us will thoroughly search here. It is estimated that we will go back to retreat for a while, then Able to break through. "

"Good!" Ao Jiao nodded happily.

At this time, Xu Nianzu and others were lining up in a line and snaked along a path. The trail is treated as a twist on both sides as space. There are also large and small colors as bubbles.

This path stretched beyond three miles and was blocked by a huge air bubble. Without passing through this bubble, it was impossible to move forward.

Soon, a group of people came to this gray as a bubble. There is no road ahead, and without going through this bubble, there is nothing but turning back. However, looking at the traces left by the Chaos monks, it is clear that the chaos monks often shuttle this bubble. But the color of this bubble is different from other bubbles. The whole bubble is a kind of gray, which makes Xu Nianzu and others doubt whether the bubble is a chaotic world without decomposition?

The summit of the two people is only the guardianship of Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun, so both of them look to Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun.

"Come in!"

Xu Nianzu sang softly and was the first to penetrate into the gray bubbles.

The sky was gloomy. When I entered the gray bubbles, I found that the space inside was not gray, but was pale. It is gray from the outside of the bubble, it should be due to the refraction of light.

This bubble is very big, and you can't see the margin at a glance, there are mountains and rivers. At this point, there was a canyon a few miles away from them, and above the canyon stood two Chaos monks.


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