Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2568: breakthrough

Both monks wore bleak white robes, blended with the surrounding colors, and then converged, making it difficult to see their presence.

The two chaotic monks looked at Xu Nianzu, who was coming from a distance, and more than a hundred monks, and there were strong killings in their eyes:

"They still found us."

"This is something sooner or later!" Another Chaos monk said. "Did everyone in the valley have withdrawn?"

"Everything is pulled out, but here is our place. We know much about the surrounding environment than they do. Let's play with them slowly, kill them, and make this place a real forbidden area."

"Let me give them breakfast first!"

A monk with a big nose on the left took out a Xiao and blew it on his lips. However, no voice came out. But there was a mysterious shock, spreading silently away.


There was a dense rustling sound from far to near in the entire bubble space, and then there were countless slap-white, huge white lizards, and Xu Nianzu gathered from all directions.

"Hopefully destroy these monks," the chaotic monk on the right said.

The chaos monk on the left, while blowing his flute, conveyed with a sense of consciousness: "It's all right, this is just breakfast. There is a meal prepared by the leader for them."

"Hey ..."

In a lush forest, the leaves are extremely lush, making the woods extremely dark. Xu Nianzu turned from the back of a big tree, and Xu Kaiyun turned from the other side of the big tree. The cloud in the sky cracked a gap at this moment, and the colorful light fell from the gap, just under the feet of both of them.

The clouds in the sky fluttered, and the light and shadow at the feet followed, gradually shining light on the bodies of Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun, as if they were covered with a layer of color.

Both stood under the tree and looked out of the woods. Behind them, the more than a hundred monks also stood quietly without making a sound.

"Brother Kaiyun, we just seem to feel a mysterious wave in the space." Xu Nianzu glanced around, eyes full of alertness.

"Hmm!" Xu Kaiyun also whispered softly: "It's a rhythm of sound work, we should have been discovered. Chaos monk is using sound work to target us."

"But that fluctuation wasn't as aggressive."

"That should be driving some monsters to attack us." Xu Kaiyun strode forward: "Ready to fight."

"Treading ..."

Xu Nianzu came out of the woods with a group of monks and said, "Since that is the case, we don't have to hide it, just touch the other side with the light and see how strong they are!"

Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun ran side by side in the direction of the canyon, and the two peaked behind them. More than a hundred monks have each sacrificed weapons.

"They are no longer careful!" The big nose monk on the left, above the cliffs of the canyon, said, "They found us."

The face of the flute monk also changed: "Someone who knows the sound skills."

"How to do?"

"Go and inform the leader!"

The two Chaos monks turned and left, but suddenly a large hand appeared from the air, grabbed at them, and grabbed their bodies with their palms.

The two Chaos monks did not panic, but each took a rune from the storage ring, the activated rune, the Yuanli hand that was retracting towards Xu Nianzu suddenly appeared two holes, two figures then He flew out of the cave, and then saw two people raise their hands one by one. Each Fuyu became a chaotic monk like them, fled in all directions.

Xu Nianzu said something in his mouth, stretched out his slim hand, and held it in front of him.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The figures of monk Chaos exploded in the air, leaving only two figures fled hurriedly towards the distance.


After seeing an immortal emperor, he took out a pair of gold scissors and cut them into the air.

A huge scissors shadow appeared in the air, cutting a monk's waist. The internal organs spilled from the air, and two bodies fell to the ground.

"Om ..."

A net suddenly appeared on the head of the chaotic monk with the big nose, covering his body all at once. Then the net flew back and landed in front of an immortal emperor.

"Master, what does this man do?"

"Interrogation!" Xu Nianzu yelled.

Xu Kaiyun did not care about the chaotic monk caught, but frowned slightly, looking around.


The sound of rain hitting plantains rang around, and the sound became louder and denser.

"Hey ..." The chaotic monk in the net laughed wildly: "You all have to die ..."

"Kill, meet the enemy!" Xu Kaiyun yelled.

"Bang!" The monk who released the net-shaped fairy smashed the head of the monk with a big nose and closed the net.

At this time, in their field of vision, they could already see that the ground was undulating, like a wave.

"What is this?"

"Like a lizard!"

"Why is this pale color?"

When Xu Nianzu stepped forward, a sea of ​​fire formed at his feet and spread toward the front.

"Cross the canyon!"

The sea of ​​fire spread forward, countless lizards were burned to ashes, and a nasty smell permeated the air.

However, more lizards came over and actually crushed the sea of ​​fire.

"Boom boom boom ..."

More than a hundred monks each released the Dafa, and the two did not take the shot. The two of them immediately followed Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun and were ready to release at any time to rescue the dangerous Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun.

Xu Kaiyun calmly looked at the battlefield while releasing the Tao. The blast of Dafa was mixed with the hissing of a lizard.

In the direction opposite them, Qin Shuang stopped suddenly and looked back.

There was a loud roar over there.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, a slight buzz came from her body, and her breath began to rise. A layer of multicolored light, faintly transmitted from the body.

Qin Shuang quickly helped her hand, and between her hands, five seal signs appeared in succession and broke into her body.

The faint five-colored light was re-entered into the body, and the rising breath dropped back.


Qin Shuang exhaled softly: "Some cannot hold it!"

In these days, Qin Shuang is constantly searching for natural treasures and constant explorations. Gradually, the realm has been consolidated, and some ca n’t hold back the celestial calamities.

"Breakthrough here is relatively safe!"


Many thanks to seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), and white leaves qaq (100) for their rewards!



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